Chapter 156 Bogut in the Eyes of Ulysses

Professor Snape said that he was not a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, but he seemed to be doing the job that should be done in this position. It took half a lesson and the wizards talked about twelve aspects. Things to pay attention to when dealing with werewolves.

What made the little wizards strange was that he seemed to gnash his teeth a little while teaching.

The next day, after breakfast, the first class is Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Professor Lu Ping walked into the classroom on the class bell and put his tattered suitcase on the podium. He was still that ragged, but his complexion was much better than when he first arrived at Hogwarts, perhaps because he had eaten a few full meals.

“Good morning,” he said, “please put away your textbooks. If you have listened to the third grade, you will know that today is a practical class, you only need a magic wand.”

The classmates took the textbooks back into their schoolbags and exchanged a few curious glances. Even the Slytherin students looked at them with a little more interest.

They hadn’t taken a practical course on Defence Against the Dark Arts before, and of course Professor Lockhart’s drama course did not count.

“follow me.”

Professor Lu Ping saw that everyone took out their magic wands and walked outside the classroom.

He led the puzzled and interested classmates through the empty corridor, around a corner, and at a glance, he saw the prankster who likes to play pranks hanging head down in the air, pushing the gum to the nearest one. Stuffed in the keyhole.

“Are we going to teach us to deal with Pippi today? It sounds good.”

Millie whispered excitedly next to Ulysses. She had experienced Pippi’s pranks several times last year, and she was so angry that she could not eat well for a few days.

Pepigui kept his back to the crowd, until Professor Lupin was only two steps away from him before raising his head, twisting his bent toe feet, turning his head and singing to himself:

“Lupin crazy fool, Lupin crazy fool, Lupin…”

Its voice suddenly paused, and saw a figure among the students who seemed to be smiling at it, and a flattering smile appeared on his face quickly, “Professor Lupin is topping…”

The expressions of the little wizards looked at it like a fool.

Although Pippi has always been rude and disobedient, he usually treats professors with respect. He didn’t expect to scold Professor Lu Ping wantonly today, and he didn’t expect to suddenly change his words halfway through the scolding.

Professor Lu Ping’s smiled expression became slightly sluggish, and he looked back at the student team meaningfully, and said in a pleasant manner:

“If I were you, Pepy, I would take the gum out of the keyhole. Mr. Filch can’t get in and get the broom.”

Professor Lu Ping pulled out his wand as he spoke, as if he didn’t expect his own words to work. Unexpectedly, Pippi Ghost did so without saying a word, and then floated towards the other corridor without looking back.

Professor Lu Ping looked at the back of the eyelid ghost strangely, did not say much, and led the students through the second corridor to the faculty lounge.

The faculty’s lounge is a long room, full of old chairs that don’t match, and the walls are inlaid with wooden boards. It looks very spacious here, and the windows are also big, making it always bright inside.

In the deepest part of the room, there was a large closet. When the students walked into the room, they suddenly shook and slammed into the wall.

“Don’t worry,” Professor Lu Ping said calmly, seeing a few classmates a little nervous, “There is a Bogut inside.”

“Bogut likes dark, enclosed spaces. Wardrobes, crevices under the bed, cupboards under the sink… I once ran into a man who lived in the master clock. This one just moved in yesterday afternoon. I Ask the principal to keep it for my third to fifth grade students to use for practical lessons.”

“So, I think everyone should know in advance…what is Bogut?”

Professor Lu Ping asked.

“A deformable creature, it will see through your heart and become the thing you fear most.”

A Ravenclaw boy raised his hand and said.

“Completely correct.”

Professor Lupin nodded with a smile, “Ravenclawga is very much.”

He paused, glanced at Ulysses in the crowd, his voice became colder:

“Mr. Lestrange, I heard some professors say that you are an outstanding student. Do you have any comments to add?”

Ulysses had some guesses about his sudden change of attitude, but he didn’t care too much, and said casually:

“My opinion…Perhaps Bogut feeds on human fears, the same reason that Dementors consume human happiness.”

“Interesting guess.”

Professor Lu Ping was stunned for a moment, did not talk in depth, and replied, “Next, what I want to say is that Bogut, who is staying in this dark cabinet, has no specific shape yet, and it doesn’t know what the people outside the cabinet are afraid of. We have a big advantage, we have so many people, it will not know what shape it will turn into for a while.”

The little wizards nodded their heads, and Professor Lu Ping continued:

“So, when dealing with Bogut, the easiest way is to find a few more people and confuse it… The spell to repel Bogut is very simple, but it requires willpower. You know, it’s really scary. Quitting Bogut is laughing! All you have to do is force it to become what you think is ridiculous.”

“Let’s practice the spell without using a magic wand, please recite it…funny!”

Ulysses was not very interested in this. In fact, Bogut is almost harmless, and even if it becomes the thing you fear most, you can only frighten it with bluffing.

“good very good.”

Professor Lupin nodded and said, “But this is not enough. This is just the simplest part. Next, you have to face it alone. This is the more important thing… Mr. Lestrange, you are the first. How about it?”

“no problem.”

Ulysses frowned, but agreed. He stepped forward and walked to the closet.

The room suddenly became quiet. Everyone held their breath and looked at the closet with intense curiosity. They were eager to know what Ulysses feared most.

“Are you ready?”

Professor Lupin asked. After seeing Ulysses nodding, a string of sparks shot from the tip of his wand, hitting the spherical doorknob, and the wardrobe door suddenly opened.

Everyone turned their eyes to the closet for the first time.

However, it was empty and there was nothing inside.

Everyone was stunned, Professor Lu Ping said hesitantly:

“Fearless, isn’t it? It’s amazing… But how can it be…”

Ulysses stood quietly in front of the closet, with a sad expression on his face.

He knew that he was not fearless. What he was afraid of was to disappear completely in this world without leaving any traces, as if there was no person like him, just like… his journey was a dream.

Ulysses looked at the empty closet, and felt a pair of suspicious eyes looking at him there too.

He suddenly chuckled, and the closet door closed hurriedly, and a scream of horror came from inside.

It was at this moment that Ulysses made up his mind that he would go farther than anyone else on the road of magic, and he wanted to let the traces of his existence even the years to wash away.

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