Go back to 1980 and enjoy it

Chapter 206: Cross-generational relationship

"Xiao Dong'er, come and give me a hug!"

"Xiao Dong'er, can grandpa take you out to play?"

"Xiao Dong'er, look, these are our dogs. They are over a year old."

"Xiao Dong'er..."

After returning from the county town, Deng Shirong liked to tease his granddaughter when he had nothing to do.

Xiao Dong'er is now four and a half months old. Because she has inherited her mother's advantages, she is becoming more and more beautiful as she grows older.

Especially her big eyes, which looked so bright and sparkling, she was very lovable. Every time her mother or aunt took her out, the big girls and young wives in the village couldn't help but rush to give her a hug.

As the saying goes, there is no truth in this saying.

When Deng Shirong's children were born in the past, he, as a father, didn't hug them much. But it was different when this granddaughter was born. He wanted to hold and tease her every day when he had nothing to do. Seeing her smile happily, Your mood will become very good.

On this day, Deng Shirong carried his granddaughter around the village.

When they reached the east end of the village, a pregnant Zhang Qi walked over with an empty load, carrying her little daughter in a sling on her back.

Seeing Deng Shirong, Ah Zhang Qi greeted him immediately: "Jiu Gong."

Deng Shirong frowned and said, "A Zhang Qi, are you going to pick seedlings?"

Ah Zhang Qi nodded and said, "Yes, I'm going to plant rice at home today. I'll help pick out the rice seedlings."

Deng Shirong said: "You have a big belly, and you are carrying a child on your back. How can you do this job? It would be bad if you accidentally inflate the fetus."

Ah Zhang Qi said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm used to it. When I was pregnant with them, I worked a lot. I know it well."

As the saying goes, every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. Deng Shirong knew Ah Zhang Qi's status in her husband's family.

Although he had made it clear last time that the decision to have a boy or a girl was up to men and had nothing to do with women, the concept passed down in rural areas for thousands of years was not something he could convince everyone with just a few words. .

At least, even Zhang Qi, who has given birth to five daughters, does not have enough confidence. This is the main reason why she continues to do heavy work even though she is pregnant.

In A Zhang Qi's own opinion, she has no right to be coquettish before giving birth to a son.

Because Deng Shirong could see it clearly, he couldn't say anything more except for a word of advice. He just warned: "Then you should pay attention to yourself. Even if you have to pick seedlings, you should try to pick as few as possible every time. How to protect yourself?" All are important.

I have a hunch that the baby in your belly will be a son, so you must not move the fetus due to heavy work, otherwise it will be too late for you to regret it. "

Ah Zhang Qi nodded repeatedly and said, "Thank you Jiu Gong, I will take care to protect myself."

Deng Shirong hummed and watched her leave with her empty load. He said to his ignorant granddaughter: "Xiao Dong'er, the difference between this person and other people is really very big. If you want to live a life of superiority to others in the future, You have to study hard, you know?”

Xiaodong'er waved her little hands wildly and made random noises.

Deng Shirong laughed and said: "Actually, your little girl's starting point is already better than that of most people in the country. As long as you can study hard and absorb more useful knowledge, you will naturally be better off after you leave the society. There is a good enough platform for you to display your talents.

However, if you are like your little aunt who doesn't study well, then don't think too much about it and just be a rich little woman with no worries about food and clothing! "

Xiaodong'er heard this and was still babbling and scratching.

No one knows what path her future will take.

In March of the Gregorian calendar, this is my country's first "National Civility and Politeness Month". The county party committee and the county government have deployed the county to carry out the "Five Stresses" (morality, civilization, courtesy, hygiene and order) and the "Four Beauties" ( Beauty of mind, beauty of language, beauty of behavior, beauty of environment) activities.

When the brigade cadres began to promote the "Five Lectures and Four Beauties" campaign, Deng Shirong knew that it would have no effect. Although the members' lives were better than before after the land was distributed to households, there were still many families who were reluctant to eat meat even once a month. .

Under such circumstances, how can the members have the time to care about the "Five Stresses and Four Beauties"?

However, the commune members did not have time to care about this, but 150,000 young people in the county actively participated in cleaning and sanitation activities. The main force among them was naturally students in schools. Several of Deng Shirong's sons and daughters participated, and a total of more than 9,100 loads of garbage were cleaned. More than 1,200 meters of sewage ditches and more than 200 manholes were dredged, and more than 2,300 meters of roads were leveled.

The county even organized more than 20 various service projects such as haircuts and repairs, which can be considered to have achieved good results.

During this period, Deng Shirong made another trip to the county town, mainly to see the construction progress of the hotel and to serve as a supervisor.

However, after two or three days of continuous observation, Deng Shirong went home with peace of mind. The quality of projects in this era was indeed guaranteed, unlike those black-hearted guys in later generations who would always come up with shoddy projects.

On the first Saturday after the Spring Equinox, the entire Bobai County is busy shoveling mountains.

For those families in the village who have many senior families, it basically takes them two days to finish plowing their houses. However, Deng Shirong's family does not have many houses, so they can easily finish it in one day. In fact, this is not a glorious thing. It means that the people in your family are not prosperous enough.

However, that was all in the past. Deng Shirong gave birth to five sons in total. I believe that in another ten to twenty years, their family will also prosper.

According to seniority, Deng Shirong's late wife's grave was the last to be shoveled.

While offering incense, Deng Shirong squatted in front of the grave and said: "Old woman, I have brought my children to see you again. Today I want to tell you a happy event. On the day of the beginning of winter last year, the third generation of our family was born. She is a granddaughter. , looks like her mother, so beautiful..."

Deng Shirong squatted there and talked to his late wife for more than ten minutes before finishing: "After the May Day is celebrated at home, Yuntai and the others will go to the county to open a restaurant. I hope you know the secrets and wish them all safety." ”

The sons and daughters also said something to their mother. When shoveling other elders they had never met, everyone was actually just completing the task. There was nothing to say, but it was different when they shoveled their own mother. They had to talk no matter what. A few sentences.

This time, Zhang Xiuping, the daughter-in-law and her granddaughter, were at home and did not come. After all, the child was still young and not suitable for coming to such a place.

While the village was busy shoveling mountains, Deng Shirong's niece and nephew-in-law were also busy planting watermelons on a large scale on Lychee Mountain.

Last year, my niece and nephew-in-law tried their luck and planted a batch of watermelons on Lychee Mountain. Not only did the family not lack watermelons during the summer, but they also sold a lot of money. This year, the couple asked their uncle Deng Shirong for instructions. We intensified planting efforts and planted the entire lychee mountain.

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