Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 539 Trial of Twilight

"Enemy?" Aaron has not responded, and suddenly heard a mess around the camp, and there is a short and strong explosion.

The mechanical gnomes in the campsite heard this movement and immediately hit the "enemy!" "Everyone!" "Give them a good look!"

This group of machinery gnobs put down the original work in his hand, and ran to the machinery and weapons on the other side, and fell into the weapons, and these machinery gnome was scattered to the camp. Always prepare to give the enemy's hush, only leaving Aaron and Win Leds, staying in the face.

"This is a bit suddenly ..." Yadun scratched his head, looked at the camp to enter the state of war, and hurriedly took out the weapon, looking for the trail of the enemy.

At this time, Garina has been in contact with the goal of her discovery, which is a humanoid-soil element consisting of several pieces.

"Let this gain around the camp?" Yalun looked at the soil element, this big goal, saying that as long as you enter the camp, you can see it, which is like this to discover the distance. The truth, the soil element is not a wind element, and it will fly.

"I didn't see it just now ..." Win Lisa is standing around Aaron, and it is also a bit confusing in the tone. However, carefully looked around the elements and the battlefield of Garron, Win Leds suddenly had a discovery: "Aaron, you look there."

"Where?" Yalun looked at it, blinked, saw a pothole on the ground, it seems that the earth element is drilled from the pit, "There is a pit, there may be ..."

The Aren did not finish it. I saw that the ground around the camp has a lot of fluctuations such as water waves. After the fluctuations, there are more than ten kinds of potholes just just now, and these pit caves are As you have just drilled out a lot of organisms, among which is not single, there are fire elements and wind elements, only water elements are scarce.

From the shape, these elements are relatively simple, but their own characteristics are reflected, and the skin of the skin thickness is in the forehead. The fire is in the back to the camp, and the wind is lost. It is rising to the air to disturb the camp with lightning and wind.

Of course, since the mechanical gnomes in the camp have been discovered by the enemy, they will not let these guys are easy to rush, first, the mechanical gnome that is controlled by remote weapons, and the fire-fighting bullets depending on the fire. The remote weapon shape used by the mechanical gnome is very much like a firearmeter, but the launch is not a bullet, but a variety of energy rays, and a timely camp is full of cross-intensive returns.

Even if the body of the soil element is strong, it has paid a serious price in the face of such a fire, but these elements are still on the counterattack of the camp to rush enough to make their attacks into the camp.

In addition to the attack of fire elements and wind elements, the soil element also manipulates the falling stone to attack the camp, and the weapon that is not mechanically gnombled in this time also has a problem with the use of time, and the firepower of the block is gradually Weakened down.

"You can't do it." Galla didn't know when he had returned to the camp, even if she was full of hatred to the twilight, she won't let herself surrounded by the elements, it is not avengement. It is dying.

"Upper up." Without waiting for Aaron to answer, the mechanical gnome will have a reaction first. After the remote weapon is gradually difficult to play, the mechanical gnome is simply giving up the position, turning on a single shot on a slightly simple Metal chariot.

With the excitement of mechanical gnomes, these rushing metal battles rushed out of the camp, even the simple fence of the periphery of the camp was hit.

There are also some things that look like a mechanic and a large number of strange robots, this metal army hits the elements of the elements, the singularity of the elements and the impact of the mechanical parts It is mixed together, and there is also a shouting sound of mechanical gnomes.

Mechanical gnomes can be combined for the first time, and the elements will be sealed into the element plane, and there is also a manner of mechanical gnomes. It is so familiar to see the familiar but a small enemy is so easy to deal with, these Mechanical gnome is unhappy.

"This is really lively." Seeing that mechanical gnome gradually accounted for the wind, Aaron's mentality also became easily, and commented on the lively battlefield.

Wen Leds tried to raise the bow and wanted to hunt a few goals. A aiming there were aiming for a few times and gave up the thoughts of shooting. "It is a bit chaos, it is not easy to do."

"An Xin, you don't have a problem."

"But someone doesn't think so." Win Leds quietly refers to the expression of Jagna, the expression of the half-citarecase, seeing her eyes, it seems that the battlefield that has become a group, falling behind the elements. .

Note that Aaron and Winbida's eyes look at themselves, Garron briefly explained a sentence: "The people of the twilight are hidden behind, be careful."

"Oh," Aaron took the first head, said how he forgot the twilight, these elements must be in the back, or they can play, the four elements of hatred Can be nor fine.

"But don't worry, the enemy will not be too much." Garna suddenly said, the expression on his face was a little relaxed. She made her a better understanding of the twilight. "" May just want to try Let's take the strength of this camp. "

"Then what do you think of the twilight?"

"It should be withdrawn directly. These gnome's strength is still strong," Jaranna explained, "this camp showed a much higher combat power than these elements. "

The development of the situation is also expected by Galone. After this batch of elements are fully exploited by the mechanical gnom, there is no other enemy, and even if the pothole on the ground does not know when it is filled, Mechanical gnomes try to re-excavate, but there is no match - thereof element auxiliary, excavate the authentic or a non-traceful look. It can be said to be light.

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