Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 103 Is this guy a monster? (15 ask for subscription, ask for data)

Five hours of fighting in a row, and still in the environment of the giant pincer scorpion.

Even Chu Huan felt refreshed after a shower.

After eating something, Chu Huan arrived at the place agreed with Liu Luoyan and the three of them by car.

The Pioneer Training Center is only a 20-minute drive from Chu Huan.

Although Chu Huan told Fu Wenbo that he had tested his physical attributes in the training hall, it would cost at least 10,000 yuan to test his physical attributes in the training hall.

It was simply not a place that Chu Huan, who had just awakened to poverty, was left with only the system to consider.

Therefore, after entering the training hall at this moment, Chu Huan is also constantly looking at it while walking.

It is said to be a training hall, but in fact it is the Awakened version of the gym.

It's just different from the gym for ordinary people, the equipment and the like are all in one big room.

The rooms in the training hall are divided into rooms about the size of a classroom.

A variety of equipment is placed in each room for the Awakened to use.

Even in each training hall, there is a special gravity room. Under one or several times of gravity, the effect of the awakened person after training is more significant.

But the price is naturally not the usual high.

As Chu Huan had heard before, a gravity chamber with double the gravity would cost 6,000 yuan an hour.

It is equivalent to the value of thirty black iron one-star beast crystals.

It can be said that it is completely burning money.

But even so, the gravity chambers in each training hall are basically full.

Even though it's already seven o'clock in the evening.

But in this training hall, people are constantly coming in and out, or a few people gather together.

In this regard, Chu Huan did not care too much.

But all the Awakened people who are positive and have a little pursuit will definitely find a way to continuously improve their strength.

After all, the extension of lifespan after entering the gold level has a fatal attraction for a huge number of 01 awakened people.

After walking into the room number Zhou Hao sent him earlier, Chu Huan directly pressed the pager at the door.

A few seconds later, the door of the training hall in front of him was also pulled open, revealing Zhu Tao who opened the door.

And in the room, Zhou Hao and Liu Luoyan, who had changed into sportswear, were practicing with equipment.

That skilled look obviously stayed in this kind of training hall before.

After Chu Huan entered the room, he first glanced at the situation in the room. Chu Huan sat on the ground casually and said, "Okay, let's take out the beast crystals collected today and divide them!"

Hearing that, the three of them gathered around Chu Huan and took out the beast crystals collected in the afternoon from the space watch one after another.

After taking out Chu Huan's beast crystals in the afternoon, looking at the small pile of beast crystals on the alloy floor, Liu Luoyan, Zhou Hao and even Zhu Tao couldn't help but set their eyes on the pile of beast crystals. .

Being able to have a space watch is enough to prove that Liu Luoyan and the three have a good family.

But even so, the three of them are high school students.

I have never seen hundreds of beast crystals stacked together so closely at one time.

Then, under the gazes of the three, Chu Huan slowly stretched out his hand and placed his hand on the hundreds of beast crystals.

One, two, three.

After holding the three beast crystals in his hands, Chu Huan placed the hand holding the beast crystals in front of Liu Luoyan first.

Then, there was a hole in the slightly loosened hand, and a beast crystal fell in front of Liu Luoyan.

Immediately afterwards, the still half-clenched fist moved in front of Zhou Hao.

After the last beast crystal was placed in front of Zhu Tao, Chu Huan took his hand back, and then put all the beast crystals into his space watch in front of the three of them.

Liu Luoyan: "??????"

Zhou Hao: "??????"

Zhu Tao: "??????"

Liu Luoyan and the others looked at the solitary beast crystal in front of them, then raised their heads to look at Chu Huan.

The faces of the three were blank and puzzled.

"That's it?"

Facing the suspicious eyes of the three, Chu Huan said without blushing, "It's over!"

When the three words came out, the corners of the three people's mouths could not help but twitch.

Zhou Hao looked at Chu Huan speechlessly and said, "No, eldest brother, are we all working hard today for this one?"

Chu Huan looked at Zhou Hao strangely and said, "Didn't we agree at noon? I'll take the big beast crystals that we collected in our team."

