Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 556, Wild Pow

"Okay, Misa, don't smash it again." Reox Salado was in a three partner. After all, I wrinkled and frowned: "Leok?"

Misa roaring a few times, the Hoho Holler and the Falcon soul also added anything, Lexus listened to the description of our three partners, the expression gradually became easy, and finally took a breath, This will focus on Aaron.

It can be seen from the actions wake up from Lex Sa, and he pays more attention to its own animal partners, and it is a bit indifferent to other existence.

Yaren is not very concerned about these things, and it is quite good for Lexus, this is completely unimportant, and then said that Aunt is more concerned about how Lexus turns this.

The big probability is a wild boar, but it is not other possibilities. If the wild boar is still better, Savis does not have other race, if not, that case may be worse.

"Thank you for humanity, I am Lexa ..." Although Lexus was entangled for a while, he could have learned what happened just now, confirmed that Leik has nothing to do. Aunt Dao, noted that Aaron said that he said to himself, patted his head, and said using General Words and Aar:

"I am Lexus, Moksa's last, thank you, human, if you don't have you, I am afraid that I will always be in a bad nightmare."

"You will be universal?" Aaron is really a bit surprised. He didn't expect that Lexus learned to learn the general language. Just now he intends to find Salas to help translate, generally, only those Warlocks Shaman's class-of-intelligence professionals will master some simple generic words.

Although Lexus's universal language is somewhat smuggling, it is enough to express the meaning of yourself. Aaron thinks, "Zheng History" Shang Rexus is involved in the messenger of Saarmi and Sarao, Not a common language.

Aaron felt that I would like to learn the Azerus language other than two universal languages. I can't always think that Saratas came to be translated to myself. This sister's temper can be more and more.

"I used to have a long time in the Eastern Kingdom, until I met a group of silk came to this new land." Reoxa explained a few words, and expressed his gratitude again: " Thank you, human ... The Paladin is still a pastor? I am a little bit less clear. "

"I am a palace." Yarun hesitated, asked: "It looks like it seems to have any hate."

"If you have been alone in the wilderness in the wilderness, I believe that you will not put the so-called hatred." Reox Sa said faintly, "and you still saved my life, to say This is even more surprised. "

"My situation is more than ... I don't say this, how did you change this? Is it a wild boar?" Yarolun felt that this topic continued to say, and asked another thing Come.

"Yes, it is those wild boars." Reoxa nodded, telling the experience of yourself in the wild boar.

As a beast king hunter with an animal with animals, Lexus has seen his eagle before he saw his eagle before he saw his eagle.

Lexus has been derived with the wild boar, and Know Reoxa has been avoiding the idea of ​​avoiding the wild boar. However, he underestimate the ambition of the wild boar.

"The pig brain caught the beast near the march," Reoxs said with a depression, although he consciously escaped enough far enough, but the wild boar was still a considerable degree of attempt to Misa.

In the face of these wild boars, how Cleek is still waiting, of course, is immediately jumping out of the grass, will rush to catch a few wild boars of Misa, cut it.

Rex Safe naturally attracted the attention of the wild boars, a look like a shaman's wild boar with a group of elite wild pigs, surrounded by Lex Sa - Lexus and his Group animal partners are not worthwhile to use wild boars.

Those eligible soldiers appeared in Lexus, once the experience of the tribal army transfer two planets made him never fear any fight, but the wild boar is not able to cope with Lexus.

The sly wild boar masculine made the soldiers surrounded Lexa. He showed the recent new power, and he hit Rexus with the power of the dream.

Awareness of the unique Lexa talked to force the wild boar warrior around him, although it took a little slightly injury to this, but also made the wild boar.

After the Ricksa red eyes, the old shaman was thrown out of the old shaman, and the wild boar immediately looked at the wind and fled, and he also cares about Lexus and Misa. Although the wild boar is not very smart, it is not a fool. I know that the goal is not so good to give up the goal.

Rex Sa confirmed that the wild boar did not start attacking the intention, immediately turned and walked, and the wild boar's shaman's attack is still effective. Reoxa is relying on will in hard resistance, waiting until the wild boar. , Reoxsa is a little relaxing and thoroughly in the dream.

This has a Falcon to find the scene of Aaron they ask for help. This eagle is that Lexus encountered in poor, it does not know the hatred between them and the orc, just want to find a help. To help Lexar.

"Those wild boars are still constantly gathering power ..." Yalun sighed, Savis guy, is this going to fight with the night elf?

"Look at their direction, it is going to the north." Rex Sarace gave Aaron a news that he had already understood it, "Leik followed behind them, it should be back."

During the speech, a pair of Dragon appeared in the sky. After approaching, Reoxa recovered, immediately pursued the excitement, Leoxa and other Leik sent it, ask this guy. Discover.

Looking at Leok and Lexus have an answer, Aaron looked at Win Leds: "Can you understand what they are talking about?"

Wen Liba glanced at Allen: "Can you understand the beast?"


"I can't."

Aaron understands Wen Leds, the exchange of Lexa and Leik is like a strange language, I want to understand it is a bit difficult.

After Lexar ended the conversation of Leik, he told Yaron Road: "The wild boar went to the sea."

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