Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 811 Elements

When Krnen's body is thoroughly disintegrating, whether it is Torim and Aaron who stands in front of this ancient god, it is still responsible for cracking the Maryz, who is a variety of monuments, or throughout the process. In contributing to the most output Daduima Fario, everyone is all relieved.

Lillen whisper prayed to Naru, the Paladin began to meditate on the spot, and the blood knights and rides couldn't live with the sun well. The night elves expressed their gratitude to Ai Lun under the leadership of Tyran.

Such a fight against the ancient gods, even if there is no one, it is crazy, but their mental stress is still very large, and it is urgent to rest after the battle. It is necessary to rest to the spiritual tired.

Aaron's mental state is not bad, and the intention of reading the ancient gods, making his spirit have greatly improved, even if the whisper of Kecen can't move his mind.

After the prisoner died, the cage of the ban on K Sun began to disintegrate, and everyone left here to leave here. At this moment, the battle outside the cage has also reached an end, and there is no influence in Kusson. No longer continue in this ruins, there are not many insects, starting to flee, these lost organizers, will then I will become the goal of adventurers.

After the end of the battle, Aaron began to organize the ruins of the man's hair, and the 10,000-year-old empire accumulated that they had a lot of precious treasures in their hands. Now these treasures naturally become a winner of the victory.

Although the forging technology of the insecticills and other other races of Azeroth are great, there are also items that can be used for other races in the collection of insects, but these items can be used for other races. One by one.

As for these trophy, it will be the issue of the League leader and Tyranide, Mafari husband and wife needs to consider, Aaron only needs to guarantee that the Legund City can get the harvest, and he is in the equipment There is no need in terms of aspects.

Aren's greater interest is placed on the wonderful characteristics of these equipment. According to the Maggi, the Maggi, which is coming, there is no lack of equipment, which has been manufactured with the ancient gods. In Krnen, such a design helps Krnen provide strengths, while when Krnen died, the ancient god disgic attacked on these equipment has strong resistance to spiritual attacks. .

This Aarn remembered that when the spider is fighting with Nionz, they have the characteristics of the spirit of the Lich King, and now, this feature is from the ancient god.

Think about it, the ancient gods themselves are the hipster attacked by the spirit. Their body and creations have corresponding resistance seem to be a very normal thing. If you confirm that these equipment is also useful when you face the last ancient god, The words that I feel after I think that I will be much easier.

From Aaron, it is confirmed that there is an ancient god that needs to confront, and Maggi also said that after confirming that the residual body remains harmful, he will make a short-selling blacksmith to build more equipment.

When I watched Macquari rushing to study the ancient gods, Aaron suddenly realized a problem, hurriedly found Torim that had not left yet:

"Is Ejgrasson's body was purified?"


"That is really unfortunate."

"Yeah, it is a pity."

Everyone thought about how to avoid contamination of Ejgeson after death, no one thought that the waste can be used, and most of the body of Jurgson has been purified. I don't want to use anything more.

After Kasunn and most of his colleps were resolved, the threat of residual is just some insects who fight the final fighter, and the night elves said they would establish a permanent post in Hisns, continue to remove insects. Threat.

It turns out that most of the strengths have been stored in the alliance, Titan creature has come out of the shadow of civil war, although the various disasters burst on Azeroth may still cause a big crisis, but it is a lot of simplicity.

Another prove is that the battle of Storm City is over the thorn, and they have the absolute thing to force the giant to force ancient Rabshi troll to hit the Loa Hartk that they once abandoned.

However, the Green Dragon Family who got Aaron reminded this intention to expand his influence to Luoa God in the Emerald Demonity. Haka followed the regeneration and rejuvenation. This time, Irra is also in accordance with Aaron's reminder, and pulling the soul of Haka out of the soul.

After the issues of Hilitus and Jingpo Valley, the entire Azeroth seems to be stainful, but this is all the appearance, and the new round of storm is still brewing.

Whether it is Sunderland's early warning, or the induction of campaigners such as Shaman, Master, is predicted.

The sea is tumbling in anger, and the strange storm whistling between the mountains, the climate has become repeated. Earthquake in the sigh, earthquake occurred around the world. Natural disasters have not stopped, and they are more intensified. Travel becomes quite dangerous, many merchants have sunned in the sea. The shaman priests can feel the elements, but what is it caused this, but they are not clear.

When Aarn got this news at the League's meeting, I was immediately realized what happened. I am afraid that a black dragon will drill out from the bottom, and the anomalies of the elements are just a bigger disaster. To this end, Aarn immediately went to Nosund by the delivery door, he must discuss with Azeroth how to deal with the disaster.

"Krnen's death made Enzos can't wait, he worried that the next goal of mortal is him, so he is ready to make the victory in advance."

"Do you actually understand this clear? Do we want to enter the deep rock in the dark, put the wings of death?" Aaron proposed, he didn't want to see the death of the death of the catastrophe, causing the landform of this planet. A giant change.

"There is no need, I am, the impact of he can make a limited, and we also need his strength to change something." Azeroth vetoed Aaron's proposal, "You know, I can do it now The thing is limited, but if you can use the power of the wings of death, it is not the same. "

"I hope you don't want to play away ..." Yaron wiped the cold sweat on the forehead, Azeroth is worthy of the star soul, this idea can be more atmospheric than the Aaron, Aaron just wants to threatens in advance, Azer But I want to die the wings of death.

"Reassured, I have been able to complete this plan since I have cleared the timeline, but you better remind someone else, the victory will bring some harm. I can alleviate this effect, but I can't completely eliminate. Moreover, ... If you drill it, you have to find a way to solve him, I can't take it directly. "

"It seems that you have been the same as ... I will be prepared."

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