Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 239! This guy is crazy! (35 for subscription and data support)

In the dark jungle, strange sounds of "babble babble" came from the surrounding.

In this dense forest where the sky can not be seen, two figures, one large and one small, moved quickly.

Soon, in the rapid movement of Chu Huan and little Loli, a group of black-scale trolls were already in the eyes of little Loli.

Compared to jungle trolls, these black-scaled trolls look more ferocious.

He is almost two meters tall, but his back is slightly curved, and his right arm is about twice as thick as his left arm.

The hideous face and even the whole body are covered with black scales like scales.

Looking at the dozen or so black-scaled trolls in the distance, the little Loli who stopped couldn't help but said, "Damn, don't you intend to let me deal with so many black-scaled trolls by myself right now?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan said, "Don't worry! You and I have no enmity in the past and no enmity in the past, and we won't let you die!"

Then, Chu Huan looked around and nodded, "Almost! There shouldn't be many Awakeneds coming in here."

Saying that, Chu Huan said to little Loli, "You wait here, don't move."

Hearing what Chu Huan said, little Loli wondered, "What are you doing?"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "I'm going to invite some more black-scale trolls to kill 890 together!"

Faced with what Chu Huan said, little Loli couldn't help but said, "Quoting more? Take it easy! These black-scaled trolls are seven-star bronze!"

After waving his hand, Chu Huan said softly, "Don't worry! I know it!"

While saying that, Chu Huan manipulated the ghost bride tattoo on his body to reveal and then rushed to the side of little Loli.

"Fuck! What are you doing?"

Surrounded by nine ghost brides, little Loli asked quickly in surprise.

Chu Huan said angrily, "Protect you, lest you all get cold when I come back!"

While speaking, Chu Huan controlled the ghost bride to drill into the ground around Little Loli.

Once they meet the situation, these ghost brides will rush out to protect the little Loli as soon as possible.

Although the strength of these ghost brides is not high, but as ghosts, in this low-level vicious beast secret realm, these ghost brides can be said to do whatever they want.

After understanding Chu Huan's purpose, little Loli nodded obediently and said, "Then go back quickly!"

After nodding his head, the soul of the erhu was manifested.

The slightly sad song began to spread slowly, and Chu Huan himself was also rushing towards the black-scaled trolls in the distance like an arrow from the string.

Immediately afterwards, in the sight of little Loli, as Chu Huan approached, these black-scaled trolls seemed to be startled.

They all roared and chased Chu Huan away.

One minute

two minutes

three minutes


Until fifteen minutes later, little Loli did not see Chu Huan go and return.

In this regard, little Loli couldn't help but doubt: "That guy didn't forget me here, did he?"

However, just as this thought had just fallen, a faint sound of music suddenly entered the ears of little Loli.

At the same time, Little Loli suddenly felt a slight vibration coming from the land under his feet.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of little Loli, at a distance of nearly 400 to 500 meters in front, he saw a faint figure.

Just ignore the obscurity due to the occlusion of some big trees in the distance.

But as the distance got closer, this looming feeling quickly dissipated.

When the focus of the line of sight was condensed, when looking at Chu Huan who was approaching from far and near, little Loli felt relieved.

However, it didn't wait for little Loli to relax completely.

The next moment, little Loli felt a coolness suddenly rise from the soles of his feet to where the heavenly spirit was.

Under this coolness, little Loli felt a slight tingling sensation on his scalp.

the reason is simple.

In the sight of little Loli, several hundred meters away.

Just behind Chu Huan, who had gone and returned, there was a dense number of black-scaled trolls that could not be seen.

The number is swept away, at least one or two hundred.

Along the way, there were even some big trees that were directly smashed by these arrogant and crazy black-scaled trolls and fell to one side.

"Fuck! This guy is crazy!"

Looking at the black-scaled trolls behind Chu Huan who were chasing Chu Huan frantically, little Loli shook again and again.

Little Loli knows that Chu Huan is going to attract monsters, but in Little Loli's opinion, even if Chu Huan is attracting monsters, at most, it will end with forty or fifty monsters.

Even Xiao Loli was curious about how Chu Huan would solve the monster after he brought it over.

But what little Loli didn't expect Chu Huan to be so crazy.

It turned out to have attracted hundreds of black-scale trolls at one time.

What is the difference between this kind of behavior and courting death in the eyes of little Loli?

However, at this time, little Loli suddenly thought of a question.

That is now Chu Huan is bringing this large group of black-scaled trolls towards him.

However, even though his heart was full of fear, little Loli did not have the idea of ​​running away and leaving Chu Huan in his heart.

Seeing Chu Huan approaching quickly, Little Loli tightened the scythe soul in his hand.

It's just that when holding the sickle soul, little Loli felt that his hands couldn't help shaking.

Only one thought reverberated in his mind.

"Only eighteen years old, died."

However, just when Little Loli had begun to mobilize his soul power to run or run with Chu Huan.

At this moment, as Chu Huan brought the large group of black-scaled trolls behind him a little closer.

It was almost when he was still 100 meters away from little Loli.

In the astonishment of little Loli, Chu Huan suddenly made a sharp turn and spared a small circle, and then rushed directly to the group of black-scaled trolls.

Seeing this scene, little Loli was shocked and couldn't help shouting.

"You are crazy!"

In the eyes of Little Loli, even the Awakened at the silver level can only find a way to escape in the face of so many black-scaled trolls.

Chu Huan's act of rushing into this group of black-scaled trolls by himself at this moment is tantamount to courting death.

But when the voice came out, Chu Huan in the distance didn't seem to hear it.

When the figure turned into a shadow and rushed in front of these black-scaled trolls, he drank with Chu Huan.

In the next instant, the soul power in Chu Huan's body was rapidly mobilized in a special circuit.

The sound of "crackling" resounded from Chu Huan's body like setting off firecrackers.

Mixed with this abnormal sound, Chu Huan raised his fist quickly and slammed directly on a black-scaled troll at the front. .

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