Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 61 advanced, but why do you feel a little uncomfortable? (15 for the 1 order)

Although it was the first time to kill the Awakened, Chu Huan didn't feel much strangeness unexpectedly.

On the contrary, there is a feeling that killing the Awakened is just like that, and it is similar to killing a beast.

Not to mention the psychological burden.

After killing the entire Awakened Squad, Chu Huan stepped forward and searched several people.

It's just that these people are poorer than Chu Huan imagined.

After a series of searches, these people only had a dozen low-level three-star beast crystals on their bodies.

"Huh? What is this?"

However, when Chu Huan searched Sun Lanshan's body, he found an alloy box the size of a cigarette case in Sun Lanshan's pocket.

After opening it quickly, a one-star bronze beast crystal immediately entered Chu Huan's eyes.

"Good guy, it turned out to be a one-star Bronze Beast Crystal?"

Looking at the beast crystal in the box in his hand, Chu Huan glanced at Sun Lanshan's body in surprise.

According to the beast crystals on the other people, although these five people are apprentices of Samsung Awakened, they think that they usually spend money on hunting in this secret realm of bloodthirsty dwarf beasts.

Unexpectedly, one of them still has a one-star bronze beast crystal.

This was a bit of a surprise to Chu Huan.

But after a few breaths, Chu Huan smiled lightly, and then threw the one-star bronze beast crystal into the space watch.

The right should be the hands-on fee before.

After collecting the spoils, Chu Huan stood up again and walked slowly towards the secret passage.

Looking at Chu Huan who came out of the secret realm unharmed again, some Awakened people around the base looked even more surprised.

Years of living in this secret realm of bloodthirsty dwarf beasts, these awakened ones also know a lot about each other.

Naturally, many people noticed that yesterday and today, after Chu Huan entered the secret realm of beasts, the Sun Lanshan awakened team who entered the secret realm followed closely.

There are even a few people who know that Sun Lanshan made some preparations before coming.

But now, Chu Huan still walked out of the beast secret realm unharmed, but Sun Lanshan's Awakened team, naturally, the situation is a bit worth thinking about.

Half an hour later, Sun Lanshan and the others still hadn't come out of the beast's secret realm.

A middle-aged man in his forties also shook his head.

"It looks like! Old Sun and the others kicked the iron plate this time!"


After taking a shower, changing into clean clothes and returning to the living room, Chu Huan took out the one-star bronze beast crystal found from Sun Lanshan not long ago.

After playing for a while, I just sat on the sofa with the beast crystal and started to practice.

Now, Chu Huan's "Physical" attribute has also been raised to 20 points.

It is already equivalent to the physique value that ordinary four-star or even five-star awakened apprentices can achieve.

This is still in the case of good talent and enough effort.

Like Sun Lanshan and others whom Chu Huan met in the secret realm today, Zhao Xiang, the worst of them all, has only 1180 HP.

In other words, this Zhao Xiang's "Physical Attribute" is only 11.8.

Even if the level is upgraded to a five-star awakened apprentice, the "physique" attribute is afraid that it will not reach 20 points.

Therefore, for the current Chu Huan, the strength of "physique" means that Chu Huan's cultivation of soul power is also extremely fast.

This can be seen from the fact that when Chu Huan practiced yesterday, a low-level three-star beast crystal ran out of energy in less than ten minutes.

As the soul power in the body operates according to the "Basic Soul Power Method", there is also a trickle of energy from the one-star bronze beast crystal in Chu Huan's hands quickly flowing into Chu Huan's body.

Refinement, Agglomeration ......

In this kind of cycle, the soul power in Chu Huan's body is almost a very obvious and rapid increase.

Feeling the growing soul power in his body, Chu Huan couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated.

half an hour

One hour


two hours later.

The trickling energy is still continuously flowing from the one-star bronze beast crystal in Chu Huan's hands into Chu Huan's body.

And Chu Huan forgot a problem because the rapidly growing soul power in his body was too refreshing.

That is, Chu Huan's physique attribute is much higher than his own level.

This also makes the speed of soul power increase too fast every time you cultivate, and the process is too easy.

Therefore, with the soul power in the body, the energy in the beast crystal was successfully refined again and transformed into new soul power.

Chu Huan's soul power value has successfully increased from "1599" to "1600".

As the soul power successfully broke through the original upper limit, a slight sense of relief suddenly came from Chu Huan's body.

"Four-star awakened apprentice!"

At the same time as the breakthrough, the abundant soul power continuously flowed through all the meridians of the body, which actually gave Chu Huan a feeling of killing a chicken.

"It's miserable, did you get promoted by accident?"

However, when Chu Huan successfully broke through and felt the soul power filling his body, Chu Huan's face was not only not happy at all, but stunned.

And this kind of stunned not only did not disappear with the passage of time, on the contrary, there was a more and more obvious trend.

After a long time, Chu Huan murmured again with a somewhat dazed and innocent voice.

"How did you get promoted?"

The bloodthirsty gnome beast's secret realm level is a low-level three-star.

Chu Huan was also a Samsung Awakener apprentice before.

It can be said that soldier to soldier, king to king is just right.

But now that Chu Huan has been promoted, it means that if he enters the secret realm of bloodthirsty dwarf beasts again, his own soul power and tool soul will be sealed.

Without the tool soul and soul power, even if he entered the secret realm of bloodthirsty dwarf beasts, Chu Huan would not be able to play as happily as before.

Even if the physical attributes are in the lead, but with fewer enemies and more enemies, at most a dozen or twenty bloodthirsty gnomes can be hunted down in one afternoon.

Maybe there will be some tints on the way.

Who can stand it?

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, it is not a good thing for Chu Huan to break through and advance to the 4-star Awakened Apprentice at this time.

You must know that around Linhai City, there is no low-level four-star beast secret realm.

Further up, there is only a low-level five-star colorful python vicious beast secret realm.

Thinking that he will face the low-level five-star colorful python next, Chu Huan has a feeling of splitting in situ.

Glancing at the one-star bronze beast crystal in his hand, Chu Huan wanted to cry without tears.

"I got promoted, but why do I feel a little uncomfortable?"

But now that things have come this far, they have already broken through. Chu Huan can't let his soul power back down and let his level drop to a three-star Awakened apprentice again.

So, now Chu Huan can only focus on his system points.

After successfully advancing to the 4-star Awakened Apprentice, Chu Huan's four basic physical attributes at the moment are: Constitution: 21.8, Strength: 15, Agility: 22.1, and Spiritual Power: 11.9.

Among them, the "Agility" attribute has improved the most, reaching 2.1.

On the other hand, in the official data, the power of the colorful python has reached "27", and the agility has reached "30".

Therefore, if the target of Chu Huan's hunting is changed to a colorful python, he can only rely on krypton gold to improve his physical attributes.

Among the four attributes, the most important in Chu Huan's view is undoubtedly "agility".

The reason is very simple, cherish life.

A lot of system points are quickly piled up on the "Agility Attribute".

However, in just a few seconds, Chu Huan's "Agility" attribute was piled up to 30 points.

However, when the "Agility Attribute" increased again from "30" to "30.1", this time Chu Huan spent 30 system points.

"After every 10 points of attribute increase, will the system points spent for continuing to increase also increase as well?"

Before Chu Huan's physical attributes reached 10 points, through the increase of system points, he needed 20 system points to increase his physical attributes by 0.1.

Combined with the current changes in the cost of system points, Chu Huan naturally guessed that when he increased his attribute points, the cost of system points also increased.

Seeing this change in his eyes, Chu Huan took another look at the only system points he had left, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Originally, Chu Huan's system points were only 2575 points.

Now after stacking "Agility" to 30.1 points, the remaining system points are only 175 points.

But the agility of 30 points basically equals the speed of Chu Huan and the colorful python.

But don't forget, Chu Huan also has Erhu's Soul Skill.

Once the buff effect in the erhu tool soul skill is counted, Chu Huan's speed can completely reach the level of crushing those colorful pythons in a short period of time.

It's just that if you kill it, you will have to go to the mysterious world of the colorful python and try it for yourself tomorrow.

But now , for Chu Huan , the biggest problem is not the colorful python 0 .

Although the colorful python is a low-level five-star gregarious beast.

But unlike the bloodthirsty beads, there are dozens or twenty at every turn.

Generally speaking, in the periphery of this colorful python vicious beast secret realm, the number of those colorful pythons is at most three or four at a time.

If it was just targeting the colorful python, Chu Huan would probably just add more buffs to himself with the medicinal "tool soul skill".

There is no need to directly use up all the system points to forcibly increase the "Agility" attribute.

The reason why Chu Huan was so cautious was because of the awakened hunters of the beast hunters in the mysterious realm of the colorful python.

Although the colorful python is a low-level five-star beast, it is different from the biting wolf and bloodthirsty dwarf.

Whether it is python tendons, teeth or even python skins, they all have a certain value.

And when added up, the value is even higher than the low-level five-star beast crystal in the colorful python's body.

It is also for this reason that in Linhai City, as long as the beast hunters with sufficient levels are targeted, they are basically gathered in this mysterious realm of colorful python beasts.

It can be said that hundreds of people come and go every day.

Compared with the fierce beasts who meet directly, the danger of the awakened person will naturally be higher.

If it was the current situation, if Chu Huan entered the mystical realm of the colorful python beast alone and was targeted by the Awakened team with wicked intentions.

The situation will not be as it is today, and it can be easily crushed with the help of artifact soul skills and strength.

This is also the reason why Chu Huan didn't go to the Mystery Realm of Colorful Python Ferocious Beast immediately even if he had the doubled BUFF Soul Skill.



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