Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 755 Abhamman's death

For the Burning Legion, the main goal of occupying a planet has completely destroyed this planet, making it except for the influence of the void big king, will also expand its troops on the planet to supplement consumption, many planets are completely destroyed It will become the source of the combustion leaders and the supply station, which is also the secret of the development of the combustion army.

Expansion of the troops need, no matter what kind of race, as long as the evil can be infiltrated, it will become a part of the Combustion Legion, join the burning legion to destroy the world's actions.

Supplementary consumption, there are many kinds of sayings, the devil of the burning army has become more resistant to extreme environments under the transformation of evil, and food is not indispensable for them, but only the same thing. It is essential, whether using spells or manufacturing weapons or drives ships, it is the soul of the whole universe.

The burning army's desire to the soul even on the demand for various energy, after all, the evil energy is enough to meet the daily needs of the devil, but the soul is indeed not consumed, the burning army wants to run normally. It must be a lot of souls.

This is also the reason why the evil demon of the burning army is involved in the gathering of the murder of the dark night elves. If you just want to occupy Azeroth, they can transform Ezara and her subjects. Devil, then pollute the eternal wells, this é, the spirit of the planet will not be their opponent.

However, the demand for the soul makes the devil from waiting, like Azeroth is not very large, but the quantity of the spirit can be said to be the most ideal hunting farm of the Burning Legion, like Surama. Large cities have become the preferred objectives of demon.

Although the upper ruler of the Surama City still stores the Queen of Ezara, the Queen of Sara, may be the feelings of the same tribute, and the devil may let go of the weak idea of ​​the city, but the devil's soldiers have been aligned with this scale. The big city secondary in Sinisaline.

The first thing I perceived is a black leopard named ASHA. This is only a long-term past black leopard is a person who is relatively lonely wilderness. It will rarely appear in the wilderness of the wilderness. Hyper Mountain, instead, built his own nest in the mountains near the eternal well.

This also makes Ashaman have the earliest aesthetic hemnastics that the burning army attack is one of the wilders, and even in Seine Sai, when they escaped from Sinislene, this is already followed. This energy is hunting the devil of the burning legion.

The devil's devil in the peripheral forest of Sinisally quickly understood to pay back, because Abmanman lurked, she used tens of thousands of hunting experience and sharp claws to harvest any dare to break into her. The life of the demon of the territory.

Devils finally chose to burn Abmanman's forest land, using the sky flames to force this only black pen to the forest land, but even if there is no forest cover, Abhamman is still an excellent hunter, but the endless devil is still She has encountered a lot of dangers, but the burning army seems to have undoubtedly entangled with her, which makes Abhamman confused.

Asaman's hunting hunting can make her aware of the true intention of the devil: Capture Surama, Aban is not very clear, but she knows that she can't succeed, so she can't make the devil Half god broke through the layers of the devil, came to Su Madian.

Asham has been not interested in the civilized race of this star-oriented, she just wants to hunt to Azerus to bring destruction and painful devil, until the other wilderness is informing her Sena through the jade dream. The Night Elf Disciple of Reed to them, Asaman decided to protect the city of Surama's dark night elves, but this is not conflict with her plan.

Although Abmanman is not familiar with the forest around Surama, the talents of the wilderness are still allowed to have their own plans.

So the demon of the siege of Sulama had to take a lot of efforts to cope with Abmanan's raid. This elegant and cold beast is not from the grove, take away the life of a lot of demon, and then disappears not see.

Although the Devil's resistance has also left a lot of scars in Asanman, but this has not changed the situation of the devil, and more and more demon began to become fearful, fear in the darkness of the forest.

In the end, Abhaman reached her plan: the leader of this Devil Legion couldn't bear it to face ASSHM, for Asaman, the burner army is just a more powerful animal group, as long as the beast is solved The leader of the group, the rest of the group will naturally disappear, so Asaman has a huge victory to become a group.

Although the body style is more dominant, Asaman's movements are more fast, and ASSHA's pointers have become inconsistent in the existence of any weapons through hundreds of years old, even skin rough meat. Thick abyss lords also need to be careful.

This battle lasted for a few hours, and the big and small injuries on Astan eventually led to her failure. If it was in the trend of the black panther, this time, it is definitely a waiter to escape, waiting for the opportunity to hunt again.

However, Aban didn't want to force retreat. She wants the devil to pay for the actions of the burning forest slaughter, fighting for the enemy's weapons, and Abhamman pierces her own scorpion into the other's throat. Among them, even if the evil from the enemy's wounds, the evil of Asaman is unbearable, she still has no choice of pills until they are burned by the smell of the blood of the devil.

When Aaron led many Titan toast, it happened to see the scenes of Aban and the abyss lords, and the moment of Surama also rose a barrier, and wrapped in the inner city.

Looking at the scene in front of you, Aaron only felt that the feelings of the feelings of the feelings, a wild half of the gods paid their own life to win the valuable time, but Surama City will choose this time from the guarantee, they would rather I wrapped under a fragile barrier and I would like to choose anti-resistance ...

"Soldiers, killing these demon!" Yalun jean the Titan creature, let Titan creations launched the devil of these lost commanders, this battle is not only for Azeroth's future, For the dead wilderness.

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