Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 80 The God Sent Down to H1 Your Temperament and Character (35 for subscription, data support

"What's the matter?"

The sudden change in his body made Chu Huan startled, and his face couldn't help but feel a little more flustered.

"Di, it is detected that the host is in a special state, does it consume soul power to replenish energy?"

At the same time, the system prompt sounded quietly in Chu Huan's mind.

Although it is not clear what exactly the so-called "special state" of the system is.

But due to his own problems, Chu Huan chose to "supplement" without thinking.

As soon as the thought fell, Chu Huan's system points began to consume a lot under Chu Huan's attention.

At the same time, in Chu Huan's body, there is a wave of pure energy reverberating.

Not only that, Chu Huan was surprised to find that these energies were exactly the same as his own soul power fluctuations.

Obviously, the system is converted through system-system points.

As these soul powers appeared in Chu Huan's body, these soul powers were continuously integrated into Chu Huan's internal organs, bones and even muscles during the circulation.

At this moment, Chu Huan's body is like a person who hasn't eaten for several days, madly absorbing these soul powers.

With sufficient soul power, Chu Huan's body was able to breathe like a middle-aged man who was just let go by his wife.

The feeling of extreme exhaustion just now subsided quickly.

On the other hand, Chu Huan, after temporarily confirming that his body was back to normal, kept his attention jumping repeatedly on the "System Points" on the body and attribute panel.

five minutes

ten minutes

fifteen minutes


Until half an hour passed, Chu Huan's system points had dropped by more than 400,000.

But the abnormality in the body still did not end.

This made Chu Huan worry about whether the 300,000 system points he had left were enough.

If the remaining system points are used up and the abnormality in Chu Huan's body has not ended, then it will be over.

In such anxiety, with the further consumption of system points.

After spending 500,000 system points, the rapidly depleted soul power in Chu Huan's body finally did not continue to decrease.


It was also when the consumption rate of the soul power in the body decreased, a vibration that seemed to come from the soul suddenly sounded from Chu Huan's body.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable feeling echoed from Chu Huan's body.

It felt like a beautiful sister came to give you a massage after sweating.

From the inside to the outside, there is a feeling of comfort all over, and people can't help but close their eyes and enjoy it quietly.

At the same time, a clear sense of vitality suddenly poured out of the body.

Chu Huan, who is only in his third year of high school, has a strange feeling of rejuvenation.

This feeling lasted for nearly three minutes before it slowly subsided.

After opening his eyes, Chu Huan first moved his body and did not feel any discomfort.

Looking at the attribute panel, I found that my four basic attributes have not changed in the slightest.

It is still the same as when he was just promoted, "Physical" attribute: 102.5, "Strength" attribute 101.8, "Agility" attribute: 120.3, "Mental strength" attribute 101.8.

Only the remaining 200,000 system points showed that what happened before was not Chu Huan's imagination.

"Strange, since it's so good, why did the body start to devour the soul like a hungry ghost before?"

After thinking for a long time, Chu Huan had no clue at all, and turned on the computer on the side to see if he could find relevant information on the Internet.

After more than ten minutes of searching, Chu Huan's attention suddenly locked on the three words "gene lock".

It's just that when Chu Huan continued to search for "gene lock", all the posts on the Internet related to this "gene lock" actually needed to log in with the information certified by the Awakened Association to view it.

Although Chu Huan went to the Awakened Association today to conduct a talent level test.

But there is no certification registration.

After all, certification and registration is something that requires the awakened person to reach one black iron star to be eligible.

"Isn't this an appetite?"

After searching for a while to no avail, Chu Huan couldn't help but complain.

"Would you like to ask the senior?"

But this idea came to the fore, and Chu Huan shook his head again to suppress it.

Although some posts Chu Huan can not watch, but through the limited information on the webpage mentioned "black iron level" and "bronze level", I also know that this gene lock is probably related to high-level awakened people.

And now Chu Huan is still unable to determine whether his physical condition is related to this gene lock.

It doesn't make much sense to ask hastily.

"Forget it, find an opportunity to ask Teacher Fu tomorrow!"


