The weather is hot.

Huang Xianger was wearing a short skirt tonight.

Yan Chujiu was also wearing only a pair of denim shorts.

After Yan Chujiu, who was frightened, reacted, she did not look at Huang Xianger opposite her at first, but looked at Zhou Baoquan beside her with a guilty conscience.

Seeing Zhou Baoquan still lying there motionless, she felt relieved a little, and hurriedly looked at Huang Xianger, saying awkwardly, "Auntie, you..."

Huang Xianger did not look at her husband at all, there was no need, because she knew very well that her husband was not only not tossing when drunk, but was just like dead.

She just glared at Yan Chujiu, "Stop shaking your legs."

"Okay, okay, I won't shake anymore!" Yan Chujiu nodded hurriedly and begged in a low voice, "Aunt, can you let me go first?"

If Yan Chujiu didn't say the last sentence, Huang Xiang'er might have let him go!

But when he said that, Huang Xiang'er didn't know what happened to her. Maybe she drank too much and suddenly got excited.

"No, you will definitely shake again if I let you go!"

Yan Chujiu: "(°ー°〃)"

"Hmph!" Huang Xiang'er still said in an elder's tone, "Your aunt can't teach you, and I can't cure you either!"

Yan Chujiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but whether to say it or not, this feeling is really...

It's better not to say it, Uncle Quan is still here!

Aunt dares to treat Uncle Quan as transparent, but he doesn't dare!

"Hurry, continue eating your meal!"

While Huang Xiang'er was shouting like this, she even picked up her chopsticks and put a chicken leg in his bowl!

"Eat more, finish all the chicken. I can't bear to kill them even if I don't have any vegetables to eat. If you dare to waste food, you will be struck by lightning!"

Yan Chujiu wanted to tell her, aunt, you will be struck by lightning if you do this!

Just look up at the sky, the wind is light, the moon is bright, and the stars are sparse. It is obvious that it will not rain, but there will be some dew that shouldn't be there!

Helpless, he didn't dare to struggle, fearing that the noise would wake Zhou Baoquan, so he could only eat chicken in silence.

After the mutation, he thought that no matter how big the matter was, it had nothing to do with the meal, and nothing could affect his eating.

Just this meal, he obviously couldn't concentrate on making a rice bucket.

In the end, he could only keep finding reasons to comfort himself. Aunt just treated him as a child, there was no other meaning, absolutely not!

Really, if you don't believe me, ask her!

Finally, the meal was finished, which tasted like chewing wax.

He performed very poorly and only ate four bowls of rice!

He ate all the dishes.

Huang Xianger saw that he was sweating all over his head and face while eating, so she took out a few tissues from the table and handed them to him, pursing her lips and laughing softly, "Look at you, it's just a meal, but you make it feel like torture, is it so hard?"

Yan Chujiu didn't know how to respond, thinking that if delicious food is put in front of your mouth, but you can't eat it, isn't it the same as being tortured?

After a long while, he stammered, "Well, that... Auntie, I'm full, can I go back first!"

Huang Xiang'er actually said with a frown, "No!"

Yan Chujiu: "(⊙ꇴ⊙)?"

Huang Xiang'er pointed to Zhou Baoquan on the side, "You got your uncle drunk like this, why don't you help me get him in? What will I do later?"

Yan Chujiu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking what she was going to do, and quickly agreed, "Okay, I'll help him in!"

Huang Xiang'er had been holding his legs tightly under the table, and finally let go.

Yan Chujiu was as if pardoned, and quickly stood up and helped Zhou Baoquan, who was drunk and limp, into the house!

Huang Xiang'er led the way in front and led them into the room.

Her home was similar to Yan Chujiu's, and there were not many decent furniture, but the bed in the bedroom was very wide and big.

Not to mention two people, three or four people can sleep together.

It was made of solid wood and looked very stable. It seemed that it would not make any sound no matter how it shook.

When Yan Chujiu put Zhou Baoquan on it, the big bed did not move at all. It was very stable!

Yan Chujiu felt that he would have to change his bed to be like this one someday, so that his aunt would not find out if he made any noise at night.

But when he turned around and prepared to leave, he saw Huang Xiang'er blocking the door of the room and not letting him go out.

Yan Chujiu was a little confused. What was she doing?

Huang Xiang'er looked at him with a blushing face and hesitantly said, "Chujiu, that, I, I..."

Yan Chujiu saw that she was hesitant to speak, and recalled the thrilling scene under the table just now, and he couldn't help but get nervous, "Auntie, you

, is there something you need?"

