Chapter 60

A group of dark shadows ran wildly through the woods at a speed like the wind.

When Ulysses was talking to Marvin, the eight-eyed giant spider sneaked away in the dark. Marvin didn’t take this eight-eyed giant spider seriously either, it got away smoothly.


After returning to the depression, the eight-eyed giant spider yelled.

“what happened again?”

Aragog’s huge body crawled out awkwardly, and asked impatiently, the two big claws clicked, “Someone is here again?”

“No, there is an emergency.”

The eight-eyed giant spider said the matter briefly, and then asked carefully:

“What should we do? Do we want to mix in?”

Aragok moved around on the spot, quickly made a decision, and said cruelly:

“Go, kill them all when they are almost fighting. That damn human student, dare to talk to me like this… Make sure he doesn’t have the strength to do it again, I always feel that something is wrong with him…”


After the eight-eyed giant spider responded, it tugged on the web. Soon, dozens of eight-eyed giant spiders followed behind it and rushed out mightily.

The night was extremely silent, and weird roars and bird calls faintly came from the surrounding woods. At the foot of the tree on the ground, there are clusters of mushrooms glowing with faint white fluorescence. In addition to moonlight, these fluorescent mushrooms are the only light source in the Forbidden Forest.

Ulysses ostensibly focused all his attention on Marvin, but in fact he kept staring at the other two people. When they did it, Ulysses was not surprised at all, and his body rotated back lightly for a full circle, hiding gracefully. Lost these two evil curses that were enough to kill.

“Black Tiger Demon.”

Marvin waved his magic wand, acting hard and determined. Since Ulysses refused the invitation, he was an immortal enemy.

A giant tiger made of black mist jumped out of the magic wand, moving extremely fast, and opened its mouth towards Ulysses.

“Storm of Crows!”

Ulysses’ eyes were terrifyingly calm. He backed three steps in a row and opened his arms. Numerous crows flew out of his robes, some blocked in front of the black tiger and interfered with its movements, and some rushed towards the fast-moving Marvin. .

Although there was no substantial harm, it bought Ulysses some time.

A few chains stretched out silently from the darkness, this magic is exactly the same as Travers used in the secret room.

Not only that, some of the surrounding fallen leaves floated into the air, turned into a long needle glowing with cold light, and shot at Ulysses overwhelmingly.

Ulysses’ Mental Energy field has long been maximized, always paying attention to the situation on the battlefield. Facing the attack of Traverse and another young man, his wand swiftly moved towards the surrounding points and shouted:

“Third Stage Iron Guard!”

Three heavy armored guards descended from the sky, smashing a piece of snow with a loud noise. They dullly raised their shields, welcoming attacks from all directions.

The sound of “ding ding dong dong” was endless, but at The next moment, Ulysses’s face changed suddenly, and only felt a sting in his mind. The connection with the Third Stage Iron Guard was cut off forcibly, and the Iron Guards gradually disappeared. in the air.

In a hurry, he formed a circle around himself, trying his best to form a magical barrier, and withdrew and burst back as soon as the chains and long needles were blocked.

Not far away, Marvin’s eyes were wide and piercing. After cutting off Ulysses’s spell, he didn’t stop, muttering words in his mouth, and then pointed his wand straight to the ground.

At the same time, Ulysses quickly threw out the venom that had just been blackmailed from the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider. After randomly smashing the container with a spell, the venom inside was floating in the air.

Ulysses pointed his wand, and the venom slowly condensed in the air, turned into sharp arrows, and shot at enemies in three different directions.

Traverse dodged dangerously and dangerously, but the young man couldn’t avoid it. He was shot through the chest on the spot, with dark and gory blood spilling from his mouth, and his body twitched and fell to the ground.

Marvin’s curse has been released. A giant green imaginary sickle figure suddenly appeared in front of him, emitting a green smoke, swallowing the arrows turned into venom, and then speeding up suddenly, slashing towards Ulysses.

Ulysses’ pupils shrank slightly, and a fire dragon sprayed out of his wand like a cannonball between his hands. It hit the giant sickle shadow head-on, but was easily cut in half.

