After temporarily solving those turtle grandsons who infiltrated the Dragon Kingdom, Han Mu was about to prepare for the 5th turn.

In order to complete 5 turns, in addition to the 5 turn certificate, you also need exclusive professional materials.

Just right.

In the past few days, Han Mu has also looked through a lot of materials, and in Lotus City, there is a copy of the materials that can brush the priest's 5 turns, and you can also complete some tasks of the Dragon King Gang by the way.

In this way, you can also improve the contribution of the gang, and then it will be good to exchange the priest skill or something, although I know that the Dragon King Gang will have a purpose for him, but Han Mu does not want to always take people's favors, and the favor is not good!

Priest 5 Turns requires the collection of five types of Priest-exclusive materials, namely the Sacred Heart of the Soul, the Divine Spar, the Healing Rune, the Light Necklace, and the Divine Armband.

Han Mu specially searched all the items about the priest in Longxia Trading House, and found that there was not a single pastor's exclusive materials, it seems that the pastor's exclusive materials are also priceless, no, it should be that no one sells these things at all.

Originally, with 1.5 billion blue star coins, Han Mu could be a local tyrant, even if the material was expensive, he didn't blink, but he didn't expect that the sky would not go as expected, and there was money and nowhere to buy, so he could only brush it by himself.

Therefore, Han Mu set his sights on the highest level copy of the Eastern Province [Forgotten City], [LV90-180 level],

and it was said that this copy had a probability of dropping the sacred armband and the sacred spar, as well as the 5-turn proof.

And the Dragon King Gang will have several tasks that are also related to [Forgotten City], such as the difficulty of the first [Forgotten City] hell, which can get 300,000 gang tribute.

This copy of the [Forgotten City] is different for each difficulty map.

The Hell difficulty map is extremely complex and has a level limit, and changers who exceed 6 turns cannot enter in teams.

In other words, only teams within 6 turns can enter.

But so far, no one has been able to explore the entire Forgotten City of hell difficulty, let alone clear the level.

Therefore, the [Forgotten City] copy of Hell difficulty has become the highest difficulty copy within 6 turns of the Dragon Kingdom, and there are still many top land reclamation teams of other major provinces exploring this copy.

Once someone can clear the [Forgotten City] Hell difficulty, it will definitely immediately become famous in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

However, in order to enter the [Forgotten City] Hell difficulty, at least 3 people need to team up, which is a mandatory requirement.

Han Mu glanced at the help flower and thought to himself, with the connections of the help flower, it is estimated that he can easily find a person to form a team.

So, Han Mu opened his mouth and asked, "Miss, do you have any acquaintances in the Eastern Province?" I want to brush up on the Forgotten City, and I need to find multiple people to team up.

Xuanyuan Mengqi's beautiful eyes flowed, and he thought that Han Mu wanted to brush the normal difficulty of [Forgotten City] to upgrade it.


The experience of the monsters in [Forgotten City] is very rich.

Even in the Forgotten City of Easy difficulty, the experience of mobs is much higher than that of other copies of the same level.

With his own strength, with the props that suppress the level, suppress the level to level 150, plus the strong assistance of this kid, the difficulty of clearing the level [Forgotten City] is still not a big problem.

Thinking about it, Xuanyuan Mengqi thought about it a little, and then thought of a good girlfriend, although she is not in the Eastern Province, as long as she sends her a message, she can also immediately take the teleportation array from other provinces.

"Well, I have a girlfriend, 6 Turns Holy Spirit Master, is a very beautiful super nanny, with the two of you to assist me, I am guaranteed to sweep the Forgotten City and take you to upgrade quickly!"

"Holy Spirit Master?"


Eh! Girlfriends are the point, circle it, take the test....

Han Mu's eyes lit up.

This is the Dragon Kingdom's so-called T0 auxiliary, and the milk volume is recognized as bottomless.

The Holy Spirit Master's skill book is particularly easy to produce compared to other auxiliary classes, and each skill is an excellent recovery skill.

To de-control and de-control, to control and control, to gain and gain, the key is that the milk volume can be guaranteed continuously, and the world's first all-round assistance is appropriate!

In the ranking of auxiliary professions, there are two recognized firsts.

The first place is the Holy Spirit Master, and the last one is the pastor!

