Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 166 If people don't have bold ideas, what's the difference between them and salted

Being stared at by the three of them with such strange eyes, Chu Huan said angrily, "Don't worry! It's not very dangerous for you guys."

Wei Tao asked in a low voice, "What are you going to do, boss?"

Chu Huan looked at the abyss blood corpse and abyss blood mantis who had just been killed by his own soul skill kite not far away: "You guys wait!"

With that said, Chu Huan's soul was condensed from his body again.

It's just that this time is different from the "Erhu" spirit that several people have seen before.

But the "suona" device soul.

"Fuck! Twin Soul?"

Seeing the completely different soul in front of Chu Huan, Wei Tao couldn't help but speak in surprise.

The other three also stared at the moment, and they were a little dumbfounded when they looked at Chu Huan.

Originally, Chu Huan's strength and artifact soul skills belonged to the category of unbelievably strong in the eyes of several people.

And now several people found out that Chu Huan is still a twin soul.


Not caring about the surprise in the hearts of a few people, with the infusion of soul power, Chu Huan was about to start playing the "March of Carrying the Coffin" with the soul of the suona.

But at this moment, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Chu Huan's mind.

Judging from Chu Huan's previous attempts, each time Chu Huan transformed the beast into a necromancer puppet, the number of undead puppets was fixed.

In other words, now Chu Huan's full-level "coffin-carrying march" can only allow Chu Huan to control nine undead-type puppets at this moment.

When Chu Huan used to play the "coffin-carrying march", he only used a "suona".

But here comes the point.

Chu Huan is curious now, whether the undead puppets he can control are based on the total amount of skills, or the unit of souls?

If it is the former, it means that Chu Huan's "March of Carrying the Coffin" can only get nine undead puppets out.

If it's the latter.....

If you say that you are separating more "suona" souls through soul power, if the effect is the same, is it possible that each suona can allow you to control nine undead puppets?

After this thought, Chu Huan's heart to try couldn't help but move.

For ordinary people, maybe they won't think about it in this regard.

But in Chu Huan's view, if people don't have bold ideas, what's the difference between people and salted fish?

Anyway, it's just a try, and if you fail, you have nothing to lose.

Immediately, after thinking about it for a while, Chu Huan suddenly changed his mind and began to mobilize the soul power in his body to continuously inject the soul of the "suona" in front of him.

With a large amount of injection, in the surprised eyes of several people on the side, the "suona" artifact soul in front of Chu Huan was dominated, and two new suona phantoms were quickly separated.

After the three suona phantoms were all separated, Chu Huan moved quickly for dozens of seconds and stood around the beasts killed by his kite.

In a moment of thought, the three suonas played in unison under the control of soul power.

In an instant, with Chu Huan as the center, a somewhat cheerful tune rang out.

And this time, because the three suonas were blown together, once the sound appeared, it turned out to be a bit more layered.

"Huh? Is it the soul of a musical instrument again?"

"The timbre of this tool soul is also a bit unique!"

"Yes, the tone is obviously very atmospheric, but I don't know why it is mixed with a bit of a negative feeling."


The sound of the song entered the ears of the four, and the four who had recovered couldn't help but whispered beside them.

Perhaps because of the sound of the song, there were again a few fierce beasts approaching quickly.

Noticing the fast approaching beasts around, without Chu Huan speaking, Wei Tao and the others on the side rushed out to occupy a different position and protected Chu Huan, who was releasing his artifact soul skills, in the middle.

In the case of a few people, as long as they are not faced with the sneak attacks of those abyss blood mantis, there will basically be no problems.

Therefore, while maintaining the input of soul power, Chu Huan swept his eyes to make sure that none of the abyss blood mantis came quietly.

After the first half of a coffin-carrying song was played, a series of black notes began to float out of the three suonas.

Obviously the surrounding environment is also dark, and because of the surrounding blood mist, it is reasonable to say that these black notes appear almost as difficult for people to see.

But when these black notes appear, they are particularly conspicuous.

People can clearly perceive these black notes from this dark environment at first glance.

After floating out of the suona, the black notes were divided into dozens of strands.

A few seconds later, twenty-seven coffin-carrying gangs appeared in Chu Huan's line of sight and began to dance to the rhythm.

This time, Chu Huan summoned too many coffin-carrying gangs.

Twenty-seven coffin-carrying gangs and one hundred and thirty-five coffin-carrying phantoms turned the originally cold surroundings into a large disco scene in an instant.

It's no wonder that Wei Tao, who had just finished the battle, didn't notice this change.

After the long knife in his hand was withdrawn from the abyss blood corpse whose head had been cut through in front of him, Wei Tao's eyes shrank and couldn't help asking as he looked at the hundreds of phantoms stepping on the rhythm. :"what is that?"

"It seems that it was summoned by the soul skill of the boss."

Li Yuanzheng next to him looked at the phantom gates carrying the coffins in a swaying and swaying movement with a look of uncertainty.

Wei Tao said blankly: "Didn't you say that the boss is just an auxiliary awakener? Why is the weapon soul skill a summon?"

But Li Yuanzheng didn't know how to answer this question from Wei Tao.

Because they looked at the effect of Chu Huan's tool soul skills at the moment, and they were also confused.

With a few people looking at and watching.

Wang Xinyue's face suddenly showed some doubts, and she said in a doubtful tone: "Hey! Look at those things that are carried on their shoulders, do they look like coffins?"

Hearing this, Zhou Qiang couldn't help but nodded after sizing it up and said, "Huh? Don't say it, this shape is really a bit similar!"

Facing what the two of them said, Wei Tao said angrily, "What are you kidding? Whose artifact soul skill is the one that summoned the coffin?"

Wang Xinyue and Zhou Qiang heard the words and felt that Wei Tao was right.

Well, who's tool soul skill can still summon things like coffins?

Too wicked.


However, just as a few people were talking low, Li Yuanzheng on the side of 3.6 seemed to have found something that made him suddenly burst into a foul language.

Hearing the voice, several people glanced at Li Yuanzheng suspiciously.

It was found that at this moment, Li Yuanzheng's eyes were round and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Out of curiosity, the three followed Li Yuanzheng's line of sight and looked towards Chu Huan.

At this moment, in the sight of several people, with the twenty-seven coffin-carrying gangs around Chu Huan, the black box that was previously carried on the shoulders like a coffin was placed on the ground.

With the twenty-seven coffins placed on the ground and the lids of the coffins opened.

The abyss blood corpse and the abyss blood mantis that should have died before were just like resurrected from the dead.




This scene was imprinted in their eyes, and the reactions of Wei Tao and the three were surprisingly consistent with the previous Li Yuanzheng.

Qi Qi's eyes widened in shock and she couldn't help but breathe out a fragrance. .

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