Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 40 If you want to kill some1, just say it directly, don't be so euphemistic (25 ask for

Several people glanced at each other, and finally Wang Qiang said: "Actually, the reason is very simple, we want to establish a good relationship with our junior."

Chu Huan did not speak, but continued to wait for Wang Qiang's follow-up words.

Seeing this, Wang Qiang continued: "In the actual combat assessment in the college entrance examination a year later, all those who take the college entrance examination in Linhai City will be put into a secret realm of beasts."

"And the content of the assessment is completed in this beast secret realm, so we also think that if we meet in the assessment in the future, the junior can reach out and help."

Although Zhao Chen and Zhou Qichuan didn't speak, their attitudes were obviously the same as Wang Qiang and Xiang Xiaoyan.

Hearing this, Chu Huan looked at a few people in surprise and said, "Help me? I've just woken up now. It's too early to say this?" "

Wang Qiang responded: "It's not early at all, a good college has too much influence on the awakened ones! You guys have just awakened this year, so it's okay.

But once you get to the second semester of senior year, you will find that there will definitely be a lot of students around you leaning on you. "

Wang Qiang and others are not stupid.

Chu Huan has just awakened and his strength is so strong, so naturally he has no need to mention his talent.

Coupled with the powerful effect of the tool soul skill, unless something unexpected happens to Chu Huan in the middle.

Otherwise, he will definitely become a dark horse in the actual combat assessment of the college entrance examination a year later.

Xiang Xiaoyan on the side said: "Of course, the secret realm of the beast is so big, we may not be able to meet it during the assessment, but it is just that the junior can help him when we encounter such a situation, and it may be a matter of convenience for the junior.

Listening to what the two of them said, Chu Huan also understood why Zhou Qichuan's attitude towards him changed so abruptly in the afternoon when he was in the Secret Realm of Biting Wolf and Fierce Beast.

Co-authoring is also for this reason.

This made Chu Huan sigh in his heart.

Sometimes, the world of the Awakened is far more cruel than that of ordinary people.

Just like now.

The strength and talent are as strong as Chu Huan, so there is no need to worry about the college entrance examination.

But like their talents, their strengths are also average.

If you want to get a better grade in the college entrance examination, you must consider a lot of things in advance.

Even if it is to face yourself with a request like this now.

Although there is not much contact, Chu Huan's senses are not bad for Wang Qiang and others.

And how many of them are repeat students, who have gone through the college entrance examination once, so they need more experience.

These are also what Chu Huan wants to know.

Since several people intend to befriend him, this request is not a troublesome thing for Chu Huan, and Chu Huan agreed without nodding.

With the approval of Chu Huan, a few smiles appeared on their faces.

The conversation with each other also returned to the casual state it was before.

"By the way, senior, do you have any channels to get some poisons?"

When everyone had eaten almost, Chu Huan asked suddenly as if thinking of something.

Before and after, Wang Qiang spent almost one million on this one incident.

From this point alone, it can be seen that Wang Qiang's family background should not be bad.

In addition, his level is higher than that of Chu Huan, and he is a repeater, so he must know more awakened people than Chu Huan.

So Chu Huan also wanted to see if he could buy some poisons from Wang Qiang.

Listening to Chu Huan's consultation, Wang Qiang froze for a moment and asked, "Poison? What do you want this for, junior?"

Chu Huan said: "No, I heard that there is a kind of extreme training method that uses poison to injure yourself and then relies on soul power to recover, training with this extreme method to improve your physique, but I don't know where the medicine is. I bought it so I asked you."

"Extreme exercise?"

Wang Qiang frowned slightly and said, "Student brother, the extreme exercise method is too painful, and each time the dose must be controlled to the critical point that the body can bear.

I tried it before, and it was too dangerous.

Once overdose is likely to directly bring danger to life, I advise you not to try this method lightly. "

"Senior also tried? How do you feel?" Chu Huan's eyes lit up.

Since Wang Qiang tried it, it showed that Wang Qiang had the opposite channel to get the poison used in the extreme training method.

Wang Qiang smiled bitterly and said, "It's too painful! I almost didn't survive after trying it once, and I've never used this extreme training method again, so I don't recommend you try it."

Chu Huan said in a low voice, "It's fine, I'll just try it first, if it doesn't work, forget it."

Seeing Chu Huan's insistence, Wang Qiang responded, "In this way, let me ask you a question. You have just woken up now. Even if you use extreme exercise methods, you can only find some medicines that contain mild toxins. It shouldn't be difficult to find these."

Chu Huan said with a smile, "Then I will trouble the senior!"

Wang Qiang waved his hand and said, "It's a small matter."

Xiang Xiaoyan, who was next to him, rolled his eyes and said, "I don't understand what you guys are thinking. I know that the extreme training method is painful and I have to try it. What is the picture?"

Wang Qiang smiled bitterly and said, "Didn't I also want to improve my strength earlier? You also know that the stronger the physique, the easier it will be to improve the soul power. How did you know it would be so painful?"

"What about you?" Xiang Xiaoyan looked at Chu Huan and asked.

After thinking for a few seconds, Chu Huan said quietly, "In order for people to listen to my tunes."

No way, if one of the effects of Chu Huan's new tool soul skills is to be activated, Chu Huan must be injured first.

Giving himself a knife every time he pulls a tune looks too mentally retarded at Chu Huan.

It is better to secretly get a poison, at least it is not too strange to outsiders.

Men, the scenery is all the scenery, and the sadness is tasted alone.


It's just that Chu Huan said this, and the other people obviously got the wrong idea.

Facing Chu Huan's answer, Zhou Qichuan and the other four fell silent.

After a while, Wang Qiangcai said in a complicated tone, "Sister, if you want to kill someone, just say it directly, you don't need to be so euphemistic."


Listening to other people's tunes is a pleasure.

Can you listen to Chu Huan's tunes?

That was fatal.

After listening to it, I consciously lay down in the coffin and slept forever.

After letting others listen to Chu Huan's music, can they still stay alive? .

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