The first time, the second time, the third time, you get used to it.

Yan Chujiu has a strong ability to adapt. He didn't make a fuss like yesterday. He greeted Zhaomei who was taking a bath, and then he didn't hold back and took off his clothes to take a bath.

He figured it out. Even if Zhaomei coveted his beauty, she couldn't do anything.

After taking a bath, Baibai came out and didn't see his aunt. He looked at the time and found that he got up a little late today.

At 7:30, my aunt must have gone out to set up a stall.

Making a living in the market is not like being in other places. You have to get up earlier than the chickens. Those grandpas, grandmas, uncles and aunts buy vegetables very early.

There was breakfast prepared by Su Yueqing in the kitchen. After Yan Chujiu showed off everything, he packed up his equipment and went out.

It was impossible to do decoration again, not in this life. No one would give him alms as he was living on free food, so he could only see if fishing could make a living.

Riding on the tricycle, carrying Zhaomei, Yan Chujiu pedaled hard and shouted, "Let's go!"

The wheels did not move, but a "clang" sound came from the bottom of the car.

Yan Chujiu bent down and looked down, and his expression collapsed!

What bad luck!

The chain of the tricycle broke.

It was obviously pedaled too hard these two days, and it was not lubricated, so it finally couldn't stand the strike.

This tricycle also has a long history. It was already there when my father was there.

The reason why I have been reluctant to change it is that its commemorative significance is far greater than its value.

But more importantly, there is no money!

There is no way, just push it to the dock to repair it!

As soon as he walked out of the door, Yan Chujiu saw a full-size SUV parked outside the courtyard gate.

Although he was poor, it did not affect his understanding of luxury cars.

Yan Chujiu recognized it at a glance. The car was called Land Cruiser Black Warrior, and the landing price was more than a hundred dollars.

Is driving a luxury car great?

Is driving a luxury car a good person?

Who gave you the courage to park in front of my house?

Yan Chujiu was about to step forward to question, but before he could speak, the car window had been lowered.

Seeing the female driver with her head exposed, oh, it's you, then it's okay!

He might not recognize this person if she turned into ashes, but how could he not recognize her when she was dressed so brightly and beautifully.

The fortune-giving girl - Maggie Q!

"How... do you know my house is here?"

Yan Chujiu felt that he had said nonsense as soon as he asked.

His background is not mysterious. If he can't find out, can't he find out by spending money?

Maggie Q looks stupid, but she is not short of money.

"Don't worry about these details!" Li Meiqi waved her hand, "Let's talk about the point. Where are we going to fish today?"

Yan Chujiu was a little surprised, "Are you really addicted?"

Li Meiqi sneered, "How can fishing be addictive? My old man has been fishing for more than 20 years, and he is not addicted, not to mention that I only fished for two days."

Yan Chujiu nodded. He watched videos and learned Japanese for several years, but he was also not addicted.

The reason why I must take time out every day to study has nothing to do with addiction, but just to make progress!


"Girl, where is your female assistant?"

"She is where she should be!" Li Meiqi replied casually, and then urged, "Hurry up and get in the car, your tricycle is too slow, take my car to go fishing."

Yan Chujiu was not hypocritical. The tricycle was broken. If he didn't take her car, he would have to take bus No. 11, which would waste a lot of time.

He took the equipment and opened the trunk of her car, and was dumbfounded on the spot.

Inside was a dense array of fishing equipment, filling the entire trunk.

Wow, this is moving the entire fishing tackle store to the car!

Yan Chujiu took Zhaomei to the back seat, and Li Meiqi frowned slightly, "Why are you bringing a dog?"

"It's very well-behaved, never makes noise or destroys the house..."

Hearing him say this, Zhaomei, who was about to bite the leather seat, loosened her teeth.

"Zhaomei, call me auntie!"

Zhaomei was obviously a little reluctant, but still called out in a very polite manner, "Auntie~"

Li Meiqi originally wanted to correct Yan Chujiu, saying that she was not that old, so why call me auntie, she should call me sister!

She just lowered her eyes and glanced at him lightly, then took a sausage from the glove box and handed it to Zhaomei.

Zhaomei opened her mouth to take it, but did not eat it. Instead, she shook her head and threw the sausage aside, looking like she would not eat the food given out of pity.

"Oh!" Li Meiqi was instantly amused, "Your dog has quite a personality!"

"Well, it has good teeth and doesn't like to eat soft food.

I am different."