Zhou Hao said, "I know, but big brother, your head is too big!"

Chu Huan said in the afternoon that he took the lead, and the three of them didn't think much about it.

The most I think about is 37 or 82 after the fact.

What about the heart? He didn't have nine or one points, and he just passed it off one by one.

It was the first time Zhou Hao heard that taking a big head is such a "big" method!

Liu Luoyan looked at Chu Huan and said quietly: "I know why you don't want to find a few temporary awakeners outside the beast secret area to form a team!"

Snake disease! Who can accept this kind of division?

In response, Chu Huan waved his hand calmly and said: "Don't worry about these little things, after all, for you, the real benefit is that I will be your sparring partner, not this beast crystal, if you are stronger, you can go to the secret realm of beasts by yourself. Isn't it better to kill?"

At the end, Chu Huan added, "If you kill a beast by yourself, the beast crystal will feel better when you use it!"

Looking at Chu Huan's sincere expression of "you believe me, what I said is true", if a few people were ten years younger, maybe they would really believe it.

But there is nothing wrong with what Chu Huan said.

Compared with these black iron three-star beast crystals, what they care more about is the improvement of their strength.

Zhu Tao, who couldn't find a reason to refute at all, put the beast crystal of the black iron three-star in front of him into his space watch with tears.

For some reason, Zhu Tao suddenly thought of the reason that Chu Huan said when he came to them at noon.

"People are stupid and have a lot of money!"

Looking at the beast crystal in his hand, Zhu Tao suddenly realized that what Chu Huan said seemed to be true.

After working hard for Chu Huan all afternoon, what he got was such a black iron three-star beast crystal.

It's not that people who are stupid and have a lot of money can't do such a thing.

With that said, Chu Huan, who finished dividing the beast crystals, slowly stood up and walked to the center of the training room.

After the three of them got up one after another, Liu Luoyan asked, "Are the three of us going up together or alone?"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "Three together! One by one is too much time-consuming!"

Hearing this, Liu Luoyan and the others did not think there was anything wrong with what Chu Huan said.

Instead, it felt right.

After moving to Chu Huan's side and occupying different positions, Liu Luoyan was the first to move after a few seconds of preparation.

At the same time as his muscles were tense, Liu Luoyan jumped out of the spot like a spring.

After moving a few steps quickly, his body jumped up, and his slender legs hurled towards Chu Huan like long whips.

At the same time Liu Luoyan set off, Zhou Hao and even Zhu Tao also rushed towards Chu Huan one after another.

In an instant, the sound of bursting beans rang out from the bodies of Liu Luoyan and the others.

The three of them used the "Basic Fighting Technique" at the first time.

Facing Liu Luoyan and the other three at the same time, Chu Huan still carried the same loose and lazy feeling he had before.

Just when Liu Luoyan's leg in the air was about to kick in front of Chu Huan, Chu Huan suddenly stepped forward and took the initiative to stick to Liu Luoyan.

The instant bullying made Liu Luoyan's whip leg unable to kick Chu Huan at all, but Chu Huan directly put a hand around his waist and turned around gently.

In this way, under the leadership of Chu Huan, Liu Luoyan kicked Chu Huan's leg and kicked it towards Zhou Hao, who had already rushed to the side.


Seeing the whip leg hurled towards him in front of him, Zhou Hao's heart suddenly jumped, and he quickly raised his two hands to protect him in front of him.

But even so, when he was caught off guard, Zhou Hao was kicked by Liu Luoyan's leg and took a few steps back one after another.

On the other hand, when Chu Huan successfully turned Liu Luoyan's attack into an emergency and turned to attack Zhou Hao, Chu Huan had already withdrawn the hand that was holding Liu Luoyan.

Liu Luoyan's body without a support point was also thrown to the side because Chu Huan let go.

It fully expresses what is called a man's heartlessness.

Throw it away!

At the same time, Chu Huan suddenly took a step back and raised a finger directly on Zhu Tao's arm, who was already close to throwing a fist at him.

Obviously not a heavy finger, but it made Zhu Tao's entire arm a little numb.

