Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 70 This kid's tool soul skills are quite evil! (2 update, ask for subscription, ask for

"No, Teacher Fu, even if the Awakened wants to test the talent level, shouldn't it be when he enters the first black iron star? Why are you bringing me here now?"

Fu Wenbo said angrily: "Since I have brought you here! Naturally, you can take the talent level test now, why are you doing so much nonsense? Hurry in! Also, I was hidden in there, there is something good for you. Keep it, boy."

But without waiting for Chu Huan to ask, Fu Wenbo pushed Chu Huan into the room.

On the other hand, Fu Wenbo, after Chu Huan entered the room, walked towards the next room.

After entering the room, Fu Wenbo said respectfully, "Teacher!"

Hearing this, the man turned his head and glanced at Fu Wenbo, then raised his hand to signal.

After Fu Wenbo walked to his side, the man with the beard gave Fu Wenbo a cigarette.

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "Quit!"

The words came out, and the bearded man handed the cigarette - also a meal.

Inexplicably, the room was surrounded by a strange-strange atmosphere.

A few seconds later, the man lit the cigarette he was going to hand to Fu Wenbo himself.

After a puff of smoke came out of his mouth, he looked at the blank-faced Chu Huan in the opposite house through the one-way mirror in front of him and said, "This is the kid you recommended to me?"

Looking at Chu Huan across the room, Fu Wenbo smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's this kid!"

Saying that, Fu Wenbo said with a condensed expression: "Over the years, this kid's talent can be said to be the strongest I've ever met!"

The man suddenly said, "Compared to her?"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Fu Wenbo's face suddenly froze, and his fists clenched unconsciously.

After a while, Fu Wenbo said solemnly, "Between the equals!"

Seeing that Fu Wenbo almost squeezed these words out of his teeth, the man shook his head and said, "As I said, her death was just an accident, not your fault."

Afterwards, the man sighed lightly and then changed his words: "Before you were injured, your talent level was also S-rank, and someone who can catch your eye and recommend me so eagerly, I want to see if this kid is really like him. You said it was so good."


the other side

Chu Huan stared blankly at the closed door and was thinking about the "benefits" that Fu Wenbo had just mentioned.

It was just that he suddenly called himself to the Awakened Association for a talent level test without saying anything.

"You should be more clear!"

While muttering in his heart, Chu Huan turned around and raised his eyes to scan the environment of the room.

From the outside, the whole room should be about the size of a school classroom.

But it is obvious that the special equipment soul skills are used to make the inner space like a basketball court.

Both walls and floors are basically made of some black special alloys.

It's just that there is nothing in this room besides himself, which makes Chu Huan a little puzzled.

It was also in Chu Huan's heart that he was puzzled, and suddenly, from the center of the room, the black alloy floor on the ground suddenly turned into a silver-white alloy floor.

At the same time, an artificial beep suddenly sounded in the room.

"Please test the awakened person to stand in the white area."

"Oh! It's the Awakened Association after all. Everything is full of technology."

While muttering in his heart, Chu Huan slowly walked into the white area.

Almost as soon as Chu Huan stood still, the artificial beep sounded again.

"Next is the physical attribute test, which will begin to release special energy. Please test the awakened person as much as possible to use their soul power to resist. If they sit on the ground or take the initiative to give up, the test is over."

The sound fell, and the alloy ceiling above Chu Huan's head suddenly began to flip.

Immediately afterwards, a black disc began to emerge from the ceiling.


With a little noise, a heavy pressure suddenly dropped from the air in the next second.

It made Chu Huan feel as if he was carrying a schoolbag full of books.

At the same time, it seemed that an invisible sound wave was also coming from the machine on his head, making Chu Huan feel a little sleepy and wanted to close his eyes directly.

And this feeling is still increasing in seconds.

Soon, in less than ten seconds, the pressure from the air has begun to superimpose to a feeling of nearly five or six hundred pounds.

Even the drowsiness became more and more obvious.

Sensing that something was wrong, Chu Huan subconsciously activated the soul power in his body.

As the soul power began to circulate in Chu Huan's body, the external pressure and the little sleepiness in his mind also weakened.

twenty seconds

thirty seconds

forty seconds


Soon, when the time passed by one minute, Chu Huan now felt as if he was carrying a big mountain on his back.

The eyelids also became extremely heavy.

The sleepiness rushed up like waves, making Chu Huan constantly have the urge to close his eyes.

Finally, when the time reached one and a half minutes, under the influence of gravity and the inexplicable influence, Chu Huan bent and sat directly on the ground.

In an instant, the drowsiness that had filled his mind the previous second and the pressure that shrouded his body disappeared instantly.

A few seconds later, the mechanical manual beep sounded again in the room.

"Chu Huan, the time of awakening, the beast's calendar year on September 1, 999, level: four-star awakened apprentice, soul power: 3200, physical attribute: 30.1, strength attribute: 30.1, agility attribute: 30.1, mental power attribute: 30.1 ."

"Potential Evaluation: SSS"

In another room, there is a machine in front of Fu Wenbo and the middle-aged man.

Except for some buttons on the machine, Chu Huan's manual prompts in the room at the moment were transformed into text messages that appeared on the screen of the machine.

Looking at Chu Huan's test results and evaluation on the machine, although he was prepared, Fu Wenbo's eyes narrowed and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"It turned out to be SSS-level potential!"

When Fu Wenbo learned about Chu Huan's improvement speed before, he thought that Chu Huan might be able to get an S-level potential evaluation in this test.

But I never thought that the result would be even more exaggerated than Fu Wenbo thought.