That sickle seems to have been given an incomparable will to “cut”, and all people or things blocked in its path will be cut openly and ruthlessly!

Ulysses took a sharp breath, the wand flashed, and suddenly gave up resistance, the whole person was slashed in the middle by a sickle, split in half and fell to both sides.

However, Marvin did not feel that the victory was set, because blood did not flow from the two remains. He turned his head sharply and saw Ulysses squatting on the ground in the distance, breathing heavily.

“So fast, so realistic transformation technique…”

Marvin was secretly shocked, and his fear of Ulysses was ascension to a new level.

He didn’t expect that what he thought was a smashing battle would now be deadlocked.

Ulysses escaped the lethal blow, and just breathed a sigh of relief, when the alarm bell suddenly went crazy in his mind, and an extremely terrifying feeling emerged spontaneously. He dared not hesitate and threw himself aside.

A deadly green light blasted where he was before, almost passing him by.

Ulysses raised his head, looked in the direction of Avadaso’s Mantra, and kept reflecting in his heart.

I didn’t even think that they would hide someone in advance…

After seeing the person standing on a big tree in the distance, Ulysses was taken aback for a moment. He was not unfamiliar with this person.

Warren Shaker in seventh grade.

Warren Shaker’s eyes flashed with unforgettable hatred and killing intent, and he smiled sternly at Ulysses, and a green light shot out again.

Behind Ulysses, purple light followed one after another.

“Vulcan clears the way!”

Ulysses squinted his eyes slightly, agitating his body to consume most of the magic power, and his right hand drew a very large arc in front of him. The crimson line of fire came out, and the moment he walked forward, it suddenly expanded several times. Facing the Avadaso’s life curse fiercely.

“Winter’s Fury!”

The swing of the wand did not stop at all, and the movement could not be said to be fast or slow, but it contained a wonderful rhythm.

The remnant snow on the forest floor condensed into ice crystals, the ice crystals turned into icicles, and the icicles merged and recombined, and finally turned into a cold-suffering ice sword, which accurately pierced the heart-piercing curse that broke through the air behind him.

The moment the line of fire hits the Avadasuo Mantra, it seemed to come alive, like a palm with five fingers extending out of the palm, enveloping the green light impermeably, and it was actually a direct ray of the Mantra. Press it to go out.

Warren Shaker’s face was shocked, and he jumped from the tree before the line of fire burned, and the trunk was directly burned into a piece of coke.

Under the impact of the Heart Drilling Curse, the ice sword slowly split a trace from the center, and then collapsed into snowflakes in the sky.

Ulysses’ spell power is still slightly inferior to Marvin. However, as soon as he was blocked by the ice sword, the castration of the Heartbreaking Curse was also exhausted, and after a certain distance in the air, it turned into a purple light and dissipated.

The offensive on both sides was resolved by Ulysses, but Traverse did not give Ulysses a chance to breathe at all, and a chain that was much stronger than before stretched out from the shadow on Ulysses’ side.

Ulysses keenly perceives this insidious chain, but at this time he is in an awkward situation where the old force has just gone to the new force, and can only barely condense a fragile magic barrier on his side.

The barrier carried a huge impulse, and the chain broke as soon as it was touched. Ulysses’s body was blasted into the air by this force, and it hit a big tree behind him heavily, and the snow between the treetops was constantly shaken down.

There was a sharp pain in the back that made Ulysses breathe in the pain.

“How long has it been so embarrassing…”

Ulysses thought in his heart, and Marvin walked over slowly and said in amazement:

“Awesome talent. At this age, with this strength, you can rank in the top three among people I know. But unfortunately, you have to die.”

Ulysses sat leaning against the tree, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. He raised his head, a smile bloomed on his handsome and pale face, and said softly:

“Don’t think you won.”

Hearing the words, Ma Wen suddenly stood on guard, but saw Ulysses use his blood-stained right hand to pull a card out of his arms with his index finger and middle finger sandwiched between them.

‘I didn’t expect it would come in handy as soon as I finished talking today, Professor Babling. ’

Ulysses thought to himself, and said with a smile:

“Let you see its posture…come out, blue-eyed white dragon!”

The magic pattern suddenly circulated, and the cards brightened up.

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