Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 818 New Wind Jun

To be honest, Olakil is not difficult to deal with in Aaron. The four-winding parliament is not a difficult role. In addition, the outside of the wind element is worth mentioning.

This is also the reason why Aaron first has to start with wind elements, and the hardest elements that are most difficult to deal with must be placed in the last.

It is only a stable wind element country to be a stable wind element, but it is not born. In this case, the ancient god will find the opportunity to slave some wind elements, which will cause an Ezlas's elemental system imbalance. This will have a big impact on Azeroth's birth.

"If you don't want to become a new style, let's go ..." Aaron did not finish, but implied meaning is very obvious, and Sunderland is of course unwilling to find another kind of people who are willing to find Come over, Aaron believes in so many wind elements, will eventually be willing to work with the winds of the mortal.

If you don't do it, let Torim or Lenden to manage the wind element. They own the storm and thunder, relying on brute force forced to pressure the wind elements, not to do, except for the main Oraki Older, who can resist the power of Titan Guardians?

Just in this way, don't think about any freedom, they will only be restricted in certain regional activities until Azeroth is born.

"Maybe I should re-measure my identity with you." Sunderland revealed a slightly bitter smile, since he took off, he has been busy with his loyalty to him, and has to say this time. This is still fruitful, Sandland has gathered a lot of power, but not allowing any people to despise.

Only, in Today, Sunderland understood the power behind Aaron, who saw the energetic one of the power of this force in Heishi Mountain, and seeing this meeting was invited by Aaron. Guests, Sunderland understands that Aaron is not simple, and even guess Aaron may represent some will of some more powerful existence.

And his choice is only one, that is, cooperate with Aaron to get the king of the wind element and lead the wind elements into this world.

For Sandland, this thing is not so hard, the relationship between the elements is not so intimate, even if his name is Olachil's son, this does not affect him wants to take the Olachil. s position.

After the initial plan is determined, Aaron makes everyone in the point of action, and he personally and Sunderland to Otam and prepares from there to the sky wall of the wind element.

No one knows why Olaquil will choose your nest in a place in Otham, where the land is extremely poor, but here live a happiness race-Tovil.

These races that are degraded by Titan, once an angry, the powerful weapon left by Titan destroys the enemy who wants to invade his homes and turn this land into a desert. After that, Tovil is closed. His home, and in this land, it is hard to survive, which makes Tovil people become tough.

The battle between them can be said to be quite anxious, but all races from the outside will make this battle to become confusing, until the Tovil is aware that foreign races are not their enemies, these people will help them. The invasion of wind elements together.

The shaman and adventures who want to end the wind elements have collaborate with the Tovil people and have achieved a lot of results.

So I waited until Aaron came to Otam, the Tovil had pushed the front line to the position of the wall of the sky, but only arrived at this position, Tovil had no way.

The wind element comes from the sky, the wall of the sky is also in the air, and the Tovil people do not fly, they can only defeat the wind elements that come to the ground, but they can't curb the wind, continue from their sky wall. Come out, let alone into the wall of the sky and completely smash the invasion of the wind element.

The wind that repeatedly hit the wall, eventually chose to give up the attack of Otam, turned to other regions, now this offense is still not a scale, but when the wind element is reacted, the wall of the sky is full of sky, the Tovil I am afraid it is not so easy to block the wind element.

Fortunately, Aaron came at this time, with Sunderland and a strong hand - because of the deal of the wind, Iron is the old opponent, Titan Guardians.

When I got to the ancient god last time, the Titan Guardian did not provide too much help because of the impact of jealous case, but this time the leadership of the wind did not have so much problem.

In fact, only two three Titan guardians are already enough to defeat the wind and leaders. Aarn is just to stabilize this, which will bring all Titan guardians outside Laden, which are recovering. Aaron believes that these people are in the wind, and the wind is absolutely caught up.

With the optimism of Yarelan, Sunderland is a worried appearance. He knows that Olakir, this ancient style, the main temper is only in the Yanmian Wang Ragna, even For the enemy that has already defeated him, Olakir will not give up easily, and the loss in the process of his resistance is the strength of the wind element.

From the level of the whole planet, this number of wind element dies will not cause too much impact, but the wind element itself, this dead is their people.

Fortunately, the wall of the sky is not big. The shield of the high guardian in the hands of Aaron can help control the environment of the sky, including the path to the advancement, Olaquil has not come to tissue too much resistance. During the siege of several Thai guardians, it belongs to its strength to be transferred to Sunderland.

After the birth of the new style, because there is a Titan Guardian as a guarantee, Sunderland will soon get the loyalty of the wind elements, and there is no more resistance in the process. Sandland is only killed. The Lord of the Wind of the Wind Controlled the wind element smoothly.

Compared to wind elements, the fire elements are the situation that is really difficult to deal with. Oraschil is the weakest one of the four elements, Ragna Ros is the strongest, corresponding The fire elements are also the most difficult to deal with them.

Aaron has just witnessed the Coronation of Sunderland and has to come to Hanar Hill to help the Night Elf and the Wilden Semizers to attack the flame of the fire.

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