Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 57 Are you really not afraid of being beaten like this? (110 for the first order)

After a while, in Fu Wenbo's curiosity, Chu Huan said slowly: "It's nothing, that is, it can increase the target's "Agility" attribute by 100%.

"One hundred percent...just"

Hearing the data released by Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo's eyes suddenly widened, his body trembled violently, and he almost didn't take a breath.

Suddenly there was a feeling of being frightened.

"You let me take it slow!"

After a while, Fu Wenbo opened his mouth with a dry throat, and then closed his eyes.

It's just that the slightly trembling hands can still show Fu Wenbo's inner fluctuations at the moment.

Generally speaking, the general point of some auxiliary awakened buffs is to increase a certain or all basic attributes by about 10%.

The best thing is that it can increase the value of one or all attributes by 30%.

The more powerful one is a fifty percent increase.

The gain effect BUFF can reach 50%, which can be said to be a strong support.

After all, this nearly half of the strength improvement can be said to be enough to even out the attribute gap between the awakened and ordinary beasts.

Such an auxiliary awakened person is a delicious existence anywhere.

The importance is even above those fighting-type awakeners.

But now, Chu Huan's gain buff has reached 100%.

One hundred percent!

Equivalent to a double increase.

For hundreds of years, looking at all auxiliary Awakeners, the number of Awakeners who can have such a terrifying increase will never exceed three digits.

Therefore, after knowing the effect of Chu Huan's second tool soul skill, the impact on Wenbo's heart can be imagined.

When I came back to my senses, watching Chu Huan was like watching a Godzilla.

After a while, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan with a puzzled expression and said, "How on earth did you say this in such a plain tone?"

01 100% "Agility" attribute improvement, where did you get the courage to add the word "just" after it?

Are you really not afraid of being beaten?

Looking at Fu Wenbo's slowly clenched fist, Chu Huan hurriedly turned his words and said, "Well, Teacher Fu, look, I am a dual-armed soul, and my cultivation speed is good now, but it is too expensive for beast crystals, and the school doesn't always have them. Is there a subsidy for outstanding students?"

"Look at how satisfied I am! Would you help me apply for the excellent student subsidy in the school?"

In this second, Chu Huan revealed his true colors.

Focus on training each student in the direction of the Awakened.

The government allocates funds to each school every year.

If you find particularly outstanding talents, you can apply for the outstanding student subsidy.

Kind of like the scholarship from the previous life.

One of the biggest reasons why Chu Huan is now willing to disclose some of his situation to Fu Wenbo is that Chu Huan is eyeing this excellent student subsidy in the school.

According to Chu Huan, the highest standard of this subsidy can even reach twenty beast crystals with one star of black iron a month.

Although 20 black iron one-star beast crystals are only equivalent to 2,000 system points.

It is equivalent to Chu Huan's hard work all afternoon.

Not to mention that it is still a long-term thing, you can get it for free every month.

Why not take it?

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan and said strangely: "Co-author, you are willing to explain so much to me today, is this the subsidy you want?"

Chu Huan sighed: "No way, it takes too much beast crystal to cultivate! A low-level three-star beast crystal like a bloodthirsty dwarf can't last long!"

What Chu Huan said was the truth.

Nowadays, with the improvement of Chu Huan's level and the enhancement of the "physique" attribute, it is better to use a low-level three-star beast crystal like a bloodthirsty gnome to restore soul power.

If it is used for cultivation, the energy inside will support Chu Huan to practice for ten minutes before the energy is exhausted.

If he could get the school's subsidy, he would have these black iron one-star beast crystals every month, at least in the early stage when Chu Huan cultivated his soul power, he didn't have to worry about the problem of soul power.

Looking at Chu Huan's appearance, Fu Wenbo had no doubts.

He immediately said, "Don't worry! In your situation, you can indeed apply for this subsidy, and I will submit the application in a while."

"Thank you, Teacher Fu!" Chu Huan laughed.

At this moment, a loud bell suddenly came from outside.

Hearing the bell echoing over the school, Chu Huan said, "Mr. Fu, if you have nothing else to do, I will go back to class."

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "Go!"

After speaking, looking at Chu Huan who was leaving quickly, Fu Wenbo's heart was extraordinarily complicated.

Looking back at the information I learned from the conversation with Chu Huan just now, the impact Fu Wenbo received was definitely huge.

"Dammit, did this kid save the world in his last life? One of the two tool souls' tool soul skills is more exaggerated?"

After being a student for so many years, at least among Fu Wenbo's students, he has never seen such a powerful tool soul skill as Chu Huan is now.

Measuring the strength of an awakened talent is not determined by the awakening machine during the awakening ritual.

After all, what the machine measures is only the soul power of the awakened person and the fluctuation of the tool soul when the awakened person has just awakened.

Therefore, it can only be used as a preliminary reference for the school to record.

When the Awakened is successfully promoted to the black iron one star, they will go to the Awakened Association to level up.

Then there will be a series of systematic tests.

It includes the talent of the awakened person, the strength of the physical attribute points after the improvement, the speed of cultivation and the skill strength of the soul of the weapon, etc.

Then the Awakened Association sums up these data to determine the level of an Awakened.

But Chu Huan's Tool Soul and Tool Soul skills are too strong.

Strong enough that even these two tool souls are enough to make Chu Huan's talent rating at least S rank.

This is excessive.

After a while, Fu Wenbo slowly took out his phone in thought.

After I found a contact in the address book, I dialed it.

A few seconds later, as the phone was connected, there was a sloppy but somewhat rude voice on the other side of the phone.

"Oh, it's rare! Your kid would take the initiative to call me."

