Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 66 I think we can change the gameplay (1010 for the 1 order)

The cold wind is slowly, the cold and moist riverside, the low music constantly echoes in the sky above this area.

Bathed in this somewhat sad music, the huge colorful pythons kept roaring, their heads and bodies twisting frantically.

The pair of vertical pupils that were originally reddish had already turned bright red at this moment, and they were full of fierceness and madness.

In the reverberation of these musical sounds, Chu Huan saw the value of "-20" floating on the heads of the surrounding colorful pythons.

It was so full that it almost blocked the line of sight.

Finally, with the passage of time, the body of the first colorful python, which had been standing tall, suddenly stiffened and collapsed weakly.

The fall of this colorful python was like a signal.

Then, every second, one or even several colorful pythons fell down.

In less than ten seconds.

The thirty or so colorful pythons that Wang Qiang and others were still struggling to deal with were all dead.

In an instant, without the roaring sounds of these colorful pythons, the surroundings fell into silence.

Wang Qiang and the others on one side slumped on the ground regardless of the muddy ground after confirming that the surrounding colorful pythons were all dead.

Sweat dripped down his cheeks.

Although it was only a minute, for Wang Qiang and others before, everyone could be said to be dealing with six or seven colorful pythons at the same time.

Difficulty can be imagined?

"Senior, are you alright!"

Chu Huan, who was on the side, stepped forward and asked after he put the spirit in his body.

Hearing this, everyone looked up at Chu Huan.

Compared to them, Chu Huan still looked as usual at the moment, and he didn't even show much sweat.

Gives a sense of calm.

Thinking of Chu Huan's moving speed before, Zhao Chen couldn't help but ask, "Brother! How much has your agility attribute reached?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan said in a low voice, "Not much, just 30."

"3, 30? Are you talking about adding BUFF or your original attributes?"

Chu Huan said strangely: "Of course it's the original agility attribute, can the buffed attribute be counted in the agility attribute of one's own?"

After hearing what Chu Huan said, Wang Qiang and the others looked at each other.

"Four-star awakened apprentice, 30 points of agility, f*ck! Did you make a mistake?"

Faced with the answer at the moment, Wang Qiang and the others couldn't help but grinned.

Wang Qiang and others are now five-star awakened apprentices, but among the four, Xiang Xiaoyan, who has the highest agility attribute, is only 22 points in his "agility" attribute.

But what about Chu Huan?

The level is lower than them, but the "Agility" attribute is so much higher than them!

No wonder Chu Huan was so fast before.

For a time, Wang Qiang and the others looked at Chu Huan and didn't know what to say.

After a while, Zhou Qichuan asked, "No, boss, your agility attribute is already 30 points, why are you teaming up with us?"

Although Zhou Qichuan's words were a bit heartbreaking, Wang Qiang and the others couldn't refute them at all.

As far as Chu Huan's tool soul skills are concerned, plus Chu Huan's current attributes, as long as you use the tool soul skills once to add a buff to yourself, with a full doubling of the "Agility" attribute gap, these colorful pythons are completely connected. I can't even touch Chu Huan.

It's enough to be alone, why do you need to call them together?

Is it because the people are so lively?

Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "I know that the colorful pythons are easy to solve, but my soul skill is too much soul power, just like just now, although I killed all those colorful pythons, my soul power is now Not much is left.

If you meet other awakened people at this time, the problem may be troublesome! "

After all, they have read a year more than the usual senior high school students. When they heard Chu Huan's words, they still didn't understand the concerns in Chu Huan's heart.

For a while, there was a bit of confusion on his face.

It's just that the reason is clear, but the mentality of several people is obviously still a bit difficult to adjust.

After all, the strength Chu Huan showed at the moment was indeed a bit too shocking.

After resting for a while, Wang Qiang, who was the first to adjust his mentality, said, "Okay, let's dispose of the corpses of these colorful pythons and continue looking for the next batch of targets!"

With that said, Wang Qiang stood up while holding the dagger.

But Wang Qiang hadn't walked a few steps before Chu Huan stopped him, "Senior, let me turn the corpses of a few colorful pythons into puppets before we talk about it!"

Listening to what Chu Huan said, Wang Qiang slapped his head and said, "Oh! Yes! I forgot to learn your other Soul Tool skills, so you should do it first!"

After finishing speaking , Wang Qiang took a few steps to the side to get out of position 0 .

Seeing this, Chu Huan, whose soul power had recovered a little, turned to manifest the "suona" soul from his body.

After a while, the unique sound of "Suona" sounded rapidly along with the tune, but within a few seconds, the three coffin-carrying gangs had already appeared in Wang Qiang's field of vision.

As these coffin-carrying gangs swayed close, after the coffin was put down and opened, the bodies of the three colorful pythons selected by Chu Huan dragged a few winding traces on the muddy ground as fast as they were resurrected. into the coffin.

It seemed that it was not too big and could only fit into a coffin the size of an ordinary person, but it was like a bottomless pit, and the bodies of these three colorful pythons were easily put into it.

As the coffin lid was closed again, Zhou Qichuan couldn't help but muttered.

"Although it's not the first time I've seen Junior Brother's Soul Tool skill, no matter how I look at it, it somehow makes me feel a chill in my heart."

A few people next to Xiang Xiaoyan heard this, and looked at the three pieces of music that were going to accompany the suona just now, which were bright and atmospheric but mixed with an inexplicable cold feeling.

Then look at the more than a dozen black shadows and the coffin that they are carrying.

The other three nodded involuntarily.

"This tool soul skill really doesn't look like something from the world."

Soon, when there were three, several people started 3.6 to collect the beast crystals and python tendons from these colorful python corpses.

However, these colorful pythons were basically killed by Chu Huan's tool soul skills.

Except for those who were injured by Zhou Qichuan's tool soul skills before, the other colorful pythons were very complete in appearance.

Zhou Qichuan asked, "What do you say next? Continue to go deep into the secret realm?"

Although he asked, Zhou Qichuan's eyes were on Chu Huan.

Not only Zhou Qichuan, Wang Qiang and others also looked at Chu Huan.

Facing the gazes of several people, Chu Huan glanced at the three colorful pythons that had been transformed into necromantic beasts in the distance, and after thinking for a while, Chu Huan said frivolously: "I think we can change the way of playing. "

ps: There are still 6,000 words of updates today, continue to beg for the first order! Not much to say, try to code words! .

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