Chapter 124: Azkaban

At Dracour’s house, Mrs. Dracour kept thanking Ulysses, but Ulysses couldn’t stand it, so she had to leave first.

Back at the Lestrange family mansion in the underground black market, Ulysses went directly to the interrogation room, where several unconscious vampires were tied up.

Seeing the appearance of Ulysses, the wizard of the Darren family stepped forward and whispered:

“Young Master, you can only get this little information through mind-inducing and Veritaserum. Perhaps their status is too low, and they don’t know more important information.”

Ulysses took the glass bottle in his hand, poured out a cloud of red memory, and watched quietly.

After a while, Ulysses moved.

From the memories of these vampires, it turns out that the vampires of this vein have long recognized the mandala as their master, and have been working for her in the French underground world, and their actions are so secretive that the French Ministry of Magic has not found any clues.

The teleportation magic circle in the hall of the vampires was also set up by the mandala to allow them to safely escape the search by the Ministry of Magic.

Normally, Mandala directly gave instructions to the Vampire Viscount, and had no direct contact with the vampires underneath. Therefore, they knew very little about this mysterious woman, even if she was one of the leaders of the Abyss organization.

“Now the werewolves in the black market can play and celebrate.”

Ulysses sneered and whispered. Vampires and werewolves have always been hostile dark creatures, and the werewolves have been overwhelmed by vampires due to the unstable bloodlines. Now the vampires in the underground black market are almost completely wiped out, and the werewolves suddenly lost a large rock on their heads. As long as they are slightly integrated, the stone road that belongs to the dark creatures will soon be dominated by the werewolves.

But this has nothing to do with Ulysses. The existence of the stone road was originally the result of tacit understanding by the pure-blood families and the Ministry of Magic, and it didn’t matter who was the boss. If it hadn’t been this time that the vampire had hit Gabriel’s idea recklessly on the head, Ulysses would not have troubled them easily.

Thinking of this, Ulysses moved his mind and took out the last bite of Blood Essence that the Viscount Vampire spit out.

Blood Essence was flowing violently in the glass bottle, as if to break the shackles of the glass bottle and return to freedom.

Ulysses stared at this group of Blood Essence, which seemed to contain a certain kind of power, with a strong source of vampires, capable of transforming all human-like lives into the state of vampires.

Ulysses’ eyebrows were pained by the power of such a strong bloodline. He recalled the three-eyed crow pattern on his forehead in the hall, and then thought of Mandala’s mercy and the vague attitude of his family and father, his thoughts became a mess.

He stood quietly in the interrogation room, with several green lights shining one after another behind him, followed by the dull sound of his body falling down.

Ulysses did not look back.

In the center of the North Sea, there is a place where storms gather all the year round.

This is not only a forbidden area for Muggles, but also a forbidden area for wizards.

Because there is a small island in the middle of the sea, and on the island there is a prison called Azkaban that the wizards of the British magic circle talked about.

In July, the storm reached its full-scale peak, and the squally wind engulfed the sea, and wave after wave swept the island, seemingly about to break down the prison built of black rock.

In the torrential rain cloud, a black wagon similar to a hearse dashed across the sky and arrived in the wind and thunder.

Seven horses is pulling the cart.

A shrewd and capable Auror drove the reins, directing the night sky to descend from the torrential rain, and the wheels of the wagon swept across the water, turning huge splashes of water. With the carriage as the center of the circle, a magnificent splash of water suddenly bloomed on the sea.

A violent wind blew up and a huge wave hit, preventing the carriage from approaching the island.

A huge chain broke through the sea like a black python.

This iron rope, which was more than three hundred meters long, began to rush on the sea, and in the blink of an eye, it twisted out a huge arc, like a scorpion wagging its tail, fiercely nailed to the rock on the island, and suddenly the flames splashed.

Under the traction of the iron cable, the carriage slowly drew to the shore.

The car door opened, and British Minister of Magic Fudge stepped out. He pressed the dark gray wizard hat on top of his head to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

Ulysses followed him, silver hair fluttering in the wind, his face expressionless.

A dozen Aurors stood silently behind them.

“Merlin is here, the weather is terrible.”

Fudge stepped on the solid ground, and the discomfort of motion sickness finally subsided. “To be honest, if Dumbledore did not try to guarantee you, plus my personal optimism about you, I would not allow you. Come here, Ulysses.”

Ulysses wrapped the cloak around him and pulled out a smile:

“Thank you very much, Mr. Minister.”

After hearing what Ulysses was called, Fudge showed a trace of satisfaction on his face. He likes to hear people call him a minister, which makes him feel that power is in his hands at all times.

When he came to the prison door, an Auror voluntarily stepped forward to negotiate, making Fudge’s face look better.

He didn’t want his own happiness to be sucked by the dementors.

“So this kind of weather still comes to Azkaban, but it makes me very curious.”

He shivered, and said with a trembling voice.

“Presumably you also know that I can be said to be in the same line as the Lestrange family in England, but time has passed a bit… This time I want to visit those relatives who have never been masked. .”

Ulysses said with a smile, but there was no smile deep in his eyes.

After dealing with the vampires yesterday, he wrote a letter to Dumbledore asking for his help. And Dumbledore didn’t disappoint him, and he wrote back quickly so that he could leave immediately.

When he first returned home, his father gave him a task. Ulysses originally wanted to come back to Azkaban near the beginning of school, but after the mandala appeared, Ulysses’ urgency was greatly increased.

“Yeah, yeah… Lestrange… I’m glad you are not the same as them.”

Fudge’s smile was a little reluctant.

“Of course. It’s just that the noble connection in the bloodline of the pure-blood family is always hard to give up, isn’t it?”

“That’s not bad.”

After Fudge responded, he stopped talking. Had it not been for Dumbledore to give him a huge benefit that he could not refuse, he would only bring a student to Azkaban in this weather.

Doesn’t the coffee and the female secretary smell fragrant in the office?

The two walked along a rocky road into Azkaban prison.

This is a triangular building that occupies most of the island. In the building, the non-marking stretch curse is used to expand the space to ensure that it can accommodate all the wizards and criminals in Britain.

Not long after leaving, a group of creatures appeared in the corridor. They are about three meters tall, wearing black cloaks with hoods, their bodies are gray, and they look like carrion.

They slid on the ground, the hands outstretched from their cloaks shimmering, gray, thin and scabs, and behind them dragged a pile of shriveled wizard corpses.

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