Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 273 True feelings have been unreliable since ancient times, only routines win people's

"By the way, how many credits did you earn in this game?"

The little Loli who took out a piece of ice cream looked at Chu Huan who was sitting on the sofa watching the forum and asked.

Hearing this, Chu Huan said in a low voice, "It's only 170,000."

Listening to the value Chu Huan said, little Loli glared and said, "170,000, how come there are so many?"

Chu Huan said of course: "Is it too much? 170,000, even if it is 1,000 people, only 170 credits per month!"

Little Loli said blankly: "No, these bets are all worthless, do those people have so many credits?"

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "So you've been in school for a few days, and you still don't know anything."

With that said, Chu Huan explained, "Although it seems like there are three classes in each department, there are only 100 credits a month, but strictly speaking, this 100 credits are only the living expenses given by the school, which are optional."

"The real source of credits is to complete the courses in the school and complete the tasks."

"The Jiang Weihe I know has earned more than 50 credits by completing tasks in the past few days."

Little Loli stunned: "So easy?"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "This thing itself is a kind of currency in Wanlin Academy. If it is too difficult to obtain, how can the students in the academy improve themselves through credits?"

Chu Huan has made a general analysis of the situation through inquiries over the past few days and access to the forum.

In Wanlin Academy, even the third-class students can earn about 2,000 credits in one semester.

The average student earns three times as many credits in a semester.

Otherwise, Chu Huan couldn't have said before that this gamble could earn millions of credits.

After all, in the academy, except for the freshmen, every student has more or less some savings and surplus food in their hands.

As long as he can enter the urn and become interested in gambling, it is not difficult for Chu Huan to make a lot of money.

After understanding the doorway, little Loli thought for a few seconds and suddenly said, "I want to join the team."

In response, Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "Fuck you! It's nothing to do with you from start to finish, are you embarrassed?"

Little Loli raised his head and said, "Who said I have nothing to do with me? Thanks to me I didn't expose you, otherwise, these tricks of yours would have been spread out! If you don't give me tens of millions of credits as hush money ."

"When you get your credits, then I'll be a leaker and tell the truth that you're manipulating behind all this!"

Chu Huan sneered: "Do you think those people in the academy will believe you? Do you think my favorability is in vain today?"

Hearing this, little Loli thought of Chu Huan's actions tonight, and little Loli wrinkled his face.

Let's not talk about the situation in the gym before. Those students who were deceived by Chu Huan all greatly increased their affection for Chu Huan.

And in this hour, the things in the gym have been uploaded to the forum.

The above simply boasted Chu Huan out of the mud and not stained.

The description of Chu Huan even uses "sincere", "heart of a child" and "simple", which are diametrically opposed to Chu Huan.

The number of pageviews on the forum has already reached four figures.

It is estimated that tomorrow at the most, all the students of Wanlin University will be able to know that there is a simple and handsome guy named Chu Huan in the special class of the sophomore auxiliary department.

If so, that's fine.

Anyway, Chu Huan acted realistically before.

It's not that the students of Wanlin University were fooled, they just didn't know much about the world.

Plus Chu Huan is too treacherous.

But the problem is that it was Huang Mengtao who took the initiative to compliment Chu Huan.

This is his meow.

When I saw this post, little Loli, who I just saw when I got home, had a feeling of slamming a dog.

Even Little Loli thinks that if the enemies are stupid like Huang Mengtao in the future, Little Loli thinks that he doesn't need Chu Huan, and he can play a lot of games.

It's stupid enough to doubt life.

To sum up, in such a situation, once this time Chu Huan will act again.

Little Loli suspects that the students of Wanlin Academy will think that Chu Huan is the representative of truth, goodness and beauty.

In the future, when they were sold one by one, they would happily count the money for Chu Huan.

After a while, little Loli continued: "But paper can't hold fire, sooner or later the truth will be revealed, and then I'll see how you play!"

In response, Chu Huan said casually, "Do you think anyone would be willing to offend an alumni whose BUFF Soul Skill's effect is to increase the "Agility" attribute by 100%?"

Little Loli: "........"

Facing what Chu Huan said, little Loli fell silent.

As Chu Huan said, once it happens.

At that time, Chu Huan will talk about the effect of his tool soul skills.

Then don't talk about revenge or anything.

All of them had to obediently approach Chu Huan and ask for their thighs.

Thinking of this, little Loli couldn't help rubbing his brows and said, "' . You thought about it all from the beginning, right?"

Chu Huan said in a low voice, "Do you think I'm like you? What do you think of and do?"

With Chu Huan's stable personality, how could he just focus on his eyes?

The cunning rabbit still has three caves, how can there be no way out of being a person and doing things?

Not to mention whether the people from Wanlin Academy have a chance to find out that this time they are the mastermind behind this incident.

Even if he knows, Chu Huan has several solutions to solve it.

After understanding all this, little Loli is really convinced now.

After staring at Chu Huan for a few seconds, little Loli said sincerely in the most sincere tone of his life: "I really doubt that you entered Wanlin Academy with a mentality of being a scumbag."

Chu Huan sneered: "I'm a stick anyway, how about you?"

After speaking, Chu Huan slowly got up and walked towards the basement.

On the other hand, little Loli, after realizing the meaning of Chu Huan's words, jumped up and rushed towards Chu Huan in the distance.


The next day, when Chu Huan entered the school, he could clearly feel that the eyes of these classmates in the school today were different when they were on him!

If it was just curiosity and scrutiny before, then the eyes of these alumni today are undoubtedly much kinder.

There were even some students who obviously didn't know Chu Huan took the initiative to say hello to Chu Huan.

In this regard, the two are still unclear where Chu Huan's performance had an effect yesterday.

After a night of fermentation, Chu Huan's favorability among the students of Wanlin University has risen sharply.

The little Loli on the side couldn't help but pouted and said in disgust: "Sure enough, since ancient times, true feelings have been unreliable, only routines can win people's hearts! It's only one night, and the changes have been so big!"

While keeping a smile on his face, Chu Huan responded: "Life is like a play, you will know it after a long time!".

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