The fish was caught, but the fish was still caught.

Yan Chujiu ran over quickly, "Give me the rod!"


Li Meiqi refused decisively, what a joke, it took so much effort to catch such a big fish!

Give you the rod?

I won't even think twice about giving you 10,000 yuan!

"I want to do it myself, tell me how to do it?"

"Try to reel in the line!"

Li Meiqi struggled to free up one hand and tried to reel, "No, I can't reel it at all!"

"How big is the line and hook you use?"

"Very big!"

"How big is very big? What size line and hook?"

"I don't know, anyway, it's very big."

Yan Chujiu then remembered that this was a rookie who had just entered the pit. He took a closer look at the fishing rod in her hand and found that she didn't know when to change the rod.

It was no longer a lightweight rock fishing rod, but a solid iron plate rod.

This was a mistake, because iron plate rods are generally used in deep sea and are very suitable for fishing giants.

The line is thick enough, and the hook should not be small.

Yan Chujiu did not persuade her to cut the line actively, but helped to adjust the unloading force to a suitable state, and began to direct her at the same time.

"You should hold the rod with your belly tightly, don't loosen it, or the hook may come out. But it can't be too tight, or it will cut the line. Do you understand?"

Listen to advice and eat a full meal.

In order to prevent the fish from escaping, Li Meiqi obediently held the fishing rod tightly to fight against it.

The rod was stuck in the middle of the mountain.

When Yan Chujiu was learning foreign languages, he would see such courses from time to time, but he had never practiced it.

"Try to see if you can lift the rod up, then quickly lower it, and then reel it in immediately!"

Li Meiqi tried it, but found that she couldn't lift it up at all.

"Za Za~~"

The metal hand brake wheel made a sound, and the line was not retracted, but went out.

"Oh my, it's going to run, it's going to run! Xiang Aotu, come and help me."

Yan Chujiu sighed, "You won't give me the rod, how can I help you?"

"Come behind me, hold the rod with me, and teach me how to do it!"


There is a difference between men and women, it's not appropriate, right?

We are not that familiar with each other yet!

Yan Chujiu felt embarrassed, but his body was very honest.

Under her constant urging, he came behind her without hesitation, put his hands under her armpits and held the fishing rod with her.

Yan Chujiu originally wanted to keep a distance and try not to stick to her.

However, there was no way, if he didn't stick to her, he couldn't do anything!

Paid content, long story short: Servant, from~~

Yan Chujiu could feel that Li Meiqi's body was trembling, but it was understandable.

If you are not nervous and excited after catching a big fish, are you still a human being?

He is also very excited now!

However, in order to avoid wasting time, Yan Chujiu still said considerately in Li Meiqi's ear, "Don't panic, as long as this fish floats to the surface, it will have no strength and will let you do whatever you want. Hold on, you must hold on!"

Li Meiqi's heartbeat was almost 200 beats per minute, her legs were weak, and she regretted it to death.

Why did she ask him to help!

Isn't it making things worse?

However, this was her own choice, even if she had to cry, she had to get the fish out.

Fortunately, her sacrifice was not in vain.

After nearly 40 minutes of pulling back and forth, the big grouper finally floated to the surface.

Yan Chujiu did not dare to relax. Catching a fish is a skill, but getting it ashore is money.

He still held Li Meiqi, who was almost exhausted by the giant fish, tightly, holding the fishing rod and reeling with both hands until the big grouper was dragged to the shore and caught in the scoop net.


"What a big fish!"

"I've never caught such a big fish!"

After the fish came up, Li Meiqi, who had been silent just now, immediately danced and cheered.

Seeing her excited, Yan Chujiu couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

This girl is completely hooked this time, just like himself, and can't get out of it anymore.

"Xiang Aotu, what kind of fish is this?"

Yan Chujiu was very happy to catch such a big fish, and patiently explained it to her.

"Pearl grouper, it is a hybrid breed bred from dragon grouper and tiger grouper. Some people also call it dragon tiger grouper or pearl grouper."

Li Meiqi was very puzzled, "How can there be such a big grouper near the shore? Don't those fishermen say that you have to go out to sea to catch big groupers?"

"There is no wild fish of this kind, they are all artificially bred and hybridized. It is probably from a farm.

“It’s not wild?” Li Meiqi’s excitement was reduced a little, “Then it should not be worth much.”

“Look at its color and size, it should have been out for a long time, it can be sold as wild, fifty or sixty yuan per catty should be able to sell, this fish is definitely a thousand yuan!”

Li Meiqi was still not interested, “It’s just such a small amount of money, it’s really boring!”

Yan Chujiu was sweating profusely, a thousand yuan is just such a small amount of money? Still not interesting? You don’t take money as money!

But thinking that the nesting materials that people have made in the past two days may be more than a thousand yuan, he can’t say fuck.

Playing is playing, making fun is making fun, and taking pictures when catching big fish.

Li Meiqi had a look of disgust just now, but when she took out her mobile phone, she was already smiling, and pouted her lips and made a scissors hand gesture.

It was not until this time that Yan Chujiu finally saw her true face.

One time, he was stunned.

Originally, he could vaguely feel that this should be a beautiful girl, otherwise she wouldn't be so arrogant.

Now he found that his judgment was right. She was really beautiful, with exquisite facial features, and each part was embedded with unique charm!

Especially when she smiled, the corners of her mouth turned up and her eyes sparkled!

