The price of the 20-year-old barnacle was too high to be sold.

Looking at Wu Ashui, who was about to cry but had no tears, Yan Chujiu hurriedly spoke for him, "Auntie, Brother Shui didn't cheat me, this is the price I offered on my own initiative!"

"You offered it on your own initiative? Are you crazy, or do you have too much money to spend?" Huang Xiang'er pointed to the box of barnacles and said, "I saw someone sell this in the market, and no one wanted it for 20 yuan. Why did you buy it for 30 yuan?"


Huang Xiang'er interrupted Yan Chujiu again, "I know you can make money now, and you can also You want to help your fellow villagers, and you want to help Ah Shui's family when they are in trouble, right? But you can't do business at a loss, right? "

Yan Chujiu shook her head quickly, "Aunt, I won't lose money, I can even make a little money!"

Huang Xiang'er snorted coldly, "This thing is not worth anything at all. No matter how big the boss is, he can only give you 31 or 32 yuan at most. How much money can you make if you buy it for 30 yuan?"

Yan Chujiu naturally couldn't tell her that others paid 60 yuan and he made half of it. He could only smile bitterly and keep silent.

Wu Ah Shui felt that Huang Xiang'er's words made sense. He originally thought that Yan Chujiu's price was too high, half more expensive than the normal market price.

Yan Chujiu bought it at such a high price. Even if he could make money, it wouldn't be much. I'm afraid he would really make a few cents.

Thinking that he and others only made 13.5 yuan per catty, and now he makes 16.5 yuan per catty from Chujiu, it feels that he really makes too much!

Just as Huang Xianger said, if you kill someone with one blow, it would end the hard-earned way of life!

Wu Ashui hesitated and hesitated, and finally took the initiative to lower the price, "Chujiu, how about reducing it a little, 25 yuan per catty, what do you think?"

"I don't think it's good!" Before Yan Chujiu responded, Huang Xianger rushed to interrupt and said, "It's only 20 yuan in the market, how dare you ask for 25 yuan?"

"This...Chujiu, then you tell me, how much is appropriate? If you are willing to take me with you, I don't want you to make a loss!"

Yan Chujiu immediately wanted to wave his hand and say that he would not lose money.

Huang Xianger rushed to join in again, "I said, if you can get the market price on the ninth day, you will be happy. No one wants this thing. I remember that Li Damin or someone else in the village used to put this thing in the market. He put it there for a day, but no one asked about it."

Wu Ashui thought that if he went by the market price, it would be 20 yuan per catty, and he could make 6.5 yuan per catty. If the weight was a little more, he could make a lot.

"Chujiu, do you think 20 yuan per catty is okay?"

Yan Chujiu smiled bitterly, "Brother Shui, actually..."

"Then it's decided!" Huang Xiang'er helped to make the decision before Yan Chujiu finished speaking, "Here is 80 catties, 20 yuan per catty, Chujiu, transfer the money to Ah Shui!"

Wu Ah Shui was afraid that there would be changes, and hurriedly urged Yan Chujiu, "Chujiu, just do as Aunt Huang said! It's good for you, me, and everyone to be good! Only by earning money evenly can it last long!"

Yan Chujiu sighed helplessly.

What's wrong with this world?

Can't I earn less by myself?

Do you have to force me to earn so much?

Under the repeated urging of the two, Yan Chu could only transfer 1,600 yuan.

This is 800 yuan less than the original purchase price!

After Wu Ashui received the money, his face was full of smiles like a boiled dog's head, and his teeth were so wide that he couldn't close them.

The purchase price of his 80 kilograms of barnacles was 1,080 yuan, and he made 520 yuan in one transaction, which was more than what he earned from collecting fish at the dock for several days.

Today was just a small test. If he really let go of his hands and feet, collecting 200 to 300 kilograms a day would not be a problem, and he would earn 1,000 to 2,000 yuan a day.

Wu Ashui was so grateful to Yan Chujiu that he really wanted to worship him as his adoptive father.

After thanking him, Wu Ashui couldn't help asking, "Chujiu, how many of these barnacles do you need every day? Can you give me a rough number? I can ask someone to arrange it for me!"

Yan Chujiu only knew that the boss lady had a great demand, but he had no idea how many would be enough to satisfy her. He habitually asked, "How many can you collect every day?"

Wu Ashui thought about it and said truthfully, "I have never collected this thing before. Today is the first time, and I dare not collect too much. If I really collect it, I should be able to collect two or three hundred, no, three or four hundred kilograms a day!"

"How about I give you an answer later?"


Wu Ashui agreed and left quickly.

He wanted to go to the market to buy a roast chicken before it got dark. His family hadn't eaten meat for two days.

My wife said she had no strength without meat, so I let her eat chicken tonight... No one can let his wife starve.

After he left, Yan Chujiu did not enter the house, but directly put the barnacles into the car and went out.

