The two of them were standing on the ground, and the two of them were standing on the ground.

When everyone was retreating, one person stepped forward... or to be exact, two people, Huang Rishan pushed Huang Zhihong in a wheelchair and walked forward.

Is Huang Rishan not afraid of being beaten?

He is afraid, otherwise he would not have pushed the seriously injured Huang Zhihong to the front as a shield.

Although this guy is short, he is a smart guy.

When Yan Chujiu and Huang Feipeng and others had a conflict just now, he did not move forward.

Because he knew very well that with Yan Chujiu's skills, he would be killed if he moved forward, so he quietly took out his mobile phone and called the village chief Huang Defa who was remotely controlling everything outside, and reported the situation here to him.

Huang Defa was not surprised at all by Yan Chujiu's arrival.

If Yan Chujiu didn't come, it would be a waste of his big scene!

He was even happier when he learned that the granddaughter of the manor owner was Yan Chujiu's girlfriend.

He was originally afraid that after confirming that the wolfdog belonged to Yan Chujiu, Yan Chujiu would not be able to pay compensation to his son!

Now that Yan Chujiu has such a rich and beautiful girlfriend, there is no problem!

Huang Defa ordered Huang Rishan not to do anything first, and to make sure the situation is clear. The most important thing is to confirm that one of the two wolfdogs belongs to Yan Chujiu.

In fact, they couldn't do anything even if they wanted to. They looked at the fifty or sixty people here, and they were just a bunch of rabble!

There were only a few people who really dared to do it, and the others didn't dare, but they didn't want to.

With only 60 yuan for the appearance fee, who would be stupid enough to take the responsibility of intentional injury!

But those who dared to do it were either knocked down by Yan Chujiu or had been scared soft.

After Huang Rishan pushed Huang Zhihong up, he said confidently, "Yan Chujiu, since we are from the same village, and she is your girlfriend, let's not do anything first, and make things clear first!"

Yan Chujiu looked at Huang Rishan and felt that he was too kind that day!

He should not have been allowed to kneel until noon, and should have decisively broken his three legs, so that he could not stand in front of him and complain now.

Huang Rishan continued, "I think you may not understand what happened, so let me tell you briefly. Two days ago, Brother Hong and I passed by here, and two wolfhounds suddenly rushed out of this gate, chasing me and Brother Hong to death. I ran fast, so I was fine, but Brother Hong reacted a little slower and was bitten and seriously injured!"

Yan Chujiu asked doubtfully, "Is it really just like that?"

"Of course it is!" Huang Rishan responded without blinking, then pointed to Xu Ruolin and asked Yan Chujiu, "Now I ask you, does this manor belong to your girlfriend?"

"Her grandfather's!"

"Are these two dogs hers?"

"It's also her grandfather's!"

Huang Rishan actually said, "Isn't there one of them yours?"

Yan Chujiu was stunned, and then directly gave him two words, "Stupid!"

Huang Rishan snorted, "Don't curse, and don't deny it. When I was fishing before, I clearly saw you with an identical wolfdog!"

Yan Chujiu was stunned, "Did you really see it?"

"Of course, I saw it with my own eyes!"

Huang Zhihong, who was sitting in a wheelchair, suddenly said, "He even told the village chief!"

Huang Rishan almost wanted to push him into the ditch after hearing this. He was not afraid of god-like opponents, but teammates like pigs!

Yan Chujiu completely understood. I said where the news leaked, it turned out to be Huang Rishan, the yellow bastard!

It seems that all this is an organized, premeditated, planned and targeted conspiracy, and the mastermind behind the scenes is the old fox Huang Defa!

It's a lie to stand up for Huang Zhihong. The purpose is to find Zhaomei and let her be responsible for his son.

"Huang Rishan, I think you should get a pair of glasses. You are clearly dazzled. I don't have any wolfhounds. The local dog I raised before is long gone!"

Huang Rishan immediately pointed at him and shouted, "You still don't admit it?"

Yan Chujiu had already decided that as long as he and Zhaomei were not caught in bed, he would never admit it.

So he took a step forward with a bad look, "Try to point at me again?"

The murderous aura was overwhelming.

Huang Rishan was so scared that he took several steps back and ignored Huang Zhihong who was sitting in the wheelchair.

Huang Zhihong was also afraid that he would be in trouble, so he put his hand on the wheel with difficulty and tried to step back.

