Glory to Earth Magic
Lesson 53
"What's wrong, Alba?
On holiday, Aldi talks to me about my problems in my own bed.
By the way, Yatsufusa and Carnage are out, so it's just me and Aldi in the room.
"No, a bit about Carnage. I want to be able to work outside of recovery."
Since then, he has attacked the simple labyrinth several times, but only attacked the boulder with a difficulty of 10, and the guy who is not so difficult as to say higher school has won easily... but he can attack quite easily.
Stardy doesn't need healing in the first place, and Yatsufusa doesn't take advantage of that speed to take any damage inside.
Me, Aldi, and Flam are the rear guards, so Carnage has nothing to do but recover unless the opponent is strong enough.
I think it would be a good idea if I had to deal with someone who was out of hand, but the role is heavy on Carnage, who has no means of attack at all in the case of a guy who has means of attack.
I mean, I don't know what I would do if I gave him too much free time, so I sometimes say I want him to be able to defend himself.
A little... No, he's a pretty painful guy, but he can't leave me alone, so I was thinking about how to fight Carnage.
"Uh, but you said you couldn't even use a weapon called carnage."
Yes, it is.
I had Carnage hold a dagger to try and I tried to make him fight the miscellaneous fish enemies and he couldn't fight properly with an awesome hips.
This school… or there is a flying class in the world, but there is no concept of a retention year.
I mean, any fall can always be graduated.
They say there are also people who feel inferior and leave school voluntarily.
In terms of attributes, I also fall into the fall category, but given my goals, I'm trying my best to say that I can't be frustrated here.
Well, there are a few people who understand.
"That's right…… what's wrong…………"
A means of attacking a guy who can only use healing magic...... hey.
"Ah! No! I can't think of anything in my head!
I gather momentum while scratching my head with Gashigashi.
"Wow!? Alba! Don't get up suddenly!
The momentum causes Aldi, who was on top of his chest, to tumble down and get scolded by Aldi.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm gonna go for a little walk to change my mood, but you want to come with Aldi?
"Go -!
Asking as he strokes the head of Punska and angry Aldi, he smiles as soon as possible, raising his hands and bouncing with Piompion.
Hey...... nothing.
When we went outside the dorm, it was beautiful and sunny outside.
"It's been a long time since we've had a beautiful day……….."
I say as I narrow my eyes to the light of day.
Recently, the weather has collapsed and the rain and thunder were terrible yesterday.
It was really hard for Carnage to scream and hug me every time the thunder went off.
If you're a pretty girl, then what's so sad about not being hugged by a man, at all?
Bad drainage, avoiding the water buildup that leaves us everywhere, and we walk around without even knowing it.
Sometimes, this kind of purposeless walk would be nice.
"Hey, Alber. I guess I shouldn't be in the water."
Every time I see a big water reservoir, Aldi asks while I uzzle.
"Stop it because it gets dirty."
Even though he shares knowledge, Aldi's behavior principle is no different than that of an innocent child.
I honestly don't know what it's like to have a big bucket of water, but if you do that and take a walk with Dirty Aldi, you might be seen with my cold eyes around you.
I wish I had that kind of sexuality, but I'm a normal hater.
I feel confident that if I get a cold gaze, it will break my heart.
"Oh, it's not Master Aruba. And Mr. Aldi too. What are you doing?
As I walk in forgiveness of the swollen Aldi, a flam comes from the other side and calls out to me.
"Hey, Flam. I'm a little confused, so take a walk to change your mood."
"Hey, Flamu. If it gets dirty in the alba, you shouldn't get in the water."
Aldi flies toward Flam as he tells him what happened earlier. Unexpectedly, a child! And I don't think I can help but want to scratch it.
"Master Alba is right about that. It's a cute corner, so if it gets dirty, it's ruined. Hey, Master Alba?
Hugging Aldi, who flew in, Fram smiled and tenderly told me to agree.
"Really? Alba."
"Well, I guess so."
The truth is, it's not, but it's a toss of flam in the corner, so I decide to talk to each other and answer.
"Eh heh, sooo. Then you have no choice!
Listen to me, Aldi, heal her mood and laugh at Nico.
"Speaking of which, why is Flam here?
"I was going to buy a magic gun bullet. 'Cause we were about to run out of spares."
When I say that, Flam shows me the ammunition in the leather bag.
"Well, put that aside...... Um, if only Master Aruba would like me to join you?
Flam starts blushing and mozzling when he loses his ammo.
Knock... Now if I wasn't a kid, I'd be caged...!
"Nothing good... it's just a walk, right?
