The three-wheeled vehicle was full of fishing rods.

In addition to the tools used for daily work, there was also a rock fishing rod on the tricycle.

What bad thoughts could a man have!

Yan Chujiu was very simple. In addition to watching videos on his mobile phone to learn foreign languages, he liked to go to the beach to cast a few rods.

Although his fishing luck was very bad and he only caught some small karaