Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 64 Chapter 64 Do you want me to try?

If the awakened people can cooperate well, they can fully exert the overall effect of one plus one greater than two.

Just like Wang Qiang and the others, they were able to deal with five colorful pythons at the same time in an orderly manner.

However, after these few days of fighting, for Chu Huan, what he likes more is what he did before.

Sitting on the side and pulling a little song, the beasts fell in front of him one after another.

Forced thief high.

On the other side, with the cooperation of Wang Qiang and Zhou Qichuan, the attacks fell on the colorful python one after another.

Soon, in just one minute, this colorful python was killed by a combination of several people.

After that, Wang Qiang and the others aimed at the next one again.

Nearly six minutes later, after the last colorful python was also killed by the four, Zhou Qichuan and the others collected the beast crystals and python tendons from these colorful python corpses.

Then he handed the beast crystal and python tendon of one of the colorful pythons to Chu Huan.

Thinking back to the previous battle, Zhou Qichuan couldn't help but smile and said, "Ha! This buff skill of my junior is really good. It took at least three,753 minutes to kill one of these colorful pythons before.

And in the middle, he will be attacked by the colorful python to the point of being injured! But these colorful pythons didn't touch us from start to finish today, so cool! "

Xiang Xiaoyan also nodded lightly when she heard the words.

Among the awakened ones and the beasts, at the back, even a 1-point difference in attributes may determine the direction of life and death.

Not to mention the physical attributes that are twice the difference.

After a little repair, several people moved in this secret realm again.

It's just that after the previous battle, Wang Qiang and the others also had happy smiles on their faces.

Fighting this thing can be one-sided, who's head is pumping like a life-and-death fight?

Not long after, while a few people kept moving, they once again encountered three colorful pythons that quickly sprang out of a swamp and rushed towards them with their bloody mouths wide open and scurrying on the ground.

But this time, Zhou Qichuan took the initiative to ask Wang Qiang not to use his skills, but wanted to kill the three colorful pythons directly with Xiang Xiaoyan.

Knowing that Zhou Qichuan wanted to hone his fighting skills and "Basic Fighting Techniques" through the battle with the colorful python, Wang Qiang replied softly and stood beside Chu Huan in his spare time.

At the same time, he said to Chu Huan: "Junior! Don't be surprised, we are too lazy. Usually, when we practice "Basic Fighting Techniques" alone at school or outside, we don't want to rest for a long time.

So a few of us came up with a method, which is to force ourselves through the beasts in the beast secret realm. "

Hearing this, Chu Huan couldn't help but glance at Zhou Qichuan.

"Sure enough, being eligible to become a repeat student must have merit! Otherwise, I would have been slapped down in the college entrance examination last year."

Thinking about it, Chu Huan smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, it just so happens that I can observe the attack methods of those colorful pythons and seniors more."

During the chat, Chu Huan was also looking at Zhou Qichuan who was fighting against three in the distance.

At this moment, Zhou Qichuan's figure moved quickly among the three colorful pythons, and the weapon soul that was used as a weapon in his quick hands was constantly waving and falling on the bodies of the colorful pythons beside him.

But even with one enemy against three, Zhou Qichuan's goal was always on a colorful python.

During the process, the sound from Zhou Qichuan's body indicated that Zhou Qichuan's "Basic Fighting Technique", like Chu Huan, is now at level 4.

Compared with the previous multiplayer alliance, Zhou Qichuan, who now has fewer enemies and more enemies, naturally has a longer battle time.

It took nearly ten minutes, and the flames of the long knife in his hand were only able to chop off the head of the last colorful python.


Killing the three colorful pythons alone made Zhou Qichuan, who was a little breathless, feel a sense of invigoration.


However, at this moment, the head of the colorful python, whose head had just been beheaded by Zhou Qichuan, did not lose consciousness immediately.

Instead, his mouth opened and he let out a low-frequency growl.

Noticing the sound of this colorful python, Zhou Qichuan, who had just turned to face Chu Huan and the others, suddenly changed his face.

Not only Zhou Qichuan, but Wang Qiang and the others next to Chu Huan also stiffened instantly as if their faces had changed.

Zhao Chen said like a pearl, "No! This colorful python is actually sending a message. This is only the appearance of a large group of colorful pythons."

Almost as soon as Zhao Chen's voice fell, Wang Qiang next to him said loudly, "Zhou Qichuan, retreat quickly, the situation is wrong!"

Zhou Qichuan, who was awakened by Wang Qiang's voice, couldn't care less about the beast crystals in the bodies of the three colorful pythons on the ground and quickly moved in front of Chu Huan and the others.


But before several people set off to retreat together, a series of subtle voices began to echo from all around.

Afterwards, in the sight of Zhao Chen and Wang Qiang, they could vaguely see some black shadows running fast on the ground, approaching their location.

At a glance, the number is at least twenty or thirty.

Looking at the fast approaching colorful pythons in the distance, Wang Qiang suddenly raised the spirits in their hands.

Zhao Chen looked even more anxious and frightened: "dammit, shouldn't such a large group of colorful pythons only be found in the depths of the secret realm? How did they get to the periphery of this secret realm?"

At the same time, Zhou Qichuan, who had just returned to meet the few people, also said with a trembling voice: "How do I know that?"

Although they have Chu Huan's buff skills, for Wang Qiang and the others, they can only deal with about ten colorful pythons at most at one time.

But now, there are more than 30 of them here.

With such a number of colorful pythons, it is impossible for them to have the slightest chance of winning.

After taking a quick glance around, Wang Qiang said solemnly, "I can't delay it anymore, while our junior's buff skills are still in effect, our speed is faster than those colorful pythons, rush out, Zhou Qichuan, Xiang Xiaoyan, pay attention. Protect the junior."

After he finished speaking, Wang Qiang turned his head to Chu Huan again and said, "Brother, you must follow closely later, or you will be surrounded by those colorful pythons, and we all have to explain it in this mysterious realm of beasts today."

This voice was like a booster, which made Zhou Qichuan and Zhao Chen's hearts a little more certain.

However, just when the four of them had already started to mobilize their soul power to leave, Chu Huan's hands were placed on the shoulders of Wang Qiang and Zhou Qichuan respectively.

"Well, in fact, I don't think the number of these colorful pythons is a big problem. Would you like me to try it?"

Wang Qiang: "??????"

Xiang Xiaoyan: "??????"

Zhou Qichuan: "??????"

Zhao Chen: "?????"

In the face of what Chu Huan said, several people had black question marks on their faces.

ps: Because it takes too long for a chapter of 4,000 words, it takes about three or four hours for a chapter, so today I will send a chapter of 2,000 words as soon as possible, and I will get another 4,000 when the 40,000-word update is over today. Word by chapter! Continue to beg for subscription support! .

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