In the picture, there is a dog with short white fur... It doesn't look like a dog at all, but a bit like a wolf, and it also has the charm of a fox! Anyway, it looks like a dog, a wolf, and a fox! The snow-white fur is soft, thick, and dense, as pure and flawless as winter snowflakes. Under the light, it glitters, as if it is shrouded in a mysterious halo. Its body is slender and elegant, and its limbs appear more agile and powerful than ordinary dogs. Its pair of black eyes sparkle with light, revealing wisdom and alertness. It is completely different from the ugly appearance of the past! On the contrary, it looks very cute, adorable, and charming.

The word "charming" is exclusive to women. It was not appropriate to use it on a dog, but now it gives Yan Chujiu this feeling!

The dog saw Yan Chujiu in the camera and immediately pounced on him, calling out shyly, "Ang woo!"

Yan Chujiu asked in disbelief, "Are you...really Zhao Mei?"

"Ang woo woo woo woo!"

Zhao Mei immediately called out several times in succession, and the voice was a bit coquettish and complaining, as if saying: Damn, don't you even recognize me?

The coquettish look made Yan Chujiu's body tremble!

He looked carefully again and again, not daring to believe it, and found that the eyes were indeed familiar to him, and the voice was also familiar, but apart from these two things, the rest were so unfamiliar.

It felt like this dog was sent to the Korean sticks and had a facelift from head to toe.

Yan Chujiu was very puzzled, "Zhaomei, why are you like this now?"

Zhaomei turned around in front of the camera, and then called out to him twice, with a smug look on her face, obviously asking: Am I beautiful now?

Yan Chujiu couldn't stand it anymore, this silly dog... Girls change a lot when they grow up, and they become more and more charming!

"Girl, Li Meiqi, Li Meiqi!"

Li Meiqi quickly pointed the camera of her mobile phone at herself, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with Zhaomei?"

"What else can it be? It's just what you see now!"

"But wasn't it originally gray? How did it become pure white? And its ears, they weren't so short before, and its mouth didn't seem so pointed?"

"Really?" Li Meiqi said a little dazedly, "Why do I feel that it was like this before!"

Yan Chujiu couldn't explain it to her, so he could only ask, "What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said it was growing molting, it used to have fetal hair, and now it's really grown up, and he also said that this dog is a very rare breed, it may be the offspring of a snow wolf hybrid, very, very valuable!"

"I don't care about money... Hey, how much is it worth?"

Li Meiqi was a little afraid that he would go crazy and sell Zhaomei, so she naturally didn't dare to tell him that the doctor said the dog could be sold for at least twenty big ones, but just vaguely said it.

"They didn't say how much it could be sold for, they just said it was very valuable!"

Yan Chujiu was a little dissatisfied, "You didn't even ask me clearly!"

Li Meiqi was a little confused, could this guy really plan to sell Zhaomei?

Yan Chujiu naturally didn't have such an idea, he was just curious, "Then is there no other problem with it?"

"No!" Li Meiqi shook her head, "The doctor said there is nothing wrong with it, and urged me to get it discharged tomorrow!"

Zhaomei is now completely different from before!

Not to mention others, even Yan Chujiu himself can't recognize it!

Of course, there is no need to worry about Huang Defa finding trouble with his family after discovering it!

"Okay, you can get it discharged from the hospital, the sooner the better!"

"Well, I'll do it tomorrow!"

After talking about recruiting girls, Li Meiqi asked again, "Xiang Aotu, we shouldn't go to the beach tonight, right?"

Yan Chujiu shook his head, "That place has been plucked out by us. If we really want to go, we should go next month when the tide recedes. If we go now, we won't get anything!"

Li Meiqi's originally bright eyes became slightly dim. Whether or not to go to the beach is not the point. The key is to sleep with him for two consecutive nights... no, rest together, she has already gotten used to it.

I feel very disappointed that I can't be together tonight.

But before she started to feel bad, Yan Chujiu said, "Sister, I really miss my silly dog. Since it has no problem, can you get it discharged from the hospital now and send it back for me!"

Li Meiqi was immediately overjoyed

, I have another reason to go to him and spend the night together... After resting, I hurriedly agreed happily, "Of course!"

"Then thank you!"

What are you thanking for? Do we need to say this between you and me? Li Meiqi almost blurted out this sentence, but finally held back and said, "Just a thank you?"

Yan Chujiu joked, "You don't want me to marry you, do you?"

"Tui!" Li Meiqi snorted, "You're dreaming, if you want to marry me, who will suffer!"

"Then how do you want me to thank you?"