But before Zhu Tao recovered from the numbness in his arm, all he saw was a foot appearing in the field of vision and then landing on him.

Immediately, Zhu Tao, who had just rushed in front of Chu Huan, was kicked directly into the air.

In this way, in the training room, the three of them attacked Chu Huan one after another.

But from the beginning to the end, the three attacks were either dodged by Chu Huan or easily dismissed.

Following the battle, the three of them felt a passive sense of restraint for some unknown reason.

It felt as if Chu Huan had already guessed his attack every time he just set off.

This situation made the three of them feel more and more astonished.


"No, take a break! Take a break!"

Finally, ten minutes later, as he was repelled by Chu Huan again, the sweaty Zhou Hao couldn't help speaking.

Not to mention Zhou Hao, the situation of Liu Luoyan and Zhu Tao on the side is not much better.

The two of them were also breathing in disorder, and beads of sweat dripped down their cheeks.

On the contrary, Chu Huan was calm from beginning to end, and even after ten minutes, he could not see any feeling of exhaustion.

Glancing over the three of them, Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Strange, how could your combat ability be so poor?"

In the battle just now, Chu Huan could clearly feel the situation of the three.

If you put aside the attributes, I feel that they are a lot worse than Wang Qiang and Zhou Qichuan in terms of actual combat skills.

It feels that the actual combat ability is completely disproportionate to the current level of the three of them.

Listening to Chu Huan's words, the faces of Liu Luoyan and the others couldn't help but turn dark.

Zhou Hao said with a bitter face: "Brother, we think so too! We have to spare some time to train for actual combat! Before, just upgrading the level and spending a lot of time to improve our physical attributes would take us almost the same time. !

Not to mention that you have to practice "Basic Fighting Techniques", how can you still have time to take care of the 780 in actual combat? "

As he said that, Zhou Hao looked at Chu Huan resentfully, his heart filled with frustration.

Although Zhu Tao and Liu Luoyan next to him did not speak, the frustration in their eyes when they looked at Chu Huan indicated that the two of them obviously felt the same as Zhou Hao.

For nearly ten minutes in a row, from start to finish, Chu Huan's strength and speed were controlled to a level similar to that of the three of them.

In other words, Chu Huan used his own fighting skills to practice against three people.

But under such circumstances, even if the three of them were besieging at the same time, none of the attacks had actually landed on Chu Huan.

On the contrary, in the ten minutes just now, if Chu Huan thought about it, there were at least dozens of chances to kill them with one blow.

Although the three of them have long known that Chu Huan is strong, what they have seen before is only the strength of Chu Huan's tool soul skills and physical attributes.

But after having experienced the duel training just now, the three of them know that Chu Huan's actual combat ability is also strong enough to allow him to be crushed even with one opponent and three.

"The equipment soul skills are abnormal, and their physical attributes are much higher than those of the awakened ones of the same level. Now the actual combat ability is ridiculously strong."

"Is this guy a monster? Why is he so strong in every way? How did he cultivate?"

For a while, recalling the situation of the battle just now, the three of them couldn't help but smile bitterly in their hearts.

However, after ten minutes of practice, the three of them were not without gains.

Through their actions with Chu Huan, whether it is Liu Luoyan, Zhou Hao or even Zhu Tao, they can clearly feel the difference between them and Chu Huan.

Basically, Chu Huan's actions are simple and decisive, whether it's dodging or blocking in response to their attacks, or when attacking them.

There was no extra movement at all.

Even if you keep the attack speed similar to theirs, you can attack them faster every time you get ahead.

While the three of them were resting, Chu Huan's eyes were on the three of them, and there was a little thoughtful expression on his face.

Soon, I don't know what I thought of you, when Chu Huan looked at the three, the corners of his mouth slowly raised a slight arc.

After a light "cough", Chu Huan's tone suddenly softened a little and said, "Well, I have a way for you to quickly raise the level of your "Basic Fighting" skills, are you interested?"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, all three raised their heads and looked at Chu Huan.

But seeing the smile on the corner of Chu Huan's mouth and the sudden gentle tone, the three of them all murmured in unison, and instinctively felt that something was wrong. .

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