I answer in the guise of calm whining in my heart that I am not Loricon.
"I don't mind. It's a beautiful day around the corner, so I thought you'd come with me."
"Well, if Fram is okay with that..."
"! Thank you very much!
"Ah, then I have a little errand to run..."
Aldi tries to fly somewhere when he looks like he's perceived something.
"Hey, please wait!
Flam starts to whisper somehow when he gasps at Aldi trying to fly in his desperate shape.
"Mr. Aldi? Where do you say we go………?
"Huh? No, look, if I were you, I'd get out of the way."
"Huh, when we're alone, there's no time! Stay with me."
Because of the two of them whispering, I can't really hear the content, but Flam seems to be asking Aldi for something with a serious face.
After a little while, when you two let go of your faces, Aldi will come back to my shoulder.
"Is that it? Do you have business?
"Yeah, 'cause it's not a big deal"
Asking Aldi, Aldi waves her patsy hand in the way she says it's nothing.
Hmm, well, if he says it's not a big deal, he can go deep.
We will continue the walk with the addition of the flam.
"…… It's peaceful."
Some time after I started walking, Flam opens his mouth.
"If you go outside the school, you can't believe there's an organization that worships evil gods or an area where demons are raging."
Sure, there's a lot of trouble in the school, but it's generally peaceful.
In an idyllic atmosphere, it was inconceivable in previous life to walk like this with flowers in both hands.
"It is thanks to Alba that I have changed this way. If you hadn't helped me then, I would have... died trapped in prejudice."
"No... I wasn't able to completely help either. In the end, Armando will do it, and because of it, we'll let him go..."
My dads and I have been in touch with each other by letter or something to hear after the Redeemer (Greatful Dead), but they don't know where he is completely when it comes to Armando.
My dads are really looking for me, but I can't grasp my full body because I'm stretching my roots to various places, and it seems that the only thing that is crushing me is the end.
As it is, if you graduate from school and become an adventurer, you may face Armando and the others again.
At that time, it would still be frightening to think that if my fathers hadn't come to help me...
"Still, I feel helped by Alba… I am grateful"
Flam looks back crooked and smiles as he steps forward with a couple of teeth.
"I respect your courage in trying to help me, even though I was five years old at the time."
Fram's smile and honest praise make me a little heartbroken.
He does look like a child, but the contents are good adults. It's only natural that a child can't do it.
You cheat like that, which makes me lag back against Flam's pure favor.
"So... if you don't mind Master Aruba... please keep up the good work with me!
"…… yeah, nice to meet you."
Flam says so with his face turned bright red, and I say so with a restrained conscience that hurts.
"Me too! I'll get along much better too!
Aldi screams, shaking over my shoulder.
I was just a little relieved by Aldi's innocent behavior.
"I'm so embarrassed to say this again!
Flam comes back to me looking at his face with a pat.
"Speaking of which! Earlier, you said you were thinking. What were you thinking?
Flam swings the subject in an attempt to change the atmosphere on the spot that has become indescribable air.
"Oh, about Mr. Carnage..."
I'll talk about the Carnage method of combat I was thinking about this morning.
"Hmm, you do want to be able to defend yourself as a means of attack anyway. I don't know if I can protect you when I have to."
"I wonder if there's a better way."
"If it's a light attribute, I'm sure there's some attack magic like no other, but I'm not familiar with Hate... I'm sorry"
Flam says so and lowers his head sorry.
"No, no, there's no need for Flam to apologize. Just in case, you don't even know Aldi, do you?
"Um, if it was a dirt attribute, I'd know, but I'd have to ask that spirit about the other attributes."
Aldi still doesn't seem to get it either.
If this happens, this handy cat-type robot, do you want to call the school director?
No, but I'm calling the boulders for a holiday.
When I was worried, Fram seemed to find something and ran over to you.
"You found something?
"Yeah, it's a flower here..."
Looking at the end of Flam's gaze, there was a flowerbed there, and I don't know what flower it was, but it used to bloom beautifully, and now it's completely shriveled.
"Until the other day, it was blooming beautifully..."
When I checked the crouching flower bed next to the flam that looked sad, it was poorly drained, and the flower bed had some water reservoirs and the soil was quite damp.
"Uh, I wonder if this has rotted its roots"
"Getting screwed... are you?
Flam asks me with a strange look on my face.
"Um, it's literally about the roots of plants rotting. I can think of a few possible causes, mostly over-watering or poor soil drainage. It's been raining all these days."
"It's a good thing to give you water, but it won't work?
"Um, I wonder what that is. No matter how good things are for you, if you give them too much, they can be poisonous."