Of course, don't think about it anymore, pursue me quickly, I really can't stand it anymore, if you don't chase me, I want to chase you... Li Meiqi really wants to say this, but she is not so shameless, so she can only settle for the next best thing.

"You have to take me fishing for giants, lots of them!"

"Okay, I promise!"

"We have to go out to sea!"

Yan Chujiu was a little stumped. Going out to sea was a challenge, and he really didn't dare to do it easily.

Li Meiqi saw that he didn't say anything, thinking that he had agreed, and she became happy again.

"Then you wait at home. I may not be so fast. After completing the formalities for Zhaomei, I have to go to dinner with the old man. After dinner, I have to go back to my own house to take a shower, and then I will come to you. I estimate that it will be after ten o'clock at the earliest!"

"No problem, I will wait for you no matter how late it is!"

Hearing him say this, Li Meiqi couldn't stop smiling, hung up the phone happily, and hurried to find a doctor to complete the discharge procedures for Zhaomei.


After Yan Chujiu returned home, he found that his house was dark, but the yard of Zhou Baoquan's house next door, which had few lights, was brightly lit.

Tables and benches have been set up under the old grape tree in the yard. It is obvious that dinner will be served in the yard tonight.

This is quite good. The weather is hot and humid. It is cooler to eat in the yard, and it also has a more down-to-earth atmosphere.

Huang Xianger, who was serving bowls and chopsticks, saw Yan Chujiu getting off the Gladiator, and her expression brightened.

Compared with the yellow car, she obviously likes this car more, because it has a rear card that can carry a lot of things, which is very practical in the countryside.

Although this is not her family's car, she thinks it has something to do with her whether it is practical or not.

When she wants to bring some corn and sweet potatoes from her mother's house, or if she needs to go somewhere urgently, can't she ask Yan Chujiu to help?

Huang Xianger thought that she might have to trouble him in the future, and he is still her boss now, so his attitude is naturally much more enthusiastic than before. When she saw him, she smiled from ear to ear.

"Chujiu is back, come and have dinner, your aunt is at my house!"

Yan Chujiu looked at Huang Xiang'er and his expression brightened.

Huang Xiang'er, who rarely wore skirts, wore an orange dress with a hem that did not reach her knees tonight.

It was not until this time that Yan Chujiu realized that her legs were extremely white, tender, slender and well-proportioned, comparable to those of his aunt!

He felt a little frightened after looking at her for a few more times.

In order not to get stuck in it, he quickly turned his eyes away and agreed, "Okay, I'll come after I wash my hands!"


The dinner was very sumptuous. Huang Xiang'er was rarely generous. Her family only raised five chickens in total, but she actually let Zhou Baoquan kill two.

One was used to make steamed chicken with shallots.

The shallots were brought from her mother's family, and they were quite old.

Take the whole shallot, pat it slightly, and then spread it flat on the marinated chicken.

After steaming, the unique aroma of onions has been completely integrated into the chicken, making it particularly tender and delicious.

The other one is a shrimp and crab chicken pot.

The shrimp and crab are naturally from Yan Chujiu's family.

Mixed with the fried chicken on both sides, it has the aroma of chicken and the freshness of shrimp and crab, and is even more sweet and delicious.

In addition to these two chickens, there are also braised yellow pomfret, pan-fried mullet, eggplant and blackfish pot, pickled cabbage fried pork belly, garlic-fried Chinese cabbage, and tea tree mushroom chicken soup.

Four people, seven dishes and one soup, generally speaking, are absolutely impossible to finish, but with Yan Chujiu, the glutton, there will be no leftovers even if two more dishes are added.

There is no feast without meat and wine.

Yan Chujiu does not drink, but thinking that Zhou Baoquan said he would drink two glasses tonight, he went back and brought two bottles of white wine.

Although Zhou Baoquan is an honest person, he has many bad habits.

He smokes, drinks, and even plays cards on the boat.

The family was not rich to begin with, and they didn't earn much. With these hobbies and Huang Xiang'er's lack of work, life was already tight, and it was even more difficult during the fishing ban.

Huang Xiang'er said that her family was struggling to make ends meet, which was not an exaggeration.

When she went back to her parents' home two days ago, she wanted to ask her parents to borrow some money for household expenses, but

In the end, she was too embarrassed to open her mouth.

She was thirty years old, married, and still living off her parents? No matter how she thought about it, she felt that she had no face for it!

But her husband was incompetent, so she had no choice.