At this moment, the middle-aged man next to Fu Wenbo set his eyes on the screen of the machine.

Focus on the four basic attributes of Chu Huan.

"Interesting, the four basic attributes of the body are all the same. Wenbo, you said earlier that the boy's second tool soul can improve the physical attributes. It seems to be true."

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Fu Wenbo took a deep breath and said with surprise in his heart: "Although I guess this kid didn't lie to me, to be honest, I didn't expect this kid's additional abilities to be so strong. ."

"The physical attributes of 30.1 can be said to be no worse than the average 6-star or even 7-star awakened apprentice! Not to mention that all his attributes are actually the same, this is probably impossible for the average 9-star awakened apprentice!"

According to the different talents and physiques of the Awakened, after each promotion, except for the "Physical" attribute, the upper limit values ​​of the other three physical attributes are also different.

After some Awakeners are promoted, their strength attributes may increase more, and the upper limit will become a little higher.

Some Awakeners focus on agility and mental power.

But to be honest, a person like Chu Huan has an average value and each item is extremely high, but it is completely the same. This ability alone is enough to make many Awakened people envious.

"Oh! It's really interesting that I didn't let me run for nothing."

After throwing the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground and lighting a cigarette again, the middle-aged man pressed another button on the machine in front of him.

In the next second, in the room where Chu Huan was, the machine that tested Chu Huan before had returned to the ceiling.

Immediately afterwards, the floor at the corner of the room quickly separated.

Then, a large square box about five meters high slowly rose from the ground.

As the box slowly opened, inside was a low-level four-star beast, a stone armored lizard.

It's just that this stone armored lizard was obviously treated, and even after the box was opened, it still stood far away like a puppet.

There is absolutely no tendency to want to attack Chu Huan.

0 ·For flowers

In Chu Huan's eyes, the name of this stone armored lizard displayed the words "fascinated state".

"Please test the awakened person to evaluate the weapon soul skill level of the beast releaser soul skill. If there are multiple weapon soul skills, please release them again after the evaluation results are out."

At the same time, the artificial prompt sounded again in the room.

"Tsk tsk, the test uses a real beast, and it's still a low-level four-star beast of the same level as me. It's very considerate!"

After a light murmur in his mouth, Chu Huan's soul power stirred.

In the next moment, the "suona" tool soul appeared in front of Chu Huan.

When the soul power was injected into the soul of the tool, the loud music sounded from the "suona" in front of Chu Huan.

Thirty seconds later, as black notes floated out from the suona, the three coffin-carrying gangs had already appeared in this room, stomping on the beat and shaking.

Looking at the more than a dozen dark and numb coffin-lifting phantoms in the opposite room that followed the rhythm with every movement, the middle-aged man paused with his cigarette in his hand.

After pondering for a few seconds, the middle-aged man asked: "Didn't you say that this kid is an auxiliary awakener? How can the soul skill be able to summon these things?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo responded: "It's an auxiliary Awakener. His Soul Tool has a control effect, and he can also transform a beast into a undead beast and then control it. I personally take the boy to go there. I tried the Bone Wolf and Fierce Beast Secret Realm."


Listening to what Fu Wenbo said, the middle-aged man continued: "Oh? Can you transform a beast into a necromantic beast? It's rare, but what's the control effect you're talking about?"

Fu Wenbo pointed to the coffins on the shoulders of the phantoms in the opposite room.

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and said, "The control effect comes from those things like boxes?"

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "No, it's not a box, it's a coffin! After that kid's artifact soul skill is activated, he can make the target lie in those coffins by himself."


As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged man's hand holding the cigarette shook violently.

Then he turned his head to look at Fu Wenbo with a bloody face.

His face was full of astonishment.

Looking at the middle-aged man with a stunned expression, Fu Wenbo also understood for a while.

After all, this is how Fu Wenbo came here back then.

However, when talking on the phone before, Fu Wenbo did not introduce the situation of Chu Huan's "coffin-carrying march" in detail.

Therefore, after glancing at the situation in the opposite room, Fu Wenbo explained the effect of Chu Huan's Soul Artifact skill in detail.

After more than ten seconds, after realizing the specific effect of Chu Huan's tool soul skill, the middle-aged man turned his head and glanced strangely at the three coffin-lifting phantoms in the opposite room, and then looked at the yawning man. Chu Huan.

His eyes were a little complicated.

"This kid's tool soul skills are quite evil!"

Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "Who said no!

"It's just that when this kid played this song before, wasn't there only five phantoms and a coffin? Why have the number of phantoms and coffins increased now?"

The middle-aged man said in a low voice, "Perhaps it's because I'm not proficient enough to master the Soul Skill!"

Although the Awakener's tool soul skill has been awakened, it is impossible to master it perfectly from the beginning.

After the artifact soul skill is awakened, the awakener also needs constant training and use to be able to bring out the effect of the artifact soul skill perfectly.

Therefore, Fu Wenbo didn't think too much about the increase in the number of coffin-lifting phantoms and the number of coffins in Chu Huan's artifact soul skill at the moment.

In the chat between the two, in the test room.

As the tune continued to play, at this moment, the three coffin-carrying phantoms summoned by Chu Huan's tune had already walked to the stone armored lizard.

The stone armored lizards were surrounded in a triangular direction.

The distance between each of the stone armored lizards is about five meters.

Then, under the interested eyes of the middle-aged man, the three coffin-lifting gangs slowly lifted and lowered the coffin on their shoulders while twisting their bodies.

And opened the coffin.

In the next moment, the stone armored lizard that had been standing still, took the first step bravely towards the open coffin on the left.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man's eyes narrowed slightly. Ten thousand.

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