If the medicine passes, it becomes poison. It's not a good idea to overdo anything as the proverb is also on Earth.
I rise up gabbling when I flash like a heaven.
"Hey! Alba! Stand up again suddenly!
Aldi fell off my shoulder, complaining but not the other way around.
I wonder why I didn't think of this.
"Kyu, what's wrong with shouting all of a sudden?
"Flam! I just want to ask you, does healing magic to demons work?
"Huh? Uh, no certainty, but I think it'll work, right? Well, no one bothers to restore the demons."
To Fram's words, I begin to wonder if he might be handsome with his own thoughts.
"Flam, let me experiment with a little labyrinth strategy tomorrow. I just had an idea."
I also tell Yatsufusa and Carnage, who cut up a walk and came home at night, after I told Flam what I had in mind.
"Does that really work out that way? I've never heard of that before."
Well, usually I don't bother to heal my enemies that far.
I wouldn't have thought of it first if I didn't have the knowledge on Earth either.
"Well, it might fail because it's still at the prediction stage. In the meantime, it depends on tomorrow's labyrinth experiment."
"Well, if that's what you're going to say, I'll give it a try. It is the Lord's duty to hear the wishes of his servants."
When did you become a servant?
And, normally, if Carnage couldn't experiment with me tomorrow because I bent my navel instead of Tsuko, it wouldn't make sense, so I enjoyed it and stayed that way.
The next day, we came to the Labyrinth of Difficulty 1.
"In the meantime, will you attack me to such an extent that I won't defeat the demon if it comes out because I want to see it work?
"Yeah, I got it."
Yatsufusa nods softly at my words.
When dealing with multiple enemies, it is difficult to mitigate, so we will look for enemies who are acting alone and we will move on to the experiment.
The enemy you encounter is a big Mimi demon that you have seen in elementary school.
"Well, please."
"Leave it to me."
To my words, Yatsufusa lightly strikes a run mite.
The good news is that the damage has been done and the movement is slowing down due to the imminent death of something that is not dead.
"Well, Mr. Carnage, please."
"Yeah, that's disgusting……………………."
Carnage approaches Ugo Ugo and the moving Mimi demons with a pitiful voice.
"Is that good? Don't ever stop recovering until I tell you I'm good."
"Wow, okay..."
Carnage casts a healing magic on the blemishes while falling back on her hips.
Then, the damage taken from Yatsufusa heals.
"Well, healing magic works for demons."
Stardy squeaks like she's impressed.
Hmm, seems to have no problem with restorative magic for now.
The problem starts here.
Even as the wound heals completely and the blemishes start to move vigorously again, Carnage keeps hanging on to her healing magic to keep my word.
Naturally, the better blemishes will attack this one too, so I'll have Stardy shield me.
"Hey, not yet!?
Carnage screams as she hangs her healing magic.
"A little more...... oh!
Exploring the condition of the blemishes, the movement of the blemishes, which had moved well until earlier, slowed down.
After a moment of tremor with Vikri, he began to wrap himself around particles of light, which were evidence of his death, and after a few moments he disappeared completely.
"I guess it explains what you mean?
The experiment is also successful, and when we get out of the labyrinth, Carnage comes stuck.
"Explain nothing. You did it yesterday."
"Er, overhealing...... is that it?
To my words, Yatsufusa speaks in memory of yesterday's explanation.
Looking at the root rot in the flowerbed yesterday reminds me that normally healing magic is the magic that heals wounds.
Then why can the wound heal?
Most of the healing magic is to activate the body's tissues to speed up healing.
Magic in this world is greatly supplemented by images.
but that's not all because it's only big.
I don't know the magic laws of this world, but I made a prediction that there must be laws that work outside of the image.
If, besides the image of healing magic healing wounds, there is also the law of activating the body's tissues to speed up the healing rate, it was thought that by continuing to hang the healing magic, the body's tissues can be overactivated and the opposite can be destroyed.
Well, this is only an anticipation based on my knowledge in comics, so I might be wrong in the first place.
As a result, it went well, so let's try to be good.
I will explain to everyone clearly about overrecovery.
"Oh, that's what you came up with when you saw yesterday's flowerbed."
Hearing my explanation, Flam looks convinced.
"But... with the magic of restoring light, I had no idea you could come up with such outrageous magic... Alba, you have the qualities of darkness inside too!
Carnage comes pointing his finger bish with tension as if he had found his companion.
Stop it! Don't drag me into the middle two!
After that, he continued to train in overrecovery with carnage that he wanted to certify as a companion.
Carnage has the means to attack!
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