At this time, Zhou Baoquan saw that the two bottles of wine Yan Chujiu brought were actually Qinghua Fenjiu, and the wine bug in his stomach was tempted out.

"Chujiu, this is a good wine. I remember that Huang Fugui's family used this wine for the wedding banquet. It is said that it costs thousands of yuan per bottle. At that time, I only got one glass and didn't drink enough."

"Then Uncle Quan, you can drink as much as you want tonight. If it's not enough, I'll go home and get more."

Yan Chujiu thought that the wine was from Old Man Xu anyway, and he didn't drink it himself, so he didn't feel bad. After opening it, he kept pouring wine for him.

Zhou Baoquan was so happy that he nodded repeatedly, "Okay!"

"Good for you, you can't drink but you insist on drinking!" Huang Xiang'er gently scolded her husband, and then said to Yan Chujiu, "Chujiu, don't give him so much, he can't drink much!"

If a man doesn't get drunk, a woman has no chance.

Yan Chujiu is not a woman, so she naturally doesn't want any chance, so she only poured half a glass of wine for Zhou Baoquan.

Su Yueqing on the side couldn't help but glance at Yan Chujiu when she saw this.

Although it was just a subtle look and nothing was said, Yan Chujiu understood it in seconds and hurriedly filled Zhou Baoquan's glass.

Don't fill the tea to the brim, and don't fill the wine halfway.

This is the rule of life taught by my aunt, saying that a full cup of tea is a lie, and a full cup of wine is a respect for guests.

There are many other rules like this, such as: don't wash your hair when you are full, and don't take a bath when you are hungry.

Clothes can't be burned, and pillows can't be sat on.

Don't enter the house when there is no one in the house, and don't sweep the floor when guests come to the house.

Don't show off your wealth, don't spread your dirty laundry... and so on!

Yan Chujiu remembered a lot, but only a few of them were actually followed.

For example, if your head feels dirty and itchy, don't worry about whether it's full or not, just wash it and feel comfortable.

Huang Xiang'er saw that the wine glass was filled to the brim, so she looked at Yan Chujiu with a glare.

"Chujiu, I'm telling you, you poured so much wine for your uncle, you have to be responsible if he gets drunk later!"

Yan Chujiu was made to laugh and cry, thinking that if he got drunk, why should I be responsible, I won't be responsible if you get drunk, if you don't believe me, try getting drunk yourself!

"It's okay!" Zhou Baoquan waved his hand and continued, "This is not outside, you are in your own room, what are you afraid of, just sleep if you get drunk! Xiang'er, you know that I don't make trouble when I'm drunk, and I don't act crazy when I'm drunk, like a dead pig!"

Huang Xiang'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, thinking that I just hate you for not making trouble when you're drunk!

"Besides, if you don't get drunk, you might as well doze off! It's rare to get drunk in life, so you have to drink to the right degree!"

After Zhou Baoquan made a few convincing remarks, he took a big sip of the wine, and then praised it while smacking his lips.

"Fuck, good wine!"

No need to ask, this is also a person with little culture.

Yan Chujiu smiled and poured a glass for Huang Xianger.

In order to avoid being criticized by his aunt again, he still poured a full glass.

Who knew that Su Yueqing would still give him a blank look, and this time the blame in her eyes was even stronger.

Yan Chujiu didn't understand it at all, thinking, didn't you say that? Pour the wine to the full, what did I do wrong?

Seeing that he was confused, Su Yueqing had to teach him some principles of life.

"Chujiu, when pouring wine for a man, it is indeed necessary to fill the glass, but if you also fill the glass for a woman, it will be easy to be misunderstood as having bad intentions and wanting to get her drunk!"

Huang Xiang'er asked in a playful manner, "Chujiu, so you want to get your aunt drunk?"

In fact, there are so many people. If it were just the two of them, she might have added: What do you want to do?

Yan Chujiu was sweating profusely, waving her hands and saying, "No, aunt, how dare I pour you a glass? This glass is for you."

Huang Xiang'er asked with interest, "Why are you toasting me?"

"Thank you for helping to say something when Ah Shui and I were collecting barnacles, which saved me some money."

This thank you to Yan Chujiu is sincere. Although it only saved 800 yuan this time, the decimals are hard to count.

800 yuan once, 8,000 yuan ten times, and a month later, that would be a lot.

When calculating this account, Yan Chujiu realized that Huang Xianger's random intervention had saved him a lot of money.

It was really worthwhile to pay this aunt 3,000 yuan a month to work.

The money saved by her few words alone was enough to pay her salary, or even more.

In fact, he didn't know that there was something more worthwhile waiting for him!

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