Ignoring the teasing of the man on the phone, Fu Wenbo took a deep breath and said, "Teacher, one of my students would like to recommend it to you."

The words fell, and after a few seconds of silence on the other side of the phone, the voice rang again.

It's just that compared to the previous sloppy voice, this time the voice was a bit heavy and easy-going after a sigh.

"I said, I don't blame you for what happened before, it was just an accident!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo's hand clenched tightly and waited for a few seconds to relax before restarting.

It's just that he didn't follow the topic on the other side of the phone, but said to himself: "My student's talent level is likely to reach S rank."

Then, after a pause, Fu Wenbo added: "Maybe it's SS level."


With yesterday's harvest, today's Chu Huan is more positive than yesterday.

After school in the morning, Chu Huan, who had lunch, took the shuttle bus directly to the Mysterious Realm of Bloodthirsty Gnomes and Fierce Beasts.

When they arrived, just like yesterday, there were already quite a few Awakeners around the base.

Most of them belong to what Chu Huan saw yesterday.

When Chu Huan approached, looking at Chu Huan who was still wearing a clean and tidy school uniform, the Awakened people around the base also looked surprised.

When I saw Chu Huan yesterday, many people speculated that Chu Huan might be a repeat student at Tianlin Middle School.

It is very likely that the bloodthirsty dwarf beasts who came to this low-level three-star realm are doing the task of repeating the regulations.

But who would have thought that Chu Huan would come again today.

"Could it be that the task of the student repeating the student regulations has not been completed yesterday?"

For a time, the people at the gate of the secret realm couldn't help but guess secretly.

However, with yesterday's example, when Chu Huan entered the base again today, the surrounding Awakened did not gather around like yesterday.

However, when Chu Huan walked into the alloy house at the entrance to the secret passage of the oppressor, a man with a sallow complexion in the base quietly took out his phone.

At the same time, Chu Huan, who successfully entered the secret realm of beasts through the secret passage, smelled the earthy smell in the secret realm of bloodthirsty dwarf beasts, and inexplicably felt a little relieved.

In just a few short days, without knowing it, Chu Huan was used to playing with beasts.

Although it's only been one night, I still miss it inexplicably.

After two "tsk tsk" in my heart, I randomly chose a direction and began to move quickly.

And when Chu Huan was constantly moving on the tree to the depths of the secret realm, a team of five awakened people also stepped out from the entrance of the secret realm one after another.

"Qiangzi, are you sure the student from Tianlin Middle School came again yesterday?"

After sweeping around, one of the five was dressed sexy and had a big wavy scumbag head and asked.

The words fell, and the sallow-faced Awakener nodded and said, "I only sent you a message when I watched that kid come in."

Hearing this, a man with a long gun next to him sneered.

"I thought that the student would not come back after yesterday. I didn't expect that the duck that flew would dare to come back. It's just that the student has a space watch. That kid is definitely a fat sheep."

The man with a sallow complexion sneered: "Yes, a space watch is worth 500,000 yuan even if it is an E-class watch. If there are other good things in it, it is at least equivalent to our income for half a year, and we don't have to do it every day like this time. Fight those disgusting bloodthirsty gnomes."

The woman next to him who asked at the beginning frowned and said, "But to be able to have a space watch at this age, it is estimated that the kid's family is not ordinary. If he is investigated afterwards, it will be troublesome."

The words had just been exported at 750, and the man with the spear didn't care: "What are you afraid of, anyway, at this time in the secret realm of beasts, anyway, this time it is the same as before, we will sell the things we get in the black market, who can we do then? Find us?"


Sharp and angry screams echoed throughout the secret realm one after another.

Originally, some bird creatures that fell on the branches in this bloodthirsty gnome beast secret realm also circled the sky for a long time and dared not fall because of the screams around them.

in the depths of this secret realm.

In an open space with a range of nearly five meters, there was a low and somewhat sad and sentimental music echoing, but there were bloodthirsty dwarf howls one after another around.

The red eyes that were completely soaked in blood stared at the frantically moving Chu Huan who was sitting on the ground in the distance.

But whenever a bloodthirsty dwarf approached, they would be knocked out by Chu Huan's puppets, each holding a bloodthirsty dwarf.

It's close at hand, but for these bloodthirsty dwarfs, it's like a world apart.

Soon, as the sound of the piano continued to brush these bloodthirsty gnomes, as green blood continued to come out of their mouths, the surrounding bloodthirsty gnomes who were originally angry and crazy fell to the ground one after another.

It was also when the last bloodthirsty dwarf fell to the ground with zero blood, the three windmill-like puppets beside Chu Huan also fell slowly.

Put the tool soul into the body, and as these bloodthirsty dwarf beast crystals are quickly absorbed by the system and converted into system points, looking at the number that has reached "2575" at the moment, then take a look at the three dead beside him. The corpse of the spirit-type bloodthirsty dwarf, Chu Huan raised his lips lightly.

Today Chu Huan is not like yesterday, and he wasted some time experimenting with his skills.

In addition, now, Chu Huan has become more and more accurate in the speed of consumption of the soul power of the puppets transformed by himself through the "coffin-carrying march", so that Chu Huan's efficiency in killing these bloodthirsty gnomes is also faintly improved.

Feel the condition of your body.

The improvement in physique made Chu Huan toss for five hours in this bloodthirsty dwarf beast secret realm again today, and he still didn't feel too tired.

After looking at the time, Chu Huan didn't move forward after his soul power had fully recovered, but turned around and walked towards the exit of the secret passage.


ps; On the first day of the launch, 40,000 words broke out, and I begged for your data support here! The first order is really important for the grade of a book. .

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