Chapter 18-Inscription

Crossing did not bring Ulysses the Gold Finger similar to the “system” in the novel, but gave him an unparalleled magical talent and an unforgettable super memory.

He can easily understand and master the very difficult spells in the eyes of ordinary wizards, and all the things he has experienced in life, as long as he wants to, can appear in front of his eyes like a movie, so clear as to be adjusted to the highest frame. Rate.

Therefore, the precautions just mentioned by Professor Flitwick, and his personal demonstration have been remembered by Ulysses.

Ulysses closed his eyes and recalled carefully, feeling Professor Flitwick’s magical fluctuations and wand trajectory when he released the curing spell.

When he opened his eyes again, a confident look appeared on his face.

“Finished forever!”

Ulysses waved his magic wand, and the floating track made Professor Flitwick even feel that he saw himself a few minutes ago.

His thin, calloused hands couldn’t help holding it on the leg of a chair, and he pulled it hard, but he lifted it up with the table.

Ulysses was secretly speechless. Unexpectedly, Professor Flitwick was so old, and his strength was really not small.

Professor Flitwick was as shocked as he was. His eyes widened, and he broke it twice unbelief, and found that the table and chairs were all made in nature before he had to accept this shocking fact.

Merlin is on, look what he sees!

Surging thoughts echoed in Professor Flitwick’s chest. He stared at Ulysses closely, and after seeing him a little uncomfortable, he said eagerly:

“Mr. Lestrange, come to Ravenclaw, right? It’s only one day before school. I don’t want this old face, and I have to win you over from Professor Snape, as long as you agree. Ravenclaw It is the academy that suits you best! The extraordinary ingenuity is reflected in you to the fullest!”

Ulysses was taken aback for a while, and he was caught off guard by the praise. He looked at Professor Flitwick’s face and said carefully:

“Thank you for your kindness, Professor, but I feel Slytherin is more suitable for me.”

“Where is more suitable for you? Ravenclaw pursues knowledge and focuses on enriching the spiritual world. What does Slytherin have? They can only… only…”

Professor Flitwick said anxiously, but the good man’s character made him reluctant to talk bad about others behind his back, and after holding back for a while, he gave up in an embarrassing manner.

“Besides, if I go to Ravenclaw, wouldn’t it be embarrassing to meet Professor Snape in the future? So, Professor, I’ll stay in Slytherin. But don’t worry, if there is anything I can help in the future. , I have no excuse.”

Professor Flitwick hesitated to speak, and finally nodded with a sigh. He felt that Ulysses’ happiness curse had lost its effect, and he was unhappy as a whole.

The Slytherin students around looked frequently. They were so close, they heard a little bit of Professor Flitwick’s words, and after seeing that Ulysses was not bewitched to Ravenclaw by Professor Flitwick, they had a sense of identification with him.

For the rest of the time, Professor Flitwick was in a sullen state until class was over.

The second session is the history of magic, Ulysses came in joy, and then sat in a chair blankly, his face dull.

The history of magic is very interesting, and Ulysses knows that “reading history can be wise, and learning the past can tell the future.”

However, Professor Bins, who is in charge of the history of magic, is extremely boring.

As a ghost, he can be said to be the oldest professor at Hogwarts. However, the quality of his teaching is inversely proportional to the length of time. The content of his lectures is dry and boring, and his tone of voice is dull without a trace.

Ulysses had already made up his mind to learn this course by himself when he uttered the text in an unsentimental tone.

Super memory is most suitable for this course.

During class time, Ulysses decided to engrave the magic pattern first.

Fortunately, Professor Bins rarely interacts with the students, so Ulysses can skip the class without any worries.

Ulysses quietly placed a perception spell around, and when someone came in, he could find it the first time.

Then, he took out a blue-eyed white dragon and carefully rubbed the card. After his special request, the card is not paper, but made of a metal with a very high magic affinity, so it is a bit heavy to hold in his hand.

There is no unique way to engrave the magic pattern. You can draw symbols on the carrier, or you can directly use the form of engraving to leave a mark on the carrier.

Both have their pros and cons, but Ulysses is used to sculpting. This method is more stable and the flow of magic is smoother.

The magic pattern is actually derived from ancient runes. The ancient wizards discovered that they could attach magic power to objects, causing them to have unexpected effects.

After discovering this phenomenon, they began to consciously extract patterns from runes to inscribe them, thus creating a variety of magic patterns with different functions and qualities.

A magic pattern like the old witch of Turnover Alley can only be regarded as the simplest first-level magic pattern.

It’s a pity that with the passage of time, the rise of modern magic has gradually declined the ancient runes, and there are fewer and fewer people who know the art of magic patterns. Even Ulysses was inherited from that weird house in Leicester, France.

Ulysses flipped his wrist and took out an ebony carving knife, which was the most convenient carving knife he used.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his expression focused, and the blade of the carving knife touched the back of the card, as if he was carving the most precious artwork in the world.

The blade slid across the card lightly, Ulysses’ magic power was poured, and the red slender lines smoothly extended from under the blade. The red lines on the palm-sized cards continue to increase. Gradually, a complicated and mysterious pattern becomes perfect as the blade slides.

Ulysses’ breathing slowed down for a few minutes, and the sound of Professor Bins’s lecture and the snoring of his surrounding classmates disappeared in his world. Only this card was in front of him.

If you look closely, you can find that his right arm has not moved a bit from beginning to end, only his wrist has moved. Engraving the magic pattern is a practical technology, and if you are not careful, you may lose all your previous efforts.

The blade turned slightly, and an elegant arc appeared extremely natural. The arc was connected to the end of the pattern, and a dim light suddenly appeared on the card, and then dimmed.

Sweat leaked from Ulysses’ forehead, Ulysses exhaled a suffocating breath, withdrew from the state of concentration, wiped off the sweat.

Time passed silently, and when class was about to end, Ulysses had completed the inscription of a magic pattern. According to his vision, this is only part of a huge project.

The function of this magic pattern is called “Gathering Demon”.

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