Chapter 36 Ancient Rune Lessons

October came silently, and the damp chill filled the ground and penetrated into the castle.

A cold suddenly caught up between the faculty and the students, and the school doctor Madam Pomfrey was in a hurry. Her refreshing potion has an immediate effect, but people who drink the potion will have smoke in their ears for several hours.

Many Slytherin students were also recruited. After being forced to drink the refreshing agent, a puff of steam came out of their hair, and the whole head was on fire.

Thanks to Ulysses having been exercising and having a strong immune system, he was prevented from walking and smoking.

After attending the spell class, he added a dozen points for Slytherin as usual, and then walked to the West Tower.

This class is an ancient rune class, and the classroom is on the third floor of the West Tower.

This is a book-scented classroom, and the bookshelves are densely packed with ancient books. On the walls of the classroom, there are a variety of slates, photos and rubbings, all of which are samples of magic texts obtained by archaeologists.

It is these objects with ancient flavor that make this classroom also covered with a layer of mysterious charm.

Because it faces south, sunlight will gently spill in through the windows during the day, which makes people happy.

Standing by the window and looking out, you can see the empty lawn in front of the castle. When the breeze blows, the neat lawn swings with the wind, quietly swaying layers of green waves.

Occasionally, a few owls would fly from a distance, gradually magnify from a small point, and then with a few faint flapping sounds, they half-glided and landed on the top of the West Tower.

There is the school’s owl shed.

The ancient rune course is an optional course, so there is no faction between the colleges. The students from the four colleges who have chosen this course will take the course here.

It stands to reason that such a superior environment is enough to attract many students to take this course. However, the students who choose this course is no less boring than the history of magic, and whose understanding is more difficult than the divination course, have always become one of the few under the admonition of generations of previous practitioners.

The classroom is not big, but even half of the people are not satisfied.

Ulysses walked into the classroom, and his roommate Gerrard had found a seat and began to write hard. He didn’t know what he was writing every day. The amount of homework at Hogwarts was definitely not that much.

Before long, a tall Onee-san walked in. She wears gold-rimmed glasses and her long pale blonde hair is rolled up high.

Professor Babling can be said to be responsible for Hogwarts’s appearance-of course, referring to being in the team of professors. In fact, she is one of the few unmarried women of the right age at Hogwarts.

Ulysses looked ahead, slightly distracted.

He also clearly remembered the details of the first ancient rune lesson.

“In this first class, I will tell you one thing clearly-the ancient Rune has its unique charm and great value.”

Just when the students at the time were amazed by Professor Babling’s beauty, she flicked her right hand and a pile of papers appeared on the podium out of thin air.

“Ancient Rune is a character that emphasizes’meaning’. Behind a large number of symbols, it contains complex and mysterious symbolic meaning.”

“So far, scholars of ancient magic texts have been studying various ancient documents, trying to understand the true face of ancient wizards and ancient magic. But in fact, the various ancient magic texts we come into contact with are themselves a kind of ancient magic—including us The curses used now have also evolved from the specific application of ancient magic texts.”

Having said that, Professor Babling placed the pieces of paper on the podium in a certain order and regularly, and then pressed one of them with his own finger.

Then, she took out a feather that had been prepared and placed it gently on top of the pieces of paper.

The moment she let go, the students were surprised to see that the feather was lifted by an invisible force and hung lightly in the unobstructed air.

“As long as we accurately understand the meaning of each ancient magic text, and arrange the required magic texts in a specific array, we can use magic to make magic work.”

Professor Babling gave a charming smile, “This can be said to be the simplest magic pattern array. Of course, the content of the magic pattern part will have to wait for you to master the ancient magic text before I will elaborate more.”

Of course the students were shocked by this magical scene. Qiu Zhang of Ravenclaw raised his hand hesitantly and asked:

“Professor, is this a floating spell?”

Her question was like a stone, breaking the peace of the entire lake. There was a burst of exclamation and questions in the classroom.

“of course not.”

Professor Babling smiled, “This is only part of the Levitating Curse. We all know that the Levitating Curse can make objects move according to the meaning of the wizard, and the effect is not just to “float”. Moreover, you can see that these papers The paintings on the film are all ancient Runes…”

“In short, the mystery of the ancient magic text is far beyond our imagination. Next, we will start from the ancient runes that everyone can easily understand, and slowly uncover the veil that covers it…”

The scene of the first ancient Nicaragua class was transformed in front of Ulysses like a lantern. Ulysses could figure it out, and even Professor Babling didn’t even know that Professor Babling came to him.

Gerrard on the side looked ashamed. He just wanted to remind Ulysses, but was stopped by Professor Babling’s eyes.

“I was distracted just after class, it made me sad, Mr. Lestrange.”

Professor Babling said with a smile, “Although I know that you have a good command of ancient runes, this is not a reason to skip class. Slytherin deducts 5 points.”

Ulysses smiled helplessly and lowered his head slightly: “Sorry, Professor.”

The eyes of other people are full of surprise and gloat. In their impression, it was Ulysses’ deduction of points. In the past, he was the only one who earned the points in the hands of the professors.

Professor Babling nodded and walked back, and said as he walked: “I read the homework of the last class, and most of them were done very carefully, especially Mr. Lestrange. Some of his ideas inspired me. . Well, Slytherin gets 10 points.”

Less than two minutes after the students were excited, they familiarly saw Ulysses adding the points back.

“But,” Professor Babling said in a tone, and walked to the two fiery red-haired twins at the edge of the classroom. They were whispering, with unexplained thief smiles on their faces.

“There are countless similarities in some of my classmates’ homework. I suspect they treat me as a monster that can fool me at will.”

Professor Babling knocked on the heads of the Weasley twins, and the two of them instantly looked solemn and behaved properly.

“Gryffindor deducts twenty points. By the way, studying hard now does no harm to you. Every thought of studying hard may be the future of you who are asking yourself for help.”

Professor Babling walked back to the stage, smiling, and said loudly:

“Today, I will take everyone to understand what magic lines are.”

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