Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 174 The Legendary Maniac (45 for subscription and data support)

Although looking at the current mental appearance and clothes of Wei Tao and the others, everyone can speculate that the strength of Wei Tao and the others will not be bad.

But no one thinks that Wei Tao and a few people can take hundreds of people in the picket when they face almost three times the number of them.

Therefore, when they saw that Wei Tao and others actually dared to attack the picket, almost all the awakened people around felt that Wei Tao and others were crazy.

But where did he think that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

In less than ten seconds, Wei Tao defeated thirteen people at the picket with four people.

In particular, the speed at which Wei Tao and the others erupted during the previous battle could be said to be so fast that they all felt overwhelmed.

It can be seen that the "agility" attributes of Wei Tao and others are far away from them.

While the other Awakeneds were stunned, the two Awakened Association teams looked at Wei Tao and the others with relaxed expressions on their faces. They were surprised and even more regretful.

Furthermore, when the two Awakened teams looked at Wei Tao and the others, they became a little nervous.

The Awakeners of the two Awakened Associations belonged to those who were injured in succession in the past ten hours.

So while looking at the picket, the two Awakened teams weighed in their hearts and prepared to swallow their voices.

It's fine if everyone suffers together.

But now, Wei Tao and the others have easily dealt with the people on the picket's side!

In this case, once their previous inaction is passed back, I am afraid that even if they stay in the Awakened Association forcibly, it is estimated that they will gradually be marginalized.

However, compared to the other Awakeneds and the Awakened Association, the two Awakeneds whose hearts were beginning to be filled with regret, among these Awakeneds.

Lin Weizhi, who had rough skin on his face, and his eyes flashing with golden light, looked particularly shrewd, after being stunned for a while, his expression became a little unnatural.

Looking at Wei Tao and the others in the distance, Lin Weizhi subconsciously moved his body to look behind his companion next to him, trying to block himself with the body of his companion Gundam.

However, just as Lin Weizhi slowly moved behind his companion, a soft voice suddenly sounded from behind Lin Weizhi.

"I said, uncle, you won't be naive to think that you can still be safe after using us as guns like you did before?"

The moment the voice came to Lin Weizhi's ears from the back, the voice had a somewhat familiar sloppy and lazy feeling, and all the muscles in Lin Weizhi's body tightened.


In the panic in his heart, the soul power in Lin Weizhi's body was quickly mobilized.

However, before Lin Weizhi could take any further action, a slender hand stuck out in the air, and after passing through the layers of space, it landed on the back of Lin Weizhi's neck so lightly.

The five fingers bent and clasped Lin Weizhi's neck like this.

Feeling the tight feeling on his neck, Lin Zhiwei's heart quickly sank to the bottom, and his body shivered uncontrollably.

"No, no, I know I'm wrong, I just said it casually..."

Lin Zhiwei's voice full of panic and fear also attracted the attention of other awakened people around him.

But looking at Chu Huan standing behind Lin Zhiwei at the moment, the eyes of the awakened people around shrank, and their hearts were all shocked.

"When did this guy move over there?"

Even if Wei Tao and the others were fast before, the other Awakeners could vaguely capture the movements of Wei Tao and the others.

But what about Chu Huan?

There was no sound in the movement from beginning to end, not even a trace of soul power fluctuations.

What does this indicate?

Even if Chu Huan didn't use his soul power, the speed of his body's explosion was beyond their perception range.

You must know that because of the special nature of this special beast secret realm, only the Awakened of the black iron level can enter.

In other words, now everyone is an Awakener of the black iron level.

But now, they couldn't even catch the trace of Chu Huan's movement.

This means that as long as Chu Huan wants to, they can easily kill all the people in their presence, but they have no way.

Thinking of this, the other Awakened people suddenly shivered, and when they looked at Chu Huan, their eyes were full of fear.

Even the Awakened who was originally closer to Chu Huan subconsciously moved some distance to the side as if it would make him feel more comfortable.

When some Awakeneds who were far away from Chu Huan came back to their senses, everyone recognized Lin Zhiwei, who was pinching the back of the neck by Chu Huan. conflicted people.

For a time, when these people looked at Lin Zhiwei, there was a little more sarcasm and schadenfreude in their eyes.

Sometimes when the misfortune comes out of the mouth, it is not a joke.

