Chapter 171 Weak Professor Lu Ping

“Black must hate Potter for penetrates the bone.”

In the auditorium, Draco sat at the long Slytherin table and whispered to Ulysses, “I heard from my father that he told the Dark Lord where the Potter family was hiding, which directly led to The downfall of the Dark Lord…”

“I have been in Azkaban for more than ten years, no matter what he does, I won’t be surprised.”

Pansy shrugged and said gleefully, “I just don’t know how he will trouble Potter…”

Ulysses did not comment on the comparison. Although he couldn’t figure out why Sirius Black didn’t seek Dumbledore’s help, he should know that Dumbledore was able to understand the truth and could help him clean up his charges.

Did Sirius Black think Dumbledore was also one of the traitors? That’s too far-fetched.

Pansy paused, and after discovering that Ulysses had nothing to say, he picked another topic, pointed to Gryffindor’s long table and sneered and said:

“And that Granger, wouldn’t he be scared by Sirius Black? With that pale face, I didn’t know that it was not the portrait of their college that was attacked but her. I was still in the school hospital yesterday. It’s her…”

“So what are you doing in the school hospital?”

Daphne blinked and asked.

Pansy’s tone was stagnant, and his face was a bit unnatural. Of course she could not say that she was fighting with a girl in Hufflepuff, and she couldn’t fight it…

That’s too shameful.

On the other side, Ron was looking at Hermione worriedly and said:

“Hermione, are you okay? It feels like drinking some suspicious potion.”


Hermione waved her hand weakly. In the past two days, she has been using the time converter to go back in time, hoping to find a clue to Sirius Black’s invasion. But Professor McGonagall sternly warned that the retrospective time of the time converter should not exceed five hours at most. If it is too much, there is a risk of getting lost in the torrent of time.

Therefore, she tried many times, but five hours was still too short for this event, every time she returned to no avail. In order not to waste time, she can only use her time to study as much as possible to make up for the missed courses that have been missed by Sirius Black in the past few days.

As a result, her energy would inevitably be greatly consumed, and she became extremely weak now.

Hermione’s abnormal situation caused Harry, who was already very irritable, to worry a little more.

Now he is being closely watched, and the professors are trying to find excuses to accompany him through the corridor. Gryffindor’s prefect Percy Weasley seems to have obeyed her mother’s instructions, following him everywhere, like a very pompous police dog.

To make matters worse, Professor McGonagall called Harry to her office, the expression on her face was so solemn that Harry thought someone must be dead.

“There is no point in hiding it from you, Potter.”

She said in a very serious tone, “I know this is a blow to you, Sirius Black—”

“I know he came to me.” Harry said helplessly, “I heard when Ron’s father told his mother. Mr. Weasley works at the Ministry of Magic.”

Professor McGonagall seemed very surprised. She was still very worried. Harry was once banned from participating in Quidditch matches. Harry persuaded him in every possible way. Besides, she didn’t want to see Gryffindor’s team collapse this year, so she reluctantly agreed that Harry must be in Huo. Only in the presence of Mrs. Qi can participate in the training.

These made Harry feel that he was not coming to Hogwarts to go to school this year, but to go to jail.

But what made him even more annoyed was that they had trained for a long time in the bad weather, only to learn that the next opponent was not Slytherin but Hufflepuff.

This means that their tactics and strategies are all in vain, and they are seriously under-prepared for Hufflepuff.

Different from his distress, Draco was triumphant at this time. He didn’t care to untie the bandage on his arm. After enjoying lunch, he tied it slowly and said with a smile:

“Now that group of Gryffindors are stupid… those people must be dumbfounded. They should blame Hagrid. It was his class that caused me to be like this.”

After so long, Draco seemed to have tasted the imprints on the back of his hand, and his words gradually converged a lot.

The members of the Slytherin team laughed at the words, and the people on the long table in Gryffindor glared at them.

Draco wrapped the bandage and asked suddenly inexplicably:

“Speaking of it, I have always wondered, why don’t you play Quidditch? You are so strong, you will definitely be good on the court, right?”

“No interest, no time.”

Ulysses said concisely, that he really hadn’t always had a good impression of Quidditch.

After eating, Ulysses left the auditorium and walked straight to Professor Lupin’s office.

Today is the day for him to drink medicine again.

After knocking on the door and entering, Professor Lu Ping’s face was not so good, he sat weakly on the chair, and the little finger of his right hand was beating uncontrollably. Seeing Ulysses walk in, a smile appeared on his face, and he said in a harsh voice:

“I have to trouble you again, Mr. Lestrange…”

“It seems a bit serious this time, Professor.”

Ulysses put the wolf poison potion on the table, carefully examined his face, and said in confusion, “Is there something wrong with the potion I boiled last month? Or are you resistant to the potion? If so. , The wolf poison potion needs further improvement…”

“It should not be.”

Professor Lu Ping waved his hand and said with a wry smile, “It happens every year…on the day when the moon is at its fullest…You don’t want to know how I came here without the wolf poison potion. To be honest, I’m already very good. Satisfied…but I’m afraid I will have to hand over to Snape for your next class…”

Ulysses was silent for a while and walked out quietly.

Professor Lu Ping drank the wolf poison potion on the table, then locked the door of the office, retracted himself in a corner, and quietly waited for the werewolf’s transformation posture to pass.

At this time, he was painful and uneasy.

Remus Lupin is a lonely person, which is inseparable from his painful experience. When he was four years old, his father offended the werewolf Fenrir Greyback. In revenge, one night, Greyback invaded Lupin’s house from the window and bit the young Remus Lupin.

From then on, Lupin’s Life became obscure and lonely.

As time passed quietly, his parents tried everything they could think of, but they couldn’t cure him. Both he and his parents thought it was impossible for him to go to Hogwarts-other parents would not want their children to approach a werewolf.

But Dumbledore gave him a chance. He made a lot of friends in school, including Sirius Black, Harry’s father James Potter, and… Peter Pettigrew.

It was the happiest day in his life.

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