Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 85 Just because I only need 1 trip now, you have to beg me right away! (35 ask for subscript

Hearing this, Zhao Xueyong quickly turned his head to look at Chu Huan.

After glancing at Chu Huan, Zhao Xueyong asked, "Are you Chu Huan?"

Chu Huan did not respond in a hurry, but glanced at the information panel on Zhao Xueyong's head.

"Zhao Xueyong"

"Level: Three-Star Awakened Apprentice"

"HP: 780/780"

"Hate Value: 3"

"3 points?"

Looking at this boy named Zhao Xueyong, Chu Huan tried his best to recall.

After confirming that it was indeed the first time he saw Zhao Xueyong, Chu Huan asked, "Your girlfriend likes me?"

Zhao Xueyong: "?????"

The question that suddenly appeared made Zhao Xueyong slightly startled, and then frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about, I don't have a girlfriend!"

Hearing this, Chu Huan continued to ask, "Then the girl you have a crush on likes me?"

Facing Chu Huan's continued questions, Zhao Xueyong's face sank and said, "What nonsense? I don't have a crush on a girl!"

Chu Huan spread his hands and said, "Then why are you looking for me so aggressively? I don't know you!"

Zhao Xueyong snorted coldly: "Don't know me? Ha! Because of you, I originally applied for the excellent student subsidy, and the speed of my promotion and the preliminary potential evaluation of A-level when I woke up will definitely be successful, but because of you Because of this, my application for the Merit Student Grant has failed!"

"Excellent student subsidy?"

Listening to what Zhao Xueyong said, Chu Huan frowned lightly.

A few seconds later, Chu Huan immediately understood how Zhao Xueyong's three hatred points came from.

After understanding the reason, the doubts on Chu Huan's face were also replaced by laziness, and then he asked slowly, "Have you looked for the other nine people on the outstanding student subsidy list?"

Zhao Xueyong frowned: "No, I know nine other people, and they should be on the list!"

"Oh? Listen to what you mean, shouldn't I be on the list? When I'm easy to bully?" Chu Huan asked with narrowed eyes.

Zhao Xueyong said solemnly: "Well, every year the school can apply for the excellent student subsidy for the ten best students in the whole grade. Now you have taken away the quota, I can't get subsidy for excellent students, if you are really strong enough Forget it, otherwise, what do you say, why did the school give you this place?"

Chu Huan looked at Zhao Xueyong suspiciously and said, "You're not so angry, do you really lack that ten black iron one star beast crystals every month?"

To be honest, because Li Tianyang gave the one platinum one-star beast crystal, with sufficient system points, Chu Huan's strength quickly increased.

Now, ten black iron one-star beast crystals a month mean little to Chu Huan.

It's just that it was taken for nothing, and Chu Huan didn't mind taking ten more.

Better than nothing!

If Zhao Xueyong in front of him is really in trouble with his family, Chu Huan will tell Fu Wenbo that he will give this spot to Zhao Xueyong.

However, under the question of Chu Huan, Zhao Xueyong said with a look of disdain: "I'm short of beast crystals? Who do I look down on?"

Saying that, Zhao Xueyong took out his right hand directly from his pocket, and then took out ten black iron nine-star beast crystals.

"See? I'm missing your ten black iron one-star beast crystals? I don't agree with the school, and someone can squeeze me off the list!"

"Yo? Rich people, local tyrants!"

Looking at the ten black iron nine-star beast crystals that Zhao Xueyong took out, Chu Huan's eyes lit up.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Chu Huan asked, "What do you want? Could it be a fight?" Chu Huan said casually.

Zhao Xueyong said: "Why, you dare not?"

Chu Huan scratched his head and said, "It's not that I don't dare, it's just that the venue here is a bit inappropriate. You are so brave, how about changing the venue with me? How about the training hall?"

"Who is afraid of who! Go!"

Zhao Xueyong agreed without thinking.

At this moment, a girl in Chu Huan's class suddenly said, "Chu Huan, don't go, you can't beat him. He is a fighting spirit, you just..."

However, before the girl could finish her sentence, Chu Huan interrupted first: "It's okay, with his strength, even if I let him have two hands, he can't hurt me."

Originally, Zhao Xueyong turned his head subconsciously when he heard the girl over there speak.