Huang Xiang'er nodded and said in a very low voice, "I do have something to trouble you, but I am embarrassed and don't know how to ask you this!"

Yan Chujiu felt that he understood and wanted to tell her that since she was embarrassed to ask, she should not ask, so as not to embarrass me!

In the end, he just tactfully advised Huang Xiang'er, "Aunt, if you have anything to say, wait until Uncle Quan wakes up!"

But Huang Xiang'er shook her head and pointed at Zhou Baoquan who was drunk and said, "Look at your Uncle Quan's current state. Can I count on him?"

Yan Chujiu smiled bitterly and thought to himself, then don't count on me, I am just your neighbor, and my last name is not Wang!

"Aunt, I am afraid I can't help you with this favor!"

Huang Xiang'er looked at him puzzled and depressed, "I haven't even opened my mouth yet, and you know what it is?"

"I... can roughly guess a little! ”

“Since you have guessed it, then help me! Your uncle Quan is so useless. I am in such a difficult situation now!”

Seeing how pitiful she sounded, Yan Chujiu, who was still young, full of vigor and had an unstable mind, began to waver.

Huang Xianger was obviously very good at observing his words and expressions. Seeing that he seemed to be a little soft-hearted, she hurried forward to hold his arm and begged in a soft voice, "Okay?"

Yan Chujiu had never experienced such a situation before, and finally couldn't help but feel compassion.

Or... I will be a good person and help her?

Anyway, Uncle Quan is drunk and my aunt has gone back.

God knows, earth knows, you know and I know!

“Aunt, are you sure about this?”

“Why not? Aunt has no choice! Otherwise, I wouldn't ask you this. "This..." Yan Chujiu struggled for a long time, and finally lost to a pair of legs. He sighed, "You must keep it secret, and never let anyone know!" Huang Xiang'er nodded hurriedly, "Don't worry, this is not a glorious thing for me, I won't be so shameless to tell everyone." Yan Chujiu thought so too. Women are not like men. They will never show off such things. Instead, they are afraid that others will know, so they finally nodded with difficulty. Huang Xiang'er saw that he agreed, and laughed, "I won't borrow much, just three thousand yuan!" Yan Chujiu was stunned for a moment, "What... did you say?" Huang Xiang'er said hurriedly, "Is it too much? Well, then two thousand is fine. Let me deal with it for this period of time. When the end of the month comes, you can deduct it from my salary! If you don't want your aunt to know, I can pay you back after I get my salary!" Yan Chujiu looked at her in astonishment, "Auntie, you talked for a long time, are you going to borrow money? "

Now, it was Huang Xianger's turn to be stunned.

After a long while, she asked in confusion, "What else do you think I want to do?"

Yan Chujiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He really thought she wanted to do it!

Huang Xianger rolled her eyes and immediately understood. She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to pinch him hard.

"You little brat, what do you think I want to do? What mess are you thinking about? I'm your aunt!"

"No, no!" Yan Chujiu, who was in pain, dodged and changed the subject at the same time, "If your family is really in trouble, you can talk to my aunt directly. She is not a difficult person to talk to. She should agree to your advance on your salary!"

Huang Xianger smiled bitterly, "It's only my first day at work, and I'm going to advance my salary right away. How can I ask her for an advance on my salary!"

Yan Chujiu couldn't help asking, "Then how dare you talk to me?"

Huang Xianger lowered her voice, "Don't I feel that you are easier to talk to! "

Yan Chujiu smiled and teased her deliberately, "What if I say no?"

I thought Huang Xiang'er would be very stubborn and say, "Forget it, I'll think of another way."

Who would have thought that she would blink her eyes and say with a bit of thick skin, "Then I'll ask you tomorrow!"

Yan Chujiu was amused by her instead. After hesitating for a while, he finally took out his mobile phone and transferred 3,000 yuan to her.

In order to avoid confusion in the future, it was marked as a loan.

Huang Xiang'er was overjoyed when she saw Yan Chujiu was willing to lend money.

The urgent need at home was finally solved!

"Chujiu, thank you, you are such a good person, I will definitely pay you back. "

Huang Xiang'er was so happy that she smiled and danced with joy, and finally she even said "Hmm" to Yan Chujiu out of control.

Yan Chujiu was a little stunned after being attacked, and then wanted to fight back.

But in the end, he held back.

He had no choice before, so he wanted to drive any car he saw, no matter it was new or old.

Now that the conditions are better, he will naturally not make do like before.

If he could choose, he would also drive a new car, even if he got a bloody head!

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