Yan Chujiu grabbed the armrest of the wheelchair, stared at him and asked, "You were there when we were fishing that day,

Did you see me with a wolfhound? "

Huang Zhihong was only looking at Li Meiqi's long legs at the time and didn't see the wolfhound at all. Now he was being stared at by Yan Chujiu, and he was even more panicked.

"No, I didn't see it, I didn't see anything! It was Huang Rishan who said he saw it!"

Brothers are used to betray at critical moments!

Huang Zhihong and Huang Rishan are brothers of the same clan. They usually call each other brothers, but in fact they never treat each other as brothers.

In order to avoid Yan Chujiu from rushing over from a distance, Huang Rishan hurriedly shouted, "Okay, even if these two dogs are not yours, they did bite Brother Hong, and your girlfriend should be responsible for this!"

Yan Chujiu shouted angrily, "Are you deaf? I said that this manor and the dogs belong to her grandfather, and her grandfather is responsible for anything. You dozens of men, how can you be so shameless to hold a girl?"

Huang Rishan immediately hardened up again, "What about her grandfather? You call him out!"

"He's on his way back!"

"Humph!" Huang Rishan snorted coldly, "Yan Chujiu, don't expect to delay time, and don't think you are great just because you can fight. If you don't give us Brother Hong an explanation today, even if you are from the same village as us, we will still lose face!"

Huang Zhihong, who was wrapped in gauze, nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, Chujiu, you see I was bitten like this, you really have to give an explanation. The doctor said that rabies has an incubation period, and it is not certain whether I have been infected. My request is not excessive. You pay some medical expenses..."

"Ahem!" Huang Rishan hurriedly coughed to interrupt him, "Brother Hong, your injuries are still very serious now, it is not advisable to bother talking too much, just leave it to us, we will take care of it for you. "

Huang Zhihong had no choice but to shut up and stop talking.

Huang Rishan looked at Yan Chujiu again, "Mr. Yan, since you are her man, are you responsible for her affairs?"

Yan Chujiu said directly, "That's wrong!"

Huang Rishan shook his head repeatedly and said to Xu Ruolin, "Pretty girl, I think you are with the wrong person. A man like him has neither responsibility nor courage. He is not worthy of your sincerity and is not worthy of being your boyfriend."

If it were an ordinary girl, he would probably succeed in sowing discord between them.

However, Xu Ruolin was obviously not ordinary. Even her grandfather could not shake her feelings for Yan Chujiu, let alone an insignificant person.

So she learned from Yan Chujiu and directly gave Huang Rishan two words: "Stupid! ”

Huang Rishan: “…”

Yan Chujiu didn’t expect that Xu Ruolin, who was always gentle and elegant, would swear. He looked at her in surprise.

Xu Ruolin was embarrassed when she met his gaze, “Brother, I, I don’t want to swear, but this idiot is too stupid, I can’t help it.”

Yan Chujiu nodded slightly, “If this is really your business, I will naturally take responsibility for you. But this is your grandfather’s business. He is so capable, so let’s wait for him to come back and solve it!”

“Yes!” Xu Ruolin actually nodded, “Grandpa still wants to stop me from making friends with you today. In the morning, he used the excuse of going to the city to buy tea and asked me to stay at home to watch the house. In fact, he wanted to stop me from going to play with you! He is so bad, let him do his own thing, we don’t care. "

Yan Chujiu secretly praised her after hearing this. 10086 was not enough, and 10010 must be added!

Others looked at each other in bewilderment. This shouldn't be the granddaughter of the old man? She is full of rebelliousness!

But soon, they saw how powerful this rebellious woman was!

Xu Ruolin was facing dozens of men just now, and she was trembling with fear, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

However, after Yan Chujiu came, she felt like she suddenly had a backbone, her slender waist was straight, and she was not afraid at all!

The only feeling now was that these people were very troublesome.

When she saw Yan Chujiu, she didn't think about anything, she just wanted to have a good time with him in private.

"Hey, listen carefully, you guys, this is my grandfather's manor, it is a private place, you have no right to break in, now all leave. "

Huang Rishan immediately shouted, "Your grandfather's dog bit our people. If you don't give us an explanation, don't even think about letting us out!"

"If you have anything to say, wait for my grandfather to come back and tell him. Now, get out immediately!"

Huang Rishan snorted, "What if we don't get out?"

Xu Ruolin nodded slowly, took out her cell phone and said, "Okay, you're not going out, right? Then don't blame me!"

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