Li Meiqi asked, "Do you like to eat free food?"

"No, I don't even let go of porridge!"


Li Meiqi felt that this guy was interesting, and in more ways than one, but it was not as important as fishing. She started the car and asked, "Tell me, where are we going to fish?"

Yan Chujiu didn't have a good fishing spot, so she knew where it was yesterday.

"How about... the same place?"

Li Meiqi thought of the big grouper she caught yesterday and the feeling of walking the fish, and she was immediately excited.

"Okay, the same place is the same place. Do you want to catch fish again today?"

"Pinch again? Not good!"

Yan Chujiu was a little embarrassed to always pull the same sheep, afraid that she would pull it to bleed.

"What's wrong with that? If you are afraid of losing, you can just say it. "

Yan Chujiu was both amused and confused. She had walked through so many mountains and drunk so much water, but she had never seen such a novice and playful female fishing friend.

"Okay, what do you want to do today!"

"Who catches more fish? But if you lose, you have to give me back the two fishing rods!"

"If I win, can I pick two more from you?"


"Deal! "

Yan Chujiu gave way. A giant fish weighing nearly 100 kilograms cannot be bent hard after biting the hook. It is necessary to give way to the line when appropriate.

After the bet was agreed, Li Meiqi became more energetic and drove the car like an airplane.

Yan Chujiu was so scared that he almost vomited.


Ten minutes later, they arrived at the battlefield.

If nothing unexpected happened, an accident happened!

After the two of them passed through the woods with their equipment, they found that there was already a fisherman there.

The two people, one on the left and one on the right, just occupied the position of Yan Chujiu and Li Meiqi yesterday.

Yan Chujiu was very puzzled. This place is quite hidden. Most people think that there is a cliff under the woods. They don’t know that there is a path down, let alone a fishing spot below.

"Who leaked the news?"

Li Meiqi said embarrassedly, "It may be... me!"

"Huh? ”

“When I bought bait before, the boss recommended a local fishing group to me. I caught such a big grouper yesterday. In addition to posting it on WeChat Moments, I also posted it to the group.”

Yan Chujiu sighed, but it was understandable. Who doesn’t want to show off when they catch a big fish?

Isn’t it the same when I caught that big blue grouper?

“Girl, don’t do such stupid things in the future. You can show off when you catch a fish, but don’t expose the fishing spot!”

Li Meiqi felt a little aggrieved, “I deliberately didn’t take a long shot!”

Yan Chujiu felt it necessary to teach her some knowledge of life.

“Fishermen are all very smart. Their ability to find fishing spots is no less than Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes you don’t even need to look at the long shot. You can accurately judge the location based on a nearby reef, a piece of sea water, or even a fish.”

Li Meiqi couldn’t believe it, “Isn’t it too exaggerated? ”

“Not at all. Each reef in each sea area has its own unique mark. For example, some places are particularly black in color and have a lot of attachments. Some are covered with seaweed, while others are bare and barren. Although this kind is rare, anyone with a discerning eye can tell where it is. ”

“Then how can we judge from a fish?”

“Specific fish species grow in specific sea areas. They are so tall and have such and such measurements…”

“Wait a minute!” Maggie Q interrupted him hurriedly, “You mean the height and measurements?”

“Well, how big can a fish grow, what color is it, and what is the difference from other places? Most people can’t tell, but fishermen know it all!”

Maggie Q felt that she had gained some strange and useless knowledge.

“Then should we still fish here? ”

If it were in the past, Yan Chujiu, who didn’t like to cause trouble, would naturally choose to “shrink in the sand”.

Although there are fishing spots below, there are not many. Two people are fine, but four people are too crowded.

It doesn’t matter if acquaintances are crowded together, but strangers are likely to have friction, which will lead to conflicts.

The wise thing to do is to find another place. However, after Yan Chujiu was bitten by the four-legged fish, not only his body changed, but also his personality.

Don’t care about life and death, just fight if you don’t agree.

Everyone is a human being for the first time, why should I give in to you.

Yan Chujiu looked carefully below and found that there was still a place on the corner, which could barely allow two people to fish and would not affect others. It’s just that the location is not ideal, and it’s not a place where fish like to stay!

“Fishing, why not fishing!”

“But they…”

“They fish theirs, and we fish ours. Well water doesn’t offend mineral water!”

After arriving below, Yan Chujiu found that he actually knew these two fishermen, Huang Rishan and Huang Zhihong, whom he had met yesterday.

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