Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 529 Subsiting Preparation Work

After returning to Nodandhill, Aaron and Winbida found Sandis. This sentinel commander didn't actually be in Nodahir, her main task is still training recruits on the gray valley. And the safety of the guardian border, but the current time she just met a little thing, stayed in Noda Hill, but fortunately she hadn't left, otherwise, Yararn really didn't know where to find her.

"You are said, do you want to mix into the watchmaker's prison?" Sandis did not show what surprised by the idea of ​​Aaron. He thought about it, and he guess said: "Do you want to go to Yilidan? "

"You ... how do you know?" Aaron looked at Sandis, saying that I didn't mention the things of Schindra with others. Is there anything about this matter after V Vord?

"Because I can't think of who is you know." Sandis said with a smile, and then he said: "You should also know that Mavar and my mother's relationship? You want Looking for me to help, I may have no way, those watchtors are unlikely to give me this face. "

"I don't think this," Aaron put his hand. He didn't think that Sandis came to make the watchmaker allowed him to go, it is not too likely that Tyran is an estimate. "I want to know a little." Watter's information, such as their training, organizing the structure of the architecture, these should always know? "

"I really understand these things, telling you that there is no relationship," Sandis nodded, but she still has another question: "But to say that these things need to be a long time, before this, you can tell you first How do you plan to mix it? Well, you shouldn't be ... "

"Just like this." Yarun did not wait for Sandis to finish, start turning into toys, a magical magical light flaming, Aaron turned into a full armed watchman, compared to the title of the top, Just a pair of ring hoes.

"This ... is also true?" Win Lisa ghosts walked to Aaron, reaching out and gently tapping the chest of Aaron - the watchman's armor is a woman, Aaron is Set of nature, green breasts, the sound of "empty", she nodded: "It turned out to be empty."

When you say this, Wen Leds' words implies a little gratified and ... a little regret?

"Cough, play hands." Aaron opened Wen Ledza's hand, and looked down at the armor on his body. The watchman's helmet should still be strong, but Aaron is not very Adapting to the situation that you have covered by your head, now he can only observe the world from the narrow vision provided by the gap of the helmet.

"Wait a minute, I have a problem," Sandis is on the side, the opening: "Yarar, what should your voice?"

Wen Led Shawn nodded, "This is indeed a problem, and you don't understand Carto Liren ..."

"About this, I have a self-improvement." Aaron's helmet issued a slightly dull voice, heard this sentence, Win Libs and Sandis have a little hair, because this sentence is completely a card Multi-language, and a very nice female voice, Win Leps first responded: "Is Salas?"

"Yes, it is me." There is slightly helpless in Saratas's voice, and she doesn't want to mix this.

Aaron's idea is not complicated. He uses transformed toys into the watchmake, let Saratas help him say, so that the biggest difficulty in mixing the watch is solved.

However, only this is not enough, just this set of camouflage is not enough to allow Aaron to mix into the watchman, and this part requires Sandis to provide useful information.

Although it is not good with the watchman, or because of the watchman is not good, Sandis's understanding of this special force can be said to be quite meticulous. After these things, Yarren will be dismantled by the watch. It is greatly reduced.

"I can understand these." After Sandis finished, I said to Aaron. "If you want to hear this information, it is not easy. If you have any questions, don't blame me to give you a fake message. "

Alennot nodded, these things are also the probability that he mixed, it is impossible to do things.

"Okay, can you tell me what you want to do?" Sandis saw that Aaron was ready, it seems to have finally thinking about the purpose of Asking Aaron.

"If I say that I am actually going to put the prisoners of the watchman." Yarar deliberately put on a very anti-Pistaratory expression, scared to Sandis.

Didn't think that Sandis and Winbis smiled almost at the same time, Sandis said, "Your joke is not very funny, okay, let's go, if you think when you feel, then Let's talk to me. "

Seeing Sandis's reaction, Aaron consciously discussed a borus: "Nothing can't say, but I have to have passed now, if you really want to know, you can ask Win Leds."

Because this involves information on the inside of the Night Elf, Wen Leda takes the initiative to avoid the suspicion, did not come over with Aaron. When Yaren left, I was seeing Win Leds probes in the house.

Aaron smiled and said: "If you want to listen, just listen directly, Sandis did not say not let you listen."

Wen Leds has exposed a pair of expressions you don't understand: "You go to your business, come back, I don't want to continue here."

"Well, I will soon." Yalun said with a smile: "If the progress is smooth, it should not be used for too long."

The idea of ​​Aaron's heart is that Marvi doesn't hide Ilidan hidden. The longer it is, the longer it is, the greater the risk of exposure.

With this idea, Aaron bid farewell to Wen Leds, summoning the gates, flying towards the headquarters headquarters.

The Win Bisa left in the land is noted, and the Sandis who left Alan with himself. Sandith took note of Win Leds to look at themselves, hurriedly, hiding his embarrassment.

"Miss Feng, you should have time this time?" Sandis thought, said to Win Liba, "I also need to stay in the Eastern Kingdom of the Eastern Kingdom this time." Can you talk to me? Things, the last time I went to the eastern kingdom for a long time. "

"Okay," Win Lisa chatted with Sandis, while he said in his heart: "It seems that this time is not too boring."

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