Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 19 Buy 1 get 1 free, learn without a teacher

Holding the suona in his hand, the hand did not go straight through as Chu Huan imagined before, but it was like the real thing.

The touch and temperature can be clearly felt.

Not only that, when Chu Huan held the suona, the suona in his hand also gave Chu Huan an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Just as this suona was originally a part of Chu Huan's body, it felt very strange.

After playing with it for a while, Chu Huan put the suona to his mouth and was ready to try to play it.

However, just when the suona was raised to his lips, Chu Huan suddenly discovered a problem.

When I used the suona to play the "March for Carrying the Coffin", it was all through soul power anyway.

The specific playing Chu Huan doesn't need to be played at all.

But when it was time to talk to himself, Chu Huan suddenly discovered a serious problem.

"It seems that I have never learned Suona before."

Thinking of this, Chu Huan suddenly felt pain.

"What do I do now? Is it possible that I have to find a music training class for music lessons first?"

For a time, Chu Huan's interest was greatly reduced.

Looking at the suona in front of him also became a little boring.

"Forget it, take it out anyway, let's play it!"

After muttering in his heart, Chu Huan still put the suona device soul to his lips.

However, the moment Chu Huan put the suona soul to his mouth, Chu Huan clearly felt that the suona in his hand suddenly trembled slightly.

In the next second, information suddenly flooded into Chu Huan's mind.

It was also when these messages poured into Chu Huan's mind that a special feeling echoed in Chu Huan's body like a blessing to his soul.

Under these wonderful sensations, Chu Huan pressed his fingers on the sound hole instinctively.

With the movement of his fingers, a breath of air was also blown out from Chu Huan's mouth and into the suona in front of him.

If there are other people looking at Chu Huan at the moment, I am afraid they will think that Chu Huan has been addicted to music for more than ten years.

In an instant, a penetrating suona sound rang directly.

And the suona sound that came out was not Chu Huan's blind blowing.

The music carried in this unique voice is the "Coffin Carrying March" that Chu Huan has already heard today.

It was also at the same time when Chu Huan played the "coffin-carrying march", the soul in Chu Huan's body began to frantically pour into the suona in Chu Huan's hands along Chu Huan's hands.

"Fuck? Can I use this suona device to blow out the "March for Carrying the Coffin"?"

I have to say that Chu Huan was really shocked at this moment.

I originally thought that I, who had a different rhythm, might not be able to play by myself in the future. How could I have imagined that my soul would be so awesome.

Not only was he able to play by himself, but he even taught himself without a teacher, and instantly became proficient in how to play by himself.

Totally buy one get one free!


However, after being excited for a while, Chu Huan suddenly discovered that the soul power in his body had actually decreased by one tenth.

At this time, after realizing it, Chu Huan, who had realized why his soul power had decreased so much, couldn't help but once again put his eyes on the suona in his hand.

Obviously, the reason why the soul power has been reduced so much is only possible that it was consumed when he just played the suona.

For a time, Chu Huan's face also became a little more thoughtful.

This "Carrying the Coffin March" Chu Huan played several times in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm almost every few minutes in the afternoon.

Basically, every time a song ends, it consumes about a quarter of Chu Huan's total soul power.

But now, in just a few seconds, nearly one-tenth of it has been consumed.

According to the current situation, within ten seconds at most, Chu Huan's soul power will be completely consumed.

Compared with the consumption of soul power in the afternoon, it was nearly ten times more in vain.

"The speed of soul power consumption is so great. Could it be said that playing by yourself will have a different effect than playing it through the soul?"

While thinking about it in his heart, Chu Huan also decided to go to the Secret Realm of the Fierce Wolf and Fierce Beast tomorrow to try it out to see if there were any other changes when he played the "coffin-carrying march" by himself.

If it is possible to shorten the time for each activation of the "Coffin Carrying March" by playing it yourself, that would be great!

Suddenly, there was a new skill, and he was able to play his own soul, which made Chu Huan feel better.

But when Chu Huan subconsciously opened his bank account to check his balance that had changed from four digits to three digits, Chu Huan's expression suddenly collapsed.

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "It seems that the day after tomorrow, at the latest, I have to go to other more advanced beast secret realms!"

Although it is said that everything is difficult at the beginning, there is nothing wrong with being stable in the early stage.

But if the problem dragged on for a few more days, Chu Huan's meal would be a problem.

As the physique of the awakened person increases, the requirements for food are also getting higher and higher.

For example, after returning to the city, Chu Huan ate more than 300 yuan for a meal before he was full.

This is just the beginning.

With the improvement of Chu Huan's strength later, the requirements for food will become higher and higher.

If this consumption continues, the money in Chu Huan's bank card may only be in double digits for three or four days at most.

Thinking of that scene, Chu Huan felt a little desolate.

Therefore, now Chu Huan can only be steady and fast.

After I get used to it for another day tomorrow, I will start to change to some more advanced Ferocious Beast Secret Realm and make money to support myself.

ps: The fifth update! Continue to add five chapters tomorrow! I beg for data support! .

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