He had to deliver the barnacles to the Poseidon Restaurant before dark, anyway, it was convenient now that he had a car.

Although Wu Ashui earned 520 yuan for the 80 kilograms of barnacles, he could earn 3,200 yuan, which was equivalent to the income from a month of decoration in the past!

When Yan Chujiu drove on the road, he not only felt the surging power from the car body, but also felt full of power in his heart.

The boss lady said that if the ingredients could be supplied, she would treat him to dumplings.

I don’t know if it’s true or false?

It was dinner time, and the Poseidon Restaurant was very popular.

Bi Jin and several reception girls wearing high-slit cheongsams greeted the diners who came in from time to time.

Although her actual age is several years older than those young girls, she looks like a peer when standing shoulder to shoulder with them.

Not only does she not have any disadvantages, but she looks more charming and exudes a unique charm that makes people look at her sideways.

Every diner who enters the store will first glance at the slender legs of the reception girls, but in the end, without exception, they will stay on Bi Jin and can't take their eyes off for a long time.

She is like a noble crane, standing out from the crowd and attracting everyone's attention.

Bi Jin has always maintained an elegant smile on her face, but she is worried in her heart.

Because many diners come for the well-advertised "charcoal grilled crater", and ask about this dish as soon as they enter the door.

I heard that you must make an appointment to eat it, and you have to make an appointment several days in advance, and you may not be able to make an appointment. Some people are willing to linger, while others turn around and leave directly.

Although this "grilled volcano crater" has not been launched for a long time, it has obviously become the best-selling signature dish of Poseidon Restaurant, without a doubt.

Even though Bi Jin has raised the price to 268 yuan per serving, it still cannot stop the curiosity of diners, and consultations and reservations are endless.

However, the ingredients for this dish can only be supplied by Yan Chujiu!

A little over 100 kilograms a day, and the most on a day is only about 200 kilograms, which is not enough at all.

Bi Jin has no choice but to suspend online reservations and limit the supply every day, but even so, the ingredients are still in short supply.

She also sent the manager and waiter of the restaurant to various seafood markets to look for this kind of barnacle, but they can't be found. Few people sell this kind of thing in the market.

Occasionally, they come across a little, but the size is not as big as Yan Chujiu.

If Yan Chujiu can always provide a stable supply, even if the quantity is a little less, Bi Jin will not be so panicked. She can deal with it while engaging in "hunger marketing" and slowly looking for other seafood suppliers.

But when Yan Chujiu delivered the goods this morning, he had already made it clear that after this time, there would be no next time, and he would not be able to collect barnacles.

Bi Jin was almost anxious at that time.

Poseidon Restaurant has barely gained a little reputation with this dish, but the signboard has not really been established, and it cannot compete with the famous and well-known Neptune Restaurant across the street!

Now this signature dish is doing well, and suddenly it is said that it is no longer available, then it will be even less competitive!

Just when I was worrying, the phone rang.

Bi Jin looked up and found that it was no one else, but Yan Chujiu, who made her so upset now.

Why did he call me at this time?

Don’t you say that you can’t think of anything else, and you don’t even want to eat dumplings?

Bi Jin was nervous and walked to the side to answer the phone, "Hello, Chujiu!"

"Boss lady, where are you?"

"I'm at the front door of the restaurant!"

"Oh, I'm in the parking lot behind, please come over!"

Bi Jin was very confused, because Yan Chujiu only delivered seafood once a day, sometimes even once every other day.

He had never delivered seafood twice a day!

Although Bi Jin had asked him before, he said that it was a very physically demanding job, and his body was exhausted after one delivery, so he had no energy to do it a second time.

He had already delivered goods once this morning, so this time he was definitely not delivering goods!

Then why did he come?

Could it be that he had no idea and had to fulfill his promise first?

Bi Jin felt that this was very likely, and Yan Chujiu had been craving her dumplings for more than a day or two!

At that time, she just made a wish in a hurry and didn't think about really fulfilling it. At least, she would never make a promise before seeing the rabbit.

So she made an excuse, "Chujiu, I'm busy greeting guests now, if you have something to say, please talk on the phone!"

"It's impossible to explain this on the phone, please come quickly!"

Bi Jin wanted to talk, but there was no sound on the other end of the phone. She took the phone off her ear and found that Yan Chujiu had hung up.

She was immediately angry!

This guy didn't discuss with her, but announced his decision!

Yan Chujiu, I think you little bastard are floating!

You have been my seafood supplier for a few days, and you can't tell who is the mother of Party A and who is the brother of Party B, right?

If you can always provide me with a stable supply and let me sleep comfortably, I will spoil you at all, but the problem is that you can't do it now!

I don't know what to do here, and you are still acting like a boss to me?

Bi Jin didn't want to pay attention to him and was ready to leave him in the parking lot. But she wanted to teach him a lesson and let him know how to behave.

Finally, she turned and entered the restaurant and went to the parking lot from the back door...

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