Chapter 140: Compulsory Duel Invitation

A guardian circle immediately surrounded the entire Shafik mansion, glowing with milky white light.

Lucius and Draco were frightened by the explosion, and Abel Shafik’s face was gloomy for an instant. Without a word, he went straight to the outside of the hall, followed by the long wizard robe. His movements floated behind him.

“It seems that I had fun watching it today.”

Lucius whispered to Draco and followed Abel Shafik.

Tracey’s pupils shrank, and the explosion sounded her a little familiar.

Abel Shafik walked out of the hall and saw the picture that made him angry at a glance, and his wand was tightly held in his hand for the first time.

A handsome but disgusting boy in the eyes of Abel Shafik stood in front of the gate of Shafik’s family mansion with a smile on his face. The wand had just been lowered from the forward-pointing motion, and there was a figure floating behind him. The huge white dragon, ferocious and majestic.

The people behind Abel Shafik also saw this scene, and reacted differently for a while.

“Ah, Mr. Shafik, it’s been a long time since I saw you, don’t come here without problems.”

Ulysses’ voice was heard through the smoke of gunpowder from the collapse of the gate. His tone did not fluctuate, as if he was saying that stepping on a gate was nothing more than an inconsequential matter.

Around him, there were several young wizards lying backwards. They lay on the ground in a coma.


Abel Shafik gritted his teeth and said, everyone could hear the deep hatred in his voice.

During the time when the Dark Lord was in charge, he didn’t have a good impression of the last name Lestrange. Bellatrix, the woman who was extremely enthusiastic about the Dark Lord, had another face when she faced the other Death Eaters, arrogant and arrogant, and even the faction did not see her pleasing to her eyes.

Although the Lestrange in front of him is from France, he is far more hated than Bellatrix. He not only killed his only eldest son, but also sent his daughter to Azkaban. A man of great strength caused him to lose an arm and a leg.

Abel Shafik used a lot of fresh essence to barely heal the split wounds caused by the rush of Apparition, but now he still has to use a cane.


Draco waved at him excitedly. There was an attack last semester, which caused Lucius to take him home early and let him finish the remaining courses at home.

Counting the time, he probably hadn’t seen Ulysses for half a year, and he didn’t expect to see him in this place.

“Aha, Draco.”

Ulysses cast his gaze in the direction where Draco was, greeted him, and then narrowed his eyes. “Tracey is there too, coming out of Azkaban? What a pity…”

“What are you doing at my house? Are you still thinking about killing them all?”

Tracy resisted the fear and asked loudly. Because of the excitement, the voice was a bit sharp and broken.

“It seems that your father didn’t tell you what he did during the holiday… It’s a pity that I survived, so unfortunately it is your Shafik family…”

Ulysses shrugged. He was a little surprised to see Tracey appearing here, but there was nothing shocking.

He had never trusted Fudge’s character. From Dumbledore’s benefit, let him bring Ulysses into Azkaban, it can be seen that this man is only profitable.

It is Fudge’s basic operation that Abel Shafik gave money to reduce Tracy’s sentence.

Tracey was speechless for a while. In the past few days, she slowly emerged from the shadow brought by Azkaban. She didn’t know anything about the previous events, but told her instinct that even the family would suffer today.

“How did you know the address of the Shafik family? How did you get in without the perceptual magic around you?”

Abel Shafik asked with frost on his face, looking at the several young wizards of the family who fell on the ground.

Like the magic school, most of the pure-blood family mansions have also been subjected to unmarkable magic, and most people do not know their addresses. Not to mention that there are all kinds of magic around the mansion to ensure that the intruder can be found in the first time.

It is undoubtedly a great shame for the Shafik family to come to the gate of the mansion like Ulysses silently, and it is a manifestation of insufficient ability.

“The solution is better than the difficulty, Mr. Shafik.”

Ulysses flashed his eyes and said with a smile.

The address was of course given by Hill Bosd. He also revealed the recent movement of the Shafik family. Ulysses specially picked a time when the defensive force was weak. As for how to hide the magic of perception…

This has to be thankful for the hidden magic that surrounds the Vela tribe. There Ulysses had a deeper understanding of concealment magic, simulated the wave of own magic power to be very similar to the wave of the Shafik family, and walked in swaggeringly.

“Not only that, I also arranged the blasting magic pattern around your mansion, maybe there is one a few meters away… To be honest, this mansion is really a bit big, it took me an afternoon to figure it out. If you don’t correspond If it’s a defensive method, I guess the people of Staffordshire will see a splendid firework tonight.”

Ulysses added with a smile, telling the story grandiosely.

All the members of the Shafik family took a deep breath, and they were really hit by Tracy. If Ulysses was right, it seemed that he was really rushing to kill him.

“Do you think the Shafik family has no defensive magic at all?”

Abel Shafik said expressionlessly, but he quickly thought about how to deal with it. If the explosion did happen, the mansion could barely be saved, but the cost was he was unwilling to bear.

“Don’t get excited, Abel. Hearing what this Lestrange said, he doesn’t seem to want to cause an explosion, otherwise he won’t say it.”

Lucius, who had been watching, said suddenly. He looked at Ulysses with scrutiny in his eyes.

“Mr. Malfoy is really smart. Speaking of which, is this the second time we have met?”

Ulysses smiled and said, “The first time it was in Diagon Alley, you seem to have given the Weasley girl an amazing thing…”

Lucius’ face immediately became unnatural.

Ulysses reduced his smile and said sternly:

“Not much nonsense, Mr. Shafik. The grievances between us are very clear. It is already necessary for one party to die to end. The explosion is only a bad idea, but it allows me to stand here a little emboldened.”

“Everyone is a pure-blood family, so I will use the pure-blood family to solve it. Now, on behalf of the Lestrange family, I will invite the Shafik family to a duel, regardless of life or death, until the last person in the family falls. It’s over.”

“What do you think, Mr. Shafik?”

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