How could he have thought that Chu Huan would be so loud.

He also threatened to let himself have two hands.

This time, Zhao Xue had enough courage.

Even the hatred value on the head has risen a little.

Dissatisfied in his heart, even the students around him who wanted to follow along to watch the play were stared at by Zhao Xueyong's vicious eyes and stood there and did not follow.

A few minutes later, after finding an empty training classroom in the school training hall, Chu Huan's mouth suddenly picked up as Zhao Xueyong entered the room.

Then, when he followed Zhao Xueyong into the room, he closed the door with one hand.

After walking to the training room, Zhao Xueyong looked at Chu Huan coldly, and after walking to the other side of the training room to distance himself from Chu Huan, he directly condensed his soul.

A hammer tool soul that looks like a big basin, with Zhao Xueyong's height of almost 1.9 meters, makes Zhao Xueyong look a bit mighty.

After grabbing the tool soul in his hand, Zhao Xueyong snorted coldly: "I want to see why you have such a big tone just now."

As he said that, Zhao Xueyong put on a fighting posture.

Hearing this, Chu Huan smiled lightly and said, "No reason, just because I only need one trip now, you have to beg me right away!"

Zhao Xueyong narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm afraid you are dreaming!"

The voice fell, Zhao Xueyong's body and soul power suddenly agitated, and then he stepped out.

With the sound of a "bean" bursting, the whole person rushed towards Chu Huan with a hammer.

However, in the face of Zhao Xueyong's actions, Chu Huan didn't even have the slightest idea to do it, and still stood in the same place sloppily.

However, Chu Huan's voice sounded slowly.

"My Awakened is an auxiliary device soul!"


The sound had just fallen, and Zhao Xueyong, who was rushing towards Chu Huan quickly, forced his body to stop, and the soles made several sounds when they rubbed against the ground.

After the body stood still, Zhao Xueyong and Chu Huan were already less than one meter apart.

It's just that the expression on Zhao Xueyong's face at this moment has changed compared to his previous coldness and arrogance.

When he looked at Chu Huan, his surprised eyes widened, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Auxiliary, auxiliary device soul?"

You must know that under normal circumstances, the combat power of auxiliary awakeners and healing awakeners will not be as high as that of combat awakeners.

Therefore, generally speaking, in the third year of high school, even if there is any stab or friction between students, they will first ask the other party's awakened artifact soul.

If the awakened person is a fighting type, then everyone speaks according to their strength.

But if the awakened one is a healing type or a support type, hehe, Tianlin Middle School's school rules, the awakened weapon soul is a fighting type, and if the awakened weapon soul is a support type or a healing type student, it will deduct points for violations of discipline, and seriously. is dismissed.

This point is also unified by the Yan Kingdom and even the middle schools all over the world.

Otherwise, what if the Fighter Awakened bullies the Support Awakener or Healer Awakener all day long?

The school should still have the look and feel of the school.

If you want to fight to find a suitable target, as long as there are no serious problems, the school is too lazy to care.

Therefore, seeing Zhao Xue's courage rushing to the door of Class 18 to block him, Chu Huan came here knowing that this guy didn't inquire about the type of his weapon soul before he came to him!

"No, auxiliary device soul, how can you apply for the excellent student subsidy?" After a while, Zhao Xueyong, who recovered, asked.

Chu Huan grinned and said, "Sorry, twin soul!"

Zhao Xueyong: "..."

Listening to what Chu Huan said, Zhao Xueyong suddenly felt a pain in his egg.

It was also when Zhao Xueyong understood the attributes of his artifact soul that Chu Huan said with a slight smile on his face: "You said! You left me with such a vicious spirit just now, if I don't return to the classroom for a long time to go to class. Or when I go out for a while, if I have a little injury on my face, what will the result be?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xueyong's face changed drastically.

Because of the previous Zhao Xueyong, in addition to the students in Class 18, there are also many students from other classes around.

In front of everyone's eyes, if it really followed what Chu Huan said, as long as Chu Huan went back a little later, or went back with a little injury.

That's a lot of fun.

In the face of Zhao Xueyong's, one was fired and didn't run away!

0 ·For flowers

Not only that.

If you beat the students in the school who have awakened the auxiliary device soul, and there is this record, then don't expect other students to accept you, let alone the college entrance examination!

At this moment, Zhao Xueyong finally understood why Chu Huan dared to say "let yourself have two hands" before.

Don't say it is to let two hands, even if Chu Huan trapped his hands and feet, Zhao Xueyong would not dare to touch Chu Huan.

After thinking about this, Zhao Xueyong's eyes changed when he looked at Chu Huan.

"This f*ck is still a person, so he digs a hole like this?"

But the key point is that now Zhao Xueyong still actively jumped into the hole dug by Chu Huan.

It's so hard for him!

But just when Zhao Xueyong reacted, in the next instant, in Zhao Xueyong's panic, Chu Huan in front of him suddenly squatted down slowly, and then lay down on the ground like this.

At the same time, at the moment when he was lying down, Chu Huan still covered his chest with one hand, and said something like "Ah! It hurts".

There was even a somewhat uncomfortable expression on his face, which looked vivid, as if he was really injured.

Seeing this, Zhao Xueyong couldn't stand still, he quickly said: "Big, big brother, big brother, don't do this, you have something to say, get up, please stand up..."

While speaking, Zhao Xueyong stepped forward and squatted beside Chu Huan.

He wanted to help Chu Huan up, but he didn't dare to start.

...... 0

An anxious pair of big hands have nowhere to put.

Facing Zhao Xueyong's anxiety and confusion at the moment, Chu Huan raised his hand slowly, and then rubbed his thumb and index finger fiercely.

Seeing this, as long as Zhao Xueyong is not stupid, he can understand all the reasons.

At the same time, Zhao Xueyong understands what is called "wealth is not exposed".

Facing Chu Huan lying on the ground, Zhao Xueyong was angry and panic.

But there is still no way.

In the end, Zhao Xueyong could only take out the ten black iron nine-star beast crystals in his pocket with a dark face and put them on Chu Huan's outstretched hand.

It was also at the moment when the ten black iron nine-star beast crystals started, Chu Huan, who was lying on the ground a second ago, sat up instantly.

Even the painful expression on his face disappeared completely.

At the same time as getting up, Chu Huan said in a familiar tone: "Look, you have to beg me to get up after I told me to come, so please believe it! Don't be so stubborn in the future, it's not good!"

Hearing what Chu Huan said, Zhao Xueqiang clenched his teeth tightly.

But there is still no way.

But in the next second, in Zhao Xueyong's line of sight, Chu Huan suddenly vanished the ten black iron beast crystals he just got from his side, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

As if thinking of something, Zhao Xueyong quickly turned his eyes and saw the space watch on Chu Huan's left hand.

"No, you have a space watch, why are you blackmailing my beast crystal?"

A black iron nine-star beast crystal is only 9,000 yuan.

And the space watch in Chu Huan's hands starts at least 500,000.

Not even Zhao Xueyong.

Since Chu Huan can wear a space watch, it is enough to show that Chu Huan's family is much more than himself.

But under such circumstances, Chu Huan even dug a hole to take away his beast crystal, which is totally unreasonable!

Listening to Zhao Xueyong's words, Chu Huan said casually, "You're an interesting person. Who thinks there are too many beast crystals! It's free anyway."

Zhao Xueyong: "..."

Looking at Chu Huan, who looked right, Zhao Xueyong clenched his fists tightly.

"Why, there is such a cheap person?"

Originally looking for trouble with Chu Huan, Chu Huan was safe and sound, and he even lost ten black iron nine-star beast crystals.

This made Zhao Xueyong's face dark and scary when he walked out of the training classroom.

Looking back at Chu Huan, seeing Zhao Xueyong leave like this, Chu Huan couldn't help but "tsk tsk" twice.

"So, what kind of combat-type weapon soul do you want! How good is the auxiliary-type weapon soul?"

Awakened the soul of the auxiliary device, leisurely every day, those students in the school did not dare to provoke.

Once you are unhappy, go to lie down in front of the students who have awakened the spirit of the fighting tool, and you can take the beast crystal when you are comfortable.


Ps: This chapter is not easy to write, it took four hours to write abruptly! So late! There are still two chapters today, continue to code! I beg for subscription and data support! Ten thousand.

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