Like Lin Zhiwei's previous behavior, it is already considered to be deliberately causing trouble for others.

People who have changed the atmosphere a little may not care too much.

Obviously, Chu Huan at the moment is obviously not a person who belongs to this kind of atmosphere.

But another kind of person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes.

Just what Lin Zhiwei said just now was enough to bring himself to death.

What other people can see, the few companions around Lin Zhiwei can't see it.

Looking at Chu Huan who suddenly appeared behind them at this moment, Lin Zhiwei and several of his companions were all taken aback.

At the same time as their heart skipped a beat, the recovered people turned a blind eye to Lin Zhiwei's cry for help, but instead took the initiative to retreat to distance themselves from Chu Huan and Lin Zhiwei.

Looking at the eyes of his companions, Lin Zhiwei, who was still begging for mercy, couldn't help but feel a little more resentment in his eyes.

On the other hand, on Chu Huan's side, in the face of Lin Zhiwei's constant begging and admitting his mistakes, Chu Huan's smile did not change.

After softly saying "Walk slowly!", Chu Huan directly twisted Lin Zhiwei's neck with all his five fingers.

During the action, the sound of "clicking" bones shattering was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

The eyelids of other people couldn't help but jump, and the surprise in their hearts increased rather than decreased.

The layman watches the fun, and the layman watches the doorway.

After reaching the black iron nine stars, the "physique" attribute of the awakened person has to break 100.

It can be said that the strength of the body is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

With those weapons used by ordinary people, I am afraid that even the skin of the awakened person cannot be cut.

Therefore, between Awakeneds of the same level, it is normal for you to directly attack the enemy's neck.

But if you want to forcibly break the opponent's neck directly, unless the "strength" attribute far exceeds the opponent's "body" attribute, it is possible to do it.

And this excess value is at least twenty or thirty.

Otherwise, even if the neck is in your hands, you will at most swipe it twice or scratch it with your fingernails.

Therefore, Chu Huan was able to twist Lin Zhiwei's neck off Haizi Street at this moment, in the eyes of others.

It's enough to show that Chu Huan's "power" attributes are not on the same level as they are.

On the other side, Wei Tao also shuddered when he heard the cracking sound when Chu Huan twisted Lin Zhiwei's neck.

Looking at Lin Zhiwei, whose neck is still being twisted by Chu Huan at this moment, but his head is already hanging down weakly, Wei Tao suddenly shrank his neck for some reason.

After touching Zhou Qiang, who had just walked to his side, Wei Tao whispered, "Have you noticed that the boss is very similar to the legendary maniac who pinches his boobs? When he starts, he prefers to directly slap the neck of the enemy. Pinch off!"

Hearing this, Zhou Qiang recalled in his heart, and found that whether it was the person at the picket office he met before or the current Lin Zhiwei, when Chu Huan started, he always aimed at his neck.

"It looks like it really is!"

Wei Tao asked curiously, "Could it be that the feel of pinching the neck would be better?"

While speaking, Wei Tao put his hand on Zhou Qiang's neck.

I don't know if it was because of what Wei Tao said earlier, or because he saw Chu Huan pinching someone's neck twice. The moment Wei Tao's hand was placed on his neck, Zhou Qiang felt a cold air rise from his back. up.

At the same time as his heart tightened, Zhou Qiang's eyes immediately glanced over, with a murderous look.

"Believe it or not, how many holes did I put in you?"

Wei Tao laughed dryly and said, "Cough, just try the feel, don't worry!"


Here, after hearing the conversation between Wei Tao and Zhou Qiang, Chu Huan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

After throwing Lin Zhiwei's body aside, Chu Huan glanced at the surrounding awakened people.

As his eyes moved, his eyes quickly swept across the space watches on the wrists of these awakened people.

"Very well, it doesn't look very poor."

After looking around, the corners of Chu Huan's mouth lifted slightly.

After a while, when he coughed lightly, a shy smile appeared on Chu Huan's face.

At first glance, just like the big brother next door, it feels gentle and sunny.

But I saw with my own eyes that Chu Huan just killed Lin Zhiwei lightly and didn't even blink.

Looking at the shy smile on Chu Huan's face, who was killing people without blinking at the moment, the people present became inexplicably vigilant.

It always feels like something bad will happen next. .

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