Chapter 23 The Awkward Professor Lockhart

The Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom is on the second floor of the Black Tower, a very spacious classroom.

Standing on the podium was a handsome middle-aged wizard. He was wearing a blue robe like forget-me-not, matching his blue eyes, and the pointed wizard hat was playfully crooked on a wavy blond hair.

There is a book “Traveling with a Vampire” on many desks. It is said that this is the textbook that Professor Lockhart will use in the third grade.

Ulysses casually found an empty seat to sit down and patted the shoulder of the front table.

A beautiful girl with long brown hair turned her head. She looked at Ulysses, her eyes stayed on his face for two seconds, and then smiled and said:

“What’s the matter, Mr. Lestrange?”

Ulysses lowered his voice to prevent Professor Lockhart on the podium from hearing:

“Could you lend me your book? It will be fine soon.”

“No problem at all.”

The Slytherin girl handed over the book. Ulysses looked up at Professor Lockhart, pointed his wand imaginarily at the book, and muttered:

“Copy into pairs.”

There was no unusual noise, but another book appeared out of thin air on the table.


The Slytherin girl’s eyes lit up slightly, “It’s a beautiful copying spell. It turns out that you can use this method without a textbook.”

“I just don’t want to spend money on his books. You know, his books are ridiculously expensive…”

Ulysses said casually, but found that the eyes of the girl in front of him were getting brighter, and he said a little eagerly:

“Are you short of money, Ulysses?”

Ulysses felt weird. The other party seemed to have awakened some incredible attributes, and said quickly:

“No, no, I just don’t want to spend wrong money.”

“All right.”

The girl looked a little disappointed. “My name is Millie Burst. If you have any difficulties in the future, maybe you can come to me.”

“Thanks…thank you.”

Ulysses was silent for a while, and said with a smile.

At this moment, Professor Lockhart cleared his throat loudly to calm everyone down. He casually picked up “Traveling with a Vampire” on the table of his classmates in the front row, showing the photo of him blinking on the cover.

“I,” said Professor Lockhart, pointing to the own photo, and blinking his eyes, “Gidro Lockhart, the third-level Medal of the Merlin Order, an honorary member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts League, won the “Witcher Weekly” five times. The most charming smile award-but I don’t put that on my lips, I don’t use a smile to drive away Wan Lun’s female ghost!”

He paused for a while, waiting for everyone to laugh, but no one gave him a face.

“Have you heard that he just taught a second-grade little wizard yesterday. It’s terrible…”

Millie Bursted leaned back and whispered, “He brought a cage of Cornish elves and asked the little wizards to subdue them. The result was all messed up, and his wand was thrown by the elves. Went out…”

Ulysses gave an expression of “I am not surprised.” He heard the undisguised contempt in Millie’s tone, and was a little surprised, and said softly to Professor Lockhart:

“Maybe to give the little wizards some practical opportunities. I heard that Professor Lockhart is very popular with girls, and the little witch has specially circled his class in a heart shape on the class schedule…”

Millie chuckled, looked back at Ulysses, and said jokingly:

“You won’t be fascinated by Lockhart, too?”

“No one can fascinate me…”

Ulysses shook his head, and suddenly froze in the middle of speaking, not knowing what he thought of, and did not finish speaking.

Lockhart’s face was thick. He seemed to be ignorant of the awkward atmosphere in the classroom. He coughed and said calmly:

“I saw that you all bought my full set of books-very good. I think we will take a quiz today. Don’t be afraid, just see how you read and understand how much…”

After sending out the papers, he returned to the podium and said, “I will give you thirty minutes, let’s start now.”

Ulysses picked up the paper, and the writing on it caught his eye:

1. What color is Guidro Lockhart’s favorite?

2. What are Guidro Lockhart’s secret ambitions?

3. What do you think is Guidro Lockhart’s greatest achievement so far?

And so on, three sides of the paper, the last question is:

54. When is Guidro Lockhart’s birthday? What is his ideal birthday present?

Ulysses blankly wrote “I don’t know” under the first question, and then filled all the questions with a copy curse, thinking that copying and pasting was quite tiring.

Professor Lockhart’s chattering was also heard:

“You have to answer well. The second-year Hermione Granger Miss got a perfect score in this test… What an amazing girl! Hope you have such an outstanding talent…”

There was a murmur of laughter among the Slytherin crowd, whether it was aimed at him, Hermione, or both.

The girls in Gryffindor were full of envy, while the boys looked ugly.

After a few minutes, when a boy finally answered the tenth question, he couldn’t help the question “Is Guidro Lockhart the wizard with the most charming smile?” and he stood up directly.

“Oh… Mr. McLagen, are you finished? So fast? Let me see…”

Professor Lockhart was taken aback and walked down from the podium.

“No, Professor. I want to ask you a question.”

McCork McLagen’s expression is not good, “Suppose, when we meet the dark wizard, how can we avoid danger? By asking him, “What color is Gildro Lockhart’s favorite”, we can escape successfully or Have you beaten him?”

What a Gryffindor warrior!

Ulysses raised his brows and exclaimed sincerely. He knew that Professor Lockhart was a parallel importer, but as long as he didn’t hinder him, he didn’t care what Professor Lockhart taught.

But he didn’t mind admiring someone lining up with Professor Lockhart.

“Excuse me, Mr. McLagen, can I understand that you are questioning my teaching level?”

A look of embarrassment flashed across Professor Lockhart’s face, he showed a brilliant smile, and each tooth was white and shiny.

“If you have read my work carefully, you can easily deal with dark magical creatures such as werewolves, vampires, and trolls…”

McLagen was unmoved, “I don’t think those magical creatures are more dangerous than the black wizard, and I don’t seem to see the content of dealing with the black wizard in your book…”

“Ah, yes, the dark wizard is undoubtedly the most dangerous thing…”

Professor Lockhart rolled his eyes, desperately thinking about the countermeasures, and said in a perfunctory manner, “Don’t worry, I will teach you decent skills in the following courses… In fact, I am preparing for the reconstruction of the duel club…”

“Duel club?”

There was a sneer on McLagen’s face, “With all due respect, Professor, I think there is a person who is no less powerful than you…”

Then, in Professor Lockhart’s surprised gaze, McLagen’s right index finger pointed to Ulysses whose eyes were slightly narrowed at the back of the classroom.

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