Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 549, behind the scenes

"McGenden, wait for me, I will go to resurrect you." Agvin stretched out the magic diary that was taken away by the spell of Aisola, and the whole person slammed up, struggling to get up, But because of the binding spell of Blue Dragon, it could not succeed.

"Let me go! Let me go! My son is still waiting for me!" Agvin finally opened the spells that were applied to themselves, attempted to break away while roaring, and there is also a faint voice A little crying, not like a guardian who experienced a lot of experience.

"Aaron, you look at her eyes." Win Liss pointed to the eyes of Aigsin, at this moment, I GG is looking away from the direction of the binding, just like Madi Waiting, this is the same, this angle makes this angle make At the angle of Aaron, I couldn't see the other eyes. I only wrapped over. As a result, I saw a black red vortex in the eyes of EG.

"It's a dream." Yalun looked at the vortex in the Eigu, and waved a holy light to the other side. After the baptism of Shengguang, the emotions were slightly calm, but the mouth was still at the name, Until Aaron repeated a few times, confirmed that there was no dream residue in the Eig, and EGG was calm down, even quietly.

"This is no problem?" Wen Lisa gave a dramatic, but also asked Eig Wen: "How does it seem to be stupid?"

"Maybe there is no reaction." Aaron suffered a low volume, didn't wait for him to say something, then see the Eig Wen's light flashed, those spells that bind her, she was eliminated one by one, she just stood up.

"Hey? How do you ..." Aisore shouted out, he did not relieve the binding spells of the other party, Agvin actually stood up, this made this blue dragon feel A bit frustrated.

Agvin looked at Essore, said faintly: "I know a Blue Dragon called Canana Herz, and his spell is much better than you."

"Akanona Herr? The guy ... How can he be more than me ..." Aisore wants to refute it, but it is obviously a little guilty. This blue dragon still has some self-knowledge, and Agvin makes judgments. In fact, it is also recognized.

Aaron see Eigu has returned to normal, asked: "Ms. Eig, you feel now ... how?"

"I don't feel good, thank you, thank you." Agvin looked at Allen, and his eyes turned back to the northwest, looked at that direction quietly. "I didn't expect that I saw it is fantasy. I thought that it was really my son. "

"It seems that you have realized what happened, but you didn't necessarily not be Maddi text." Yarun hesitated, or asked: "Can you tell me what you saw? Is it where have you touched the dream? "

"I saw it ... my son's soul." EGEN is even aware of himself being influenced by some external factors, but she recalls the various scenarios you see in half awake, or it is inevitable. Come.

For example, she said that she learned that her son had died, they consciously left the Eastern Kingdom, which was turned to Calmo.

The Egg text is to think of this strange land to change your mood, but she didn't expect her that after her and a group of bearings in the north of Ezala, those bear monsters became a little quirky. The bear monsters that were originally better than the fighting, it seems to have changed, and it began to get contradict Agvin, and it seems to be a faint to prepare for the fight.

"I wanted to investigate what happened to investigate the bear monsters." Agvin recalled the scene at the time. It was the last memory before the dream of corruption. "The results saw that they were sacrificing a very strange monster, but that one The monster found me, but the guy was just watching me, didn't do anything, but since then, I started to dream my son. "

After leaving, Agvin began to be a nightmare that his son was tortured by the devil, gradually, this dream gradually became clear, in the dream, McGenden began to communicate with Eigman.

McGenden told himself that he would make these things, because he was controlled by Saglas, now his body is dead, and his soul is imprisoned by Sadlas in distorted void. Hell to suffer from various torture.

Agvin looked at the pain suffered by his son, and took the initiative to make something to do for his son. The means learned will be resurrected.

"So you ran to grab my diary?" Aisore ruin asked if I couldn't understand, "What is the relationship with my diary, I am Blue Dragon, if you want to resurrect, you have to find it. Red dragon. "

Agvin looked at Essoreus, while remaining: "My son ... No, the guy who poses my son tells me that some content on your diary helps to wake up a great existence, want Resurrection, you must release the great existence. "

"I have these things on my diary." Aisore was surprised to look at their diary, he did record many experimental related things above, but what is the great existence related? He didn't know something.

"No, I still have something." Aaron looked at Eisore, pointed to the diary: "When you first feed the fragments of the sanders, is it a record?"

"Of course," Although I didn't understand what happened, I was still proud to say: "I have to say that there is no blue dragon to exceed me in the rigidity of various experiments."

"According to your records, you should find the shark related clues?" Yalun saw that the other side didn't understand, and then further reminded. "Now I dare to be sure, it is Savis to do the ghost behind him."

Aaron is equal to not saying, can use the power of dreams, and also has the ability to control EG, except Savis, should not have other people, can only say that Aaron is the other person who is bullying. Dreams have nothing to know, but there is a green dragon here to make the same judgment.

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