Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 527, first encounter

Yaron see what they want to tell has been conveyed. The next thing is the professional category of Druj, and there is nothing to do, seeing, he wants to leave the jade dreams in front of him.

At the time, it is necessary to rush from the position of Haygar mountain. It is only a spell in Mafari. He feels blurred in Mafei, he feels that the eye is blurred, and when you blink, it is already back to the sea Duyi sleeps in the Druid of Galhan.

Although the jade dreams are famous, but in fact, it can be seen as a real existence world, and there is a set of rules between the two worlds. Aaron is not Druid, and there is no need to learn more about this, just need I know that I have different ways to enter and exit.

When Aaron opened his eyes, just saw a slightly curious eagle head to his face. At first glance, Yararn was scared, and then looked carefully. Lisa only flying eagle.

Note that Yadun woke up, the flying eagle lightning made a sharp excitement, it seems to be reminded.

Aaron saw a smile and gently smooth the feathers after the flashback neck, whispered: "Is your master to watch me here?"

Lightning slightly vibrate wings, gently jumped on the ground, issued two shortcomings, sounded like answered Aaron's question.

"You can listen to what I am talking about." Yarlen is a bit surprised to see lightning, after the training of Win Liba, the lightning is indeed a tacit cooperation with Win Bisa, but Yarren thought that Wen Lisa is summoned with the pet's technology. It is now related to the high ideas of lightning itself.

"It's a descendant of Luo," Alan said with his clothes, saying that the lightning said, "Do you have the opportunity to grow like a raptor? Forget it, don't dream, you can grow a little more Also very good. "

"Are you awake? Is it smooth?" Wen Leda is just not far away from here, otherwise there is no way to inform her, seeing Aaron has stood up, while gently touching his shoulders The lightning on the lightning is rewarded and asked.

Alennot nodded: "I have already told Mafa Rio, but they have already noticed the problem of dreams, I have a reminder that it doesn't seem to have it."

"You can't say this, Yaron your reminder is still very important to us." At this time, Vorder has already woke up, just heard Aaron and Win Leds, so said, " Your reminder, the teacher will know that Savis will want to spread the dream to the reality, and we will also strengthen the preparation for this. "

Speaking here, Van Dal reveals the expression of some headaches: "Hey, I have to go to the contestant priest to discuss this matter, at least those who are scattered in the nearby Sart, pay attention."

So said, Van Dal is rushing to go out, and actually loses Aaron and Win Led behind.

"Waiting, Luo Madrude," Yalun shouted a scorpion, Van Dal did not respond, there is no response under the feet, and it has disappeared in Aaron's field of view.

"Don't shout, I can't hear it." Win Leds said while teasing lightning, "We are also going out, I always feel that there is a strange taste in this, lightning, don't like it, right ,lightning?"

The flying eagle lightning emits two rings, which seems to agree with Win Leds.

"It is a ghost that a ram poultry can like this place." Aaron spitted a sentence, glanced at the environment around it, "We also go, there is something to do."

Although the underground cave is built widely, it is very wide, it is a closed environment, but the flying eagle will only say that it is a special basis.

If Wen Leda is told to light the lightning to help look at Aaron, the lightning will not fly to the ground, now it is difficult to leave, the lightning is just over the sky, and it has to be a few days. Stick to the ground.

"Wait, Aaron, how do we go here ..." Win Leds looked at the lightning and flying high, turned to see, Aaron has waited for her, but the direction of Aaron is not like It is the direction to Nodandhill.

Aarn referred to the front and explained to Wen Leds: "I have already asked Van Dal before, and the prison of Ilidan is in front."

Just in the jade dream, Aaron had already listened to Yilan 's position, but Aaron did not say that he would want to find Elidan - this guy's reputation in the dark night elf has been bad. He is over, he is the message of the watchmaker at the side of the watch hearing.

Although Van Dal is very curious about the news of Aaron to listen to the watchman, he is not too curious about Aaron's purpose, answering it, this is not what is worthy of confidential news, most of the night elves know where the watchman is .

To put it up, although the current headquarters of the watchman is still in the range of Hamer Mountain, it is still very far from Noda Hill, on the one hand, because of a large number of dangerous prisoners in their homes - including Yilidan Inside, on the other hand, you have to talk about the Watter's leader Movian song. This once the relationship between the priests and Tyranides are not very good. Both parties are basically like seeing That doctors, Mavar simply put their headquarters outside Nodid Hill.

Of course, the watchman is not just the relationship between Tel Dede, and the relationship between Druid is also very poor. Even in the unusual night elf, the name of this mysterious troops is not very good, who makes them play The role of jailers.

Outside the headquarters of the watchman, you can see a lot of guards wearing the whole body green armor and wear a full enclosure of helmets, remove these well guards, secretly hidden many guards - the talents of the night elves are I hide my shadow, and the fool knows that the guards in this place are definitely very strict.

"Be careful, some people are lurking." Win Leds had been noticed, reminding Aaron.

Aarlenn heads to tell themselves, he is also hesitant to hand over this watch at this moment, after all, these people in the game, especially their leaders, I am not very impressive.

Soon, Aaron didn't have to hesitate, and the watchman who had lurked in the dark will surround them in the middle: "Don't move, who you are ?! Say!"

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