Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 199 Acquaintances The more familiar this thing is, the harder it is to deceive! (45 ask for

Considering that he was going to the capital next, Chu Huan and Wang Qiang and Liu Luoyan made an appointment to get together in the evening.

Especially Wang Qiang.

At the beginning, Wang Qiang's help to Chu Huan was not a help in the snow, but it did help Chu Huan a lot.

In Chu Huan's view, several people are trustworthy and able to keep in touch.


In the early morning, make sure that the more important things are put in the space watch.

Looking at the full space watch, Chu Huan couldn't help muttering, "Looks like I need to change to a more advanced space watch!"

E-class space watch in the end is limited space.

In the future, there will be more and more things to carry with you. For Chu Huan, the storage space of the E-class space watch is indeed a bit out of rhythm.

After Huan glanced at the room, Chu Huan locked the door and walked slowly to the gate of the community to get on the special car arranged by the Awakened Association.

Looking at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, Chu Huan couldn't help sighing.

In the end, it is a place where I have stayed for a while, and I am about to leave. It is inevitable that I will feel a bit of sadness in my heart.

In the situation of vehicles, Chu Huan also quickly arrived at Linhai Airport.

But when he got out of the car and looked at Fu Wenbo in front of him, Chu Huan was full of doubts.

"Mr. Fu, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo said angrily: "Nonsense, of course, I'm going back to the capital, otherwise you will run to the airport early in the morning when I'm full?"

Chu Huan curled his lips and said, "I thought you came to see me on a special trip."

Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "Send you off? I wish I could never see you forever. Every time you look at the house, your brain hurts with anger."

As he said that, without waiting for Chu Huan to respond, Fu Wenbo waved his hand and said, "Let's go! The flight is about to leave!"

The voice fell, and Fu Wenbo took out the ticket belonging to Chu Huan from the space watch and handed it to Chu Huan.

"Huh, or business class?"

Looking at the business class ticket in his hand, Chu Huan raised his brows slightly.

Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan and said, "This ticket is non-refundable, don't think about switching to economy class and then putting the discounted money in your pocket!"

Chu Huan: "........."

Listening to Fu Wenbo's words, Chu Huan was also speechless.

"I said, I'm at Mr. Fu, are you the kind of person on your side? Is there a business class that doesn't take me to the economy class?"

Fu Wenbo sneered: "I don't know about others, but you kid, you can do anything."

For Fu Wenbo's misunderstanding of himself, Chu Huan was full of hurt expressions.

If Chu Huan had just woken up and looked at Chu Huan like this, Fu Wenbo might have kept his habit of being a teacher and softened his heart.

But now, after eating too much, it will grow.

Therefore, regarding Chu Huan's current performance, Fu Wenbo just watched Chu Huan's performance without saying a word.

With a bit of disgust in his eyes.

Seeing this, Chu Huan sighed in his heart.

"Sure enough, the more familiar you are, the harder it is to cheat!"


The flight for the two was at 9:30. When the plane arrived at the capital, it was also 8:00 pm.

After the two came out of the airport, there was already a car of the Awakened Association waiting at the gate of the airport.

As the vehicle moved forward, facing the night wind, I looked at the brightly lit capital outside at the moment.

Even at the airport, there are all kinds of high-rise buildings, and many buildings are full of technology, giving people a faint feeling of an ultra-modern city.

And even at this point in time, when entering the city, it gives people a feeling of being busy with traffic.

As Chu Huan's class teacher, he is also a half-host. As the vehicles are driving, Fu Wenbo points out the window and introduces some well-known attractions to Chu Huan.

However, compared to the scenic spots, Chu Huan paid more attention to what Fu Wenbo said about the situation in the capital and the structure of various forces.

According to Fu Wenbo, in this capital, apart from the Awakened Association and the children of the pickets, there are hundreds of forces, large and small.

Among these forces, the nine major chambers of commerce are the main ones.

Each chamber of commerce has as few as dozens or as many as hundreds of hunter-killing awakened teams.

It can be said that the shadows of these chambers of commerce can be seen in the secret realms of large and small beasts in the capital.

In addition to the nine major chambers of commerce, there are also nine major hunting and killing guilds in the capital, and their power is basically at the same level as the nine major chambers of commerce.

It's just that compared to the nine major chambers of commerce, the nine major hunting and killing guilds have too many Awakeneds, which makes the situation more complicated and the struggle more intense.

After introducing all these to Chu Huan, Chu Huan wondered, "No, the situation here in the capital is so complicated, can the Awakened Association and the picket endure it?"

Knowing what Chu Huan meant, Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "It's not as simple as you think."

After speaking, after a pause, Fu Wenbo opened his mouth and said: "Xia is forbidden by martial arts, and many of the awakened people have personality problems because of their strength and the problem of fighting with beasts all year round."

"And if we only rely on our Awakened Association or the picket office, it is impossible to cover the entire capital."

"If you really want to be able to do this, basically the workload in the hands of the Awakened Association and the people in the picket office, don't even think about having spare time to practice!"

"So instead of casting a wide net and controlling everyone, it is better to control some major forces, let us manage them, and they will manage and restrain the awakened ones below."

"In this way, we can devote more energy to other things."

Hearing Fu Wenbo's words, Chu Huan couldn't help rubbing his chin and said, "But in this case, wouldn't you be worried about turning against customers?"

In this regard, Fu Wenbo said casually: "Don't forget, no matter what, our Awakened Association and the picket office represent Yan Guo, and the word "state machine" is not a joke, let alone there is a teacher there. ."

"At least in this three-acre land in the capital, no one can turn over the waves."

Having said this, Fu Wenbo paused for a while and continued: "So, in this capital, as long as you do something that triggers the taboo of the Awakened Association, the sky will fall, and the Awakened Association will bear it for you."

Facing Fu Wenbo's confidence and determination at the moment, Chu Huan couldn't help but say "tsk tsk": "This is the first time I feel that Teacher Fu is so domineering!"

But I also know that there is nothing wrong with what Fu Wenbo said.

Absolute strength, in many cases, already represents absolute rights.

Not to mention the development of the Awakened Association and the picket office over the centuries, the energy in it is definitely not what ordinary people can imagine.

If it is true, the nine major chambers of commerce will have any wrong ideas. When facing the two departments of the awakened or the picket, I am afraid that they will be easily destroyed.

Moreover, from what Fu Wenbo said just now, the existence of the nine major chambers of commerce and even the nine major hunting unions may have been secretly created by the Awakened Association before.

The purpose is just to make it easier to manage the Awakened in the capital.

Chicken thief!

ps; There was a sudden power outage at night, so I could only code in the Internet cafe! But the Internet cafe is really too noisy, and the writing is not at all in the state. Today is the fourth update for the time being, and we will continue tomorrow! Just thinking about the next plot development direction. .

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