It can be said that these are two extreme auxiliaries.

One sees people love, one person sees people abandon!

"Hehe, my girlfriend always makes a fuss about her profession, and this time I'll let her see how terrifying the auxiliary ability of the priest she has always looked down on is."

Xuanyuan Mengqi showed a sly smile.

For this kind of bad fun and play between girlfriends, Han Mu has long been accustomed to seeing it in her old sister and her girlfriends.

As long as you can get three people into the copy, everything else is not a problem, besides, there are excellent beauties with upgrades, which is a pleasure!

"Then let's leave for the Forgotten City replica first, waiting for your girlfriend to come."

Not often.

Han Mu and Xuanyuan Mengqi arrived at the location of the copy of the Forgotten City.

This is an area of ancient tombs that has been explored, and the entrance to the copy of the Forgotten City is at the entrance of this great tomb.

It's a sea of people.

Most of them come here to brush the level.

Of course, there are also top forces from other major provinces of the Dragon Kingdom who are challenging the Forgotten City with hell difficulty.

"Look! It's the 8-star gang that laughs at the world's wilderness squad, they came out, I don't know if they cleared the customs this time. Someone

suddenly exclaimed.

When Han Mu heard the sound, he saw a six-person squad, one by one, covered in injuries, miserable.

"Failed again."

Some people saw that the clearance record stone tablet did not show the record of hell difficulty, and they all sighed and shook their heads.

The difficulty of hell in this forgotten city is truly hell.

Look at the Xiaoao World Gang, the 12-person wilderness team, everyone is a full set of golden suits, all are 6-turn level masters, in the end, six died, and the remaining six were all seriously injured.

It can be seen that this [Forgotten City] Hell is difficult and worthy of being the most terrifying copy within the 6th turn of the Dragon Kingdom.

There are even experts who analyze that in order to clear the Hell difficulty [Forgotten City], at least half of the 12 people wear epic or even legendary suits to be able to clear the level.

Oh, the words of experts, do you believe it?

But how difficult it is to collect 6-turn epic suits, as strong as the Dragon King Gang, no one has 6-turn epic suits, at most some individual epic equipment.

Just look at the Dragon King's beloved daughter Xuanyuan Mengqi to know that a 7-turn big knight does not have many epic equipment on his body.

"Elder Han, my girlfriend has arrived."

Xuanyuan Mengqi spoke on the team channel and pulled a big beauty to apply to join the team.

As the leader of the squad, Han Mu naturally needed his consent to join the team.

After pulling the beauty into the squad, Han Mu saw her basic information.

Chen Xiaoqian

Occupation: Holy Spirit Master [6 turns]

Level: LV160

Gang: Dragon King Gang

Position: Special Elite (Gang Position: Ordinary Member, Senior Member

, Elite, Senior Elite, Special Elite

, Elder, Glory Elder, Vice President, President) "Huh? Also a member of the Dragon King Gang? Or a special elite second only to the elders! "

But think about it, the girlfriend who helps the flower is definitely a person with a great background, and it is normal to be able to enter the Dragon King Gang.

"Xiao Qian, introduce you, this is the newly promoted Elder Han of our gang."

Xuanyuan Mengqi acted as an introducer.

"Huh? Is he the seething Elder Han in the gang? Is he a pastor? Why is he so young? Estimated less than 20 years old, right?

Chen Xiaoqian covered her small mouth, her eyes full of surprise.

"I'm 18 to be exact, thankfully!"

Han Mu hid his information, naturally the other party could only see his handsome face and priest profession.


Chen Xiaoqian was dumbfounded, looking at Han Mu like a monster.

This age is the new person who has just changed jobs, right?

How could he become a gang elder?

He won't be the illegitimate son of the Dragon King Guild President, right?

Or Kiki's own little wolf dog?

"You'll know when you get the copy."

Xuanyuan Mengqi sold a pass.

Seeing that everyone was together, Han Mu would also smile in his heart to choose the difficulty of the copy.

[Ding, do you choose the hell difficulty mode?]


[Ding, the squad will enter the Hell's Difficulty Forgotten City within 3 seconds, please prepare the three of you! ]


two beauties laughing on the side were instantly stunned when they heard the prompt.

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