Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 194 Want to get yourself a ghost to be your wife? (45 ask for subscription for data support)

The loud and festive suona music continued.

But compared to the past.

At this moment, with the consumption of Chu Huan's soul power, the speed is further accelerated.

The chants of the surrounding women also began to grow louder.

If we say that during the performance of the previous "March of the Netherworld", the whole piece was always dominated by the melody, supplemented by the singing of women.

So at this moment, the main-auxiliary relationship between this kind of music and female vocals is completely reversed.

Instead, the woman's chant became brighter and clearer.

In the high and loud music, because of the increase in the volume of the woman's singing voice, the faint wickedness and fierceness in the woman's singing voice became more obvious.

It even makes the whole song feel more gloomy and cold.

At the same time, at the same time as this faint echo, this welcoming team is also moving slowly.

But this time, with the passage of time, the welcoming team did not stop in front of this rock puppet.

Instead, he stopped early when he was still about nine steps away from the rock puppet.

As the welcoming 853 team slowly stopped, the sedan chairs lifted in the air also landed steadily among the figures who were carrying the coffins.

The huge sedan chair fell on the ground, and it turned out to be silent.

When the sedan dropped to the ground, the two figures in front of the sedan with blood-red petals appeared in front of the rock puppet like a teleport.

Afterwards, under the two flower maids with no facial features and pale skin that looked like they had been smeared with ashes.

This rock puppet's leg that was broken by sweat not long ago turned out to be forcibly stood up.

As the rock puppet approached, wait until the big red sedan chair tilted slightly.

This rock puppet just got into the sedan chair whose curtains were lifted.

"She couldn't speak this time."

"She laughed and cried"

"Guess how she laughed and cried"


"Look how she is crying and laughing"

"Ha! Ah~~~~~~~ Ah~~~~~~~~~"


Accompanied by the sound of the woman's tingling voice, the whole big red sedan chair slowly lifted up again.

Suddenly, in the big red sedan chair, the damage value of "-100" appeared one after another.

It will float up several times in almost a second.

And when the welcoming team started to move again, it didn't sink step by step as before, as if the destination was the underworld below.

Instead, he slowly turned and walked towards Chu Huan's position.

But the speed is extremely slow, almost moving forward with a slow pace.

During the process, the blood volume of the rock puppet fell rapidly.

It was also when the blood volume of this rock puppet began to clear, a blood mist began to escape from the big red sedan chair.

However, in less than three seconds, the surrounding area of ​​the big red sedan chair began to become a bloody fog.

The bright red, which was obviously extremely festive, became extraordinarily eerie and gloomy at this moment.

Taking this scene into his eyes, Chu Huan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and the curiosity in his heart increased.

Soon, just before this "March of the Netherworld" was about to end, the welcoming team had already stopped at a distance of about nine steps away from Chu Huan.

It was also at the moment when the welcoming team just stopped, a figure of a woman with a red turban and a fiery red dress slowly floated out of the big red sedan chair and slowly approached Chu Huan. .


Seeing the ghost figure, covered with a red turban and married, floating in front of him and keeping a height above him, Chu Huan's eyelids twitched fiercely.

"f*ck, are you really playing a ghost marriage?"

At this moment, all the curiosity in Chu Huan's heart turned to stunned.

Although he said that his soul skill song was called "March of the Netherworld".

But it doesn't matter if you get a ghost marriage team, and now you really get a female ghost with a red head in front of you, what does it mean?

Do you want to take a ghost back to be your wife?

What about funny? Do you think I Ning Caichen?

However, it didn't take long for Chu Huan to maintain this state of amazement and surprise.

As the song ended, as the surrounding blood mist began to dissipate quickly, the female ghost with the red hijab in front of her leaned forward slightly and turned into a ray of blood, rushing directly to Chu Huan's arm.

It was also when this ray of blood rushed into Chu Huan's arm, Chu Huan felt an icy touch from his right arm.

He quickly opened his sleeve and glanced at it, only to see that there was already a lifelike blood-colored pattern on his right arm.

And the appearance of the lines is exactly the female ghost who just floated in front of him.

"what's going on?"

Looking at the extra tattoo-like thing on his arm, Chu Huan blinked, his heart full of astonishment.

He seemed to sense the doubts in Chu Huan's heart.

The soul of the "suona" device suspended in front of Chu Huan suddenly vibrated slightly.

In the next second, in the feedback from the "suona" tool soul, Chu Huan also had a little more information in his mind.

After absorbing the information in his brain, Chu Huan's face was suddenly filled with surprise.

At the same time, Chu Huan also understood what the "attachment transformation" in the previous skill introduction meant.

Previously, when Chu Huan used the "March of the Netherworld", he could also convert a target into a ghost-type puppet.

But the transformed ghost-type puppet is also the same as the undead-type puppet summoned using the "Coffin-carrying March".

Once the soul power in these puppets is exhausted, or it is beyond the range of their own perception.

Then these puppets will naturally be gone.

However, after the full-level "March of the Netherworld" successfully transformed a target into a ghost-type puppet, it could directly attach to Chu Huan's body through the current tattoo method.

Once you need it, you only need a thought, then you can directly summon this ghost attached to yourself to act according to your own thoughts.

Let it go east and it won't go west, the kind that works hard and has no fear of life and death.

Just like any other puppet.

Once summoned, it will still dissipate as the soul power in this ghost body is exhausted.

Just more convenient.

It's like saying that there is an extra helper in advance.

But even so, after the full level, the change of this tool soul skill is understood. Chu Huan immediately realized the benefits. .

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