Butterflies and flowers smiled, bathing like spring breeze.

If her appearance was a little higher, she would be able to catch up with her aunt!

"Blue sky and white clouds, blue sea and silver sand, thank you for the gift of nature!"

Li Meiqi added a paragraph of text and posted a circle of friends with the photo.

In the photo, there are also her slender legs and small white shoes as references, obviously she has failed in learning!

While she was happily waiting for others to like it, she found that Yan Chujiu had picked up the big grouper and put it in the fish basket, but it was not hers, but his.

"Hey, why did you put my fish in your fish basket?"

Yan Chujiu stopped and asked, "Do you want this fish? ”

Li Meiqi said, “I caught it, why don’t I want it?”

“Then you give me one thousand yuan, and this fish is yours!”

Li Meiqi was confused, “I caught the fish, and I have to pay you to make it mine? Is there still justice and law?”

Yan Chujiu saw that she looked like she was still dreaming, so she pointed to her wrist without a watch.

Li Meiqi pulled up her sleeves in confusion and looked at her Patek Philippe.

Three o’clock in the afternoon!

She suddenly woke up, the time for pinching the fish was over, and she lost.

Although this pearl grouper weighed thirty kilograms, Yan Chujiu’s catch was at least forty or fifty kilograms, and there was no need to weigh it. It was more than hers at a glance, and she couldn’t lose any more.

According to the prior agreement, whoever loses the fish will get the other one.

“Then... I don’t want it! "

Li Meiqi was very depressed. How can I describe that feeling? It was like she had to pay the other person after being slept with.

She waved her hand towards the woods over there.

The female assistant with a wide waist and a bell appeared.

Yan Chujiu smelled it very clearly this time. The female assistant smelled blood, not murderous intent.

Where did the blood smell come from? You must be asking a child. You will know when you grow up.

Yan Chujiu felt very strange. How could he smell such a smell?

It was hidden so deeply. He was not a dog!

It couldn't be that after being bitten by that weird beast, even his sense of smell changed, right?

Just when he was wondering, Li Meiqi was about to leave with the female assistant. He quickly put away his thoughts and said, "Hey, wait a minute!"

Li Meiqi was puzzled. "What are you waiting for? "

Yan Chujiu walked to her fishing rod bag, opened the zipper, picked and chose a good quality fishing rod.

Li Meiqi then remembered that she had to give him a fishing rod if she lost.

I'll admit defeat!

She didn't say anything, anyway, the fishing rod was not hers.

But when she was about to leave again, Yan Chujiu actually called her again, "Wait a minute!"

Li Meiqi was a little angry now, always waiting, wait a minute, I'm your wife...?

Yan Chujiu pointed to the fish basket below and said, "I can't take so many fish back, I have to go home to get a bucket to put them. You help me watch the fish here first."

"Why should I listen to you?"

Yan Chujiu reminded her slowly, "You lost, you have to be my fish boy for a week, isn't it the fish boy's duty to help me watch the fish?"

Li Meiqi's expression collapsed, "This... don't go back to get the bucket, I have to wait for you for an hour! ”

“What should I do with these fish?”

Maggie Q instructed her female assistant, “Go get the fish box in the car.”

After a while, the female assistant brought a sea fishing box from the SUV parked above the woods.

It must be said that although Maggie Q’s fishing skills are not good, she has all the equipment!

All of them are expensive, and also

That's right!

A large sea fishing box, 120L, heat and cold insulation, with an oxygen pump and a tugboat.

This box alone would probably cost thousands of dollars.

"This fish box is for you!"

"Give it to me? How can I be so embarrassed? I can't repay you, I can only say thank you!"

Li Meiqi couldn't help rolling her eyes, seeing him laughing so hard that his legs couldn't close, how could she be embarrassed at all.

Too lazy to pay attention to him, she left directly with her female assistant.

After getting in the car, the wind blew towards her with a faint fishy smell of the sea, and the clouds were high and white, embedded in the blue sky.

Li Meiqi's face gradually smiled. Although she lost the fish-picking game today, she was really satisfied and happy.

Especially when she caught the pearl grouper, the fierce and strong resistance made her feel nervous and exciting, and her soul was about to leave her body with excitement.

Especially when Yan Chujiu came up from behind and taught her how to fish, this wonderful feeling doubled!

"Taozi, drive faster, I need to go home and take a shower, my body is sticky and uncomfortable."

Faced with Li Meiqi's urging, female assistant Taozi expressed her understanding. After fishing for a day, she sweated so much that her body was naturally sticky.

She didn't have such troubles. She sat in the car with the air conditioner on, which was clean and refreshing!

While increasing the speed of the car, Taozi couldn't help asking, "Miss, is fishing really that interesting?"

"Of course!"

"Just holding the rod and throwing it, what's the fun of it?"

Li Meiqi originally wanted to tell her that fishing can release stress, secrete dopamine, produce stimulation, gain joy, and be full of expectations... It's so cool.

But after thinking about it, she decided to ask a question first.

"Taozi, in winter, if you are given an electric blanket and a man, which one would you choose?"

"Of course the electric blanket, a man is not as warm as an electric blanket."

Li Meiqi nodded, "Then you should concentrate on driving! No more chatting!"

Taozi was very depressed, "We were chatting well, why didn't we chat anymore?"

Li Meiqi snorted, "We are not on the same channel, talking at cross purposes, what is there to chat about?"

Taozi: " (⊙﹏⊙)"

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