"The next thing will trouble you." Zheng Shan said to Chen Guang, a senior county official who rushed over.

"This was originally a mistake in our work, and we should apologize." Chen Guang said quickly.

Zheng Shan and Chen Guang said a few polite words, and then left immediately, the matter is already done here.

He also asked Zhao Yang and the others. The money is basically there, and they have nowhere to spend these days.

After all, it is only a small county, even if it is better than other counties, the spending power is here.

In addition, Zhao Yang and the others also came to invest in the beginning, and they still have some money in their hands, so basically everyone's money can be refunded in full.

Coupled with Zheng Shan's personal appearance, this matter should be done very quickly, and it will be almost finished by the end of the year.

In fact, Zheng Shan didn't expect things to be done so smoothly, but it's good, it can save a lot of things.

When Zheng Shan and the others returned home, they were nervous when they saw that those people had not dispersed.

Seeing Zheng Shan and the others coming back, they all looked at Zheng Shan nervously.

"Everyone can rest assured that the matter has been resolved, those liars have been caught, and the money is still there, but it will take a few days before everyone can get their money back." Zheng Shan said.

Hearing Zheng Shan's words, all the talents were relieved. It doesn't matter if they didn't get the money now, and they didn't see it with their own eyes.

They still have this trust in Zheng Shan.

"Dashan, thank you, if it weren't for you, everyone would not have had a good time this year. It would be too much trouble for you." The village chief said gratefully.

Zheng Shan hurriedly said: "I am also a member of Dagu Village. These are all things I should do. You are too polite."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Shan said again: "In addition, it is better to be more careful in the future for things like this.

There is no pie in the sky. Most of these things are actually scams. "

"I know, I know, in the future we will definitely be careful not to make such mistakes again."

After chatting with the old village chief for a while, Zheng Shan soon saw that people kept delivering things to their house.

They are all made by some at home, and this is also a way for everyone to express their gratitude.

Zheng Shan couldn't stop it either, so he just didn't care.

When it was time for dinner, the atmosphere of Zheng Shan's dining table was not very good. Originally, the uncle and the second uncle came to thank Zheng Shan.

But I didn't expect that the old man was still here, and then he was reprimanded.

Zheng Shan, a junior, can only ease the atmosphere on the side, but if the old man doesn't let go, then there is nothing anyone can do.

"Next time you have a better memory, I don't ask you to help Dashan much, I hope you cause less trouble to Dashan." The old man said loudly.

Seeing that the old man's anger was getting bigger and bigger, Zheng Shan winked at the others and brought a few children over by the way.

Everyone worked hard together to reduce the old man's fire.


"Why do you think there are so many liars now? At first I thought it was all true." After the meal, the uncle stayed for a while to talk to Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shandao: "There will always be liars in the world. There were few liars in the past, but everyone didn't have much money in their hands, so it's not worth wasting their energy.

But now that everyone has money in their hands, there are naturally more people to follow. "

"I didn't expect that this foreign businessman still has a liar." The uncle sighed.

"Actually, I can't blame everyone for this matter, mainly because of their identities." Zheng Shan comforted.

But this is indeed a truth. If it weren't for Zhao Yang's status as foreign businessmen, there would not necessarily be so many people who believe it.

Of course, there are bound to be people who have been deceived.

After comforting the uncle for a while, Zheng Shan went back to rest.

The next day when Zheng Shan got up, he saw Chen Guang brought some people over to visit. In fact, Chen Guang wanted to visit Zheng Shan for a long time.

But because there is no reason, and because he is not familiar with Zheng Shan, he is not Shi Hui'an, but is very familiar with Zheng Shan.

So I never found any opportunity.

Just when the opportunity came yesterday, Chen Guang brought a few people over to thank Zheng Shan.

"Mr. Zheng, on behalf of the county, I would like to express my gratitude to you. If it weren't for you, the people in the county would have suffered a lot this time." Chen Guang said.

Zheng Shan was also polite when he heard the words.

Slowly, Chen Guang also talked about the business, this time is a good opportunity, not only to have some relationship with Zheng Shan, but also to take the opportunity to ask some things.

For those who know Zheng Shan's identity, this is an opportunity not to be missed.

"Mr. Zheng, many foreign businessmen are coming to invest now, and some foreign businessmen are planning to invest in and acquire some of our factories. I wonder if you have any suggestions in this regard?" Chen Guang asked.

Then he added: "This time Zhao Yang's incident also reminded us, how can we tell whether these people are liars?"

Hearing this, Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "Investing in factories, etc., needs to be considered by the county itself.

The advice I can give is that no matter how you cooperate, you must see tangible benefits. "

"How?" Chen Guang was overjoyed when he saw that Zheng Shan was willing to speak.

Zheng Shandao: "Don't take foreign businessmen too seriously. All capital is interested in interests, and only interests can make them lower their bodies."

"Don't think that if you say a few good words to them, they will obediently help everyone. This is impossible."

"It's the nature of capital to pursue profit, and when possible, they will create the conditions that are most favorable to them."

"For example, I heard that the cotton mill in the county is going to be sold, right?"

Chen Guangdao: "It is true that I have this idea, and it has almost been discussed now."

"What conditions did they give?" Zheng Shan asked.

"Amount ~ www.readwn.com ~ 300,000 purchase price." Chen Guangdao, after speaking, seemed to be afraid of Zheng Shan's misunderstanding, he quickly added: "They promised to export and sell the products of the factory in the future, and they are all abroad. It has its own sales channels.”

"The other thing is that they will continue to invest 2 million to expand the factory after five years."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Is this all written in the contract? And if they fail to do it, how much liquidated damage will they have?"

Chen Guang said a little embarrassedly: "It's not written in the contract, these are their verbal promises."

"You dare to believe the verbal promise?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"If I remember correctly, this cotton mill is worth at least seven or eight hundred thousand, right?"

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, Chen Guang somewhat understood what Zheng Shan meant.

But he also has his own concerns, "What if they are unwilling to invest because of these conditions?"

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