The next day, after class, Chu Huan took out his mobile phone and looked at the messages sent by Wang Qiang and Zhou Qichuan. Chu Huan also replied one by one.

The students in the review class have already taken the college entrance examination once.

It has a certain foundation in itself.

Therefore, the learning progress of the review class and the fresh class in each middle school is also completely separated.

Like the students in the review class, most of the school's training is to select some suitable targets for the actual combat training in the secret realm of beasts.

It's just that the intensity and frequency are higher than those of the normal high school and second semester.

Yesterday morning, when Chu Huan was still in the Awakened Association, Wang Qiang had already called and said that both classes of the review class needed to go to Ronghai City, and it might take a week.

But when I went to Chu Huan's class, I didn't find Chu Huan, so I made the call.

Although Chu Huan's current level is only the level of Awakened apprentice.

But Chu Huan's four basic attributes are already comparable to those of the Awakened at the black iron level.

Naturally, Chu Huan's next target naturally couldn't be low-level vicious beasts like the colorful python and the magic sound spider.

"It's better to use some beasts with one star or two stars for black iron to practice!"

At this time, the benefits of Chu Huan as a twin soul became even more obvious.

Not to mention that he is two weapon souls, although he needs twice as much soul power as an awakened person of the same level, it is also because of this reason that each level of Chu Huan’s soul power itself is more than that of an ordinary awakened person. .

Even if it is only a five-star awakened person now, but with 3600 points of soul power, it is already equivalent to a six-star awakened apprentice.

In addition to Chu Huan's own physical attributes and the "Basic Fighting Technique" of level 9, the mysterious realm of the beasts of the first and second black iron stars, it is not a problem to walk sideways.

It was also when Chu Huan held his chin and thought about the next plan, Chu Huan's phone suddenly vibrated.

But it was a message from Fu Wenbo.

"Come to my office!"

I just saw this message, and Fu Wenbo immediately added another message.

"Take the fake strip from yesterday morning!"

After rolling his eyes, Chu Huan wrote a leave request on the spot and then got up and walked towards the office building.

Almost when Chu Huan arrived at Fu Wenbo's office, the bell for class was already ringing in the school.

Seeing this, Chu Huan, who had just stepped into Fu Wenbo's office, couldn't help but sighed and said, "Mr. Fu, do you think you can't change the office to the teaching building? Every time I look for you, I get the office building of the school leaders. It affects my class every time!"

Or is there someone above it? In his thirties, he can become the deputy director of teaching, and the offices are all single rooms.

But it's hard for Chu Huan to walk for several minutes each time to get from the classroom to Fu Wenbo's office.

Facing Chu Huan's annoyance, Fu Wenbo said angrily, "Do you think I want to call you over here?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan's footsteps stopped, and then his body turned around: "Then I'm leaving!"

Fu Wenbo:  …

Looking at Chu Huan who turned around and walked out the door, Fu Wenbo said with a dark face, "Come back!"


Hearing Fu Wenbo's words, Chu Huan shrugged and stood still.

Looking at Chu Huan in front of him, Fu Wenbo felt a pain in his brain.

Some people get along like old wine, the longer the time, the more mellow, the better the relationship.

When some people get along, it feels like they were sent by God to hone their temperament and character.

Unfortunately, in Fu Wenbo's view, Chu Huan belongs to the second category.

Every time I see Chu Huan, I always feel that people who can be angry with a few words can't wait to hang up and beat him hard to relieve his anger.

But every time Chu Huan is still interesting, he will stop at everything, so that you can't stop breathing.

But in retrospect, it's even more irritating.

After calming his mind, Fu Wenbo asked, "You kid didn't tell others about the talent level you assessed in the Awakened Association yesterday?"

0 ·For flowers

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "You told me a lot before leaving yesterday, and I'm not stupid. Why tell others about this?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo nodded, then grabbed a USB flash drive on the table and threw it to Chu Huan.

"What's this? Teacher Fu, your treasured little movie?"

Chu Huan, who grabbed the USB flash drive, asked casually.

"Fucking little movie, if you don't speak well, don't talk! If you don't want to be beaten, I will definitely satisfy you."

Facing Chu Huan's indecent behavior, Fu Wenbo glared at Chu Huan.

Looking at Fu Wenbo, who clearly had the idea to start, Chu Huan decisively changed the subject and said, "Then what is this?"

After giving Chu Huan a look of "you know your face", Fu Wenbo said, "Yesterday, the teacher promised you, "Basic Fighting Technique"."


Hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan's eyes lit up.

After throwing the USB flash drive into the space watch, Chu Huan asked, "But Teacher Fu, why did you give it to me so early?"

Chu Huan only upgraded "Basic Fighting Technique" to level 9 yesterday, and he didn't say this to Fu Wenbo.

Moreover, Fu Wenbo was only three-star silver, and it was impossible for him to judge his "Basic Fighting Technique" level just by feeling the flow of soul power in his body like Li Tianyang did yesterday.

Fu Wenbo said angrily: "Is there a difference? You have mastered Basic Fighting Techniques to level 6 in just a few days, and it is estimated that it will take you less than a month to master Basic Fighting Techniques to level 9, hurry up. What's the difference between giving it to you and being late?"


While speaking, Fu Wenbo was also sighing in his heart.

Back then, it took him two years to cultivate Basic Fighting Techniques to level 9.

This speed is relatively fast!

On the other hand, what about Chu Huan? In less than a week, he directly reached level 6.

Comparing this speed, it is like a sky and an underground.

Kind of hit people.

Thinking about it, Fu Wenbo said with a bit of sourness in his heart: "And give it to you earlier so that you won't be called to the office later. I don't want to see you kid, so I don't worry."

Chu Huan curled his lips and said, "Then you don't have to see me every morning?"

Fu Wenbo sneered: "So tomorrow I'm going to transfer you to the far corner of the back door and let Zhang Xiaofu sit in front of you."

Chu Huan's eyelids jumped and he said, "...So ruthless?"

Zhang Xiaofu is a classmate in Chu Huan's class, an awakened melee weapon soul.

This is second.

The key is that Zhang Xiaofu is 1.9 meters tall, and he is a fat man who weighs almost 200 pounds.

Once sitting in front of Chu Huan, when it is said that Fu Wenbo can't see Chu Huan, Chu Huan has to tilt his head every time he wants to read the blackboard in class.

Therefore, in the face of Fu Wenbo's decision, Chu Huan said with a wry smile: "No, how can I study in class like this, Mr. Fu? Doesn't this affect me taking the college entrance examination? If I can't get into the nine universities, you will support me for the rest of my life. ?"

"I won't support you even if I raise a junior, the college entrance examination is for other students, it's your fart..."

But when he said this, Fu Wenbo suddenly stopped his voice as if thinking of something.

But Fu Wenbo had already said most of what he said, and even if he shut up in time, Chu Huan could make up the words that Fu Wenbo didn't finish without thinking.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed, and his tone became a bit more formal: "Mr. Fu, what are you saying is like saying that I don't need to take the college entrance examination?"

Fu Wenbo vetoed: "I don't have it, don't talk nonsense!"

Looking at Fu Wenbo who rejected the kickback without thinking about it, Chu Huan pondered for a few seconds and said, "Is it because of your teacher, that uncle named Li Tianyang?"

Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "It's all said, don't talk nonsense! It's nothing!"

But looking at Chu Huan, who was full of disgust and distrust, Fu Wenbo shook his head again.

"Forget it! Anyway, sooner or later, I have to tell you boy, it's good to let you know a little mentally."

After speaking, after a slight pause, Fu Wenbo said, "My teacher, the one you met yesterday, is the director of the Awakened Association!"

"The... Director of the Awakened Association?"

Hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan was shocked and his expression became stunned.

ps: In the third update, there are still two chapters tonight. In addition, friends who are fattening, don't keep them for too long! 20,000 words are updated every day, and it can be slaughtered in a week! Otherwise, keeping it for too long will have a great impact on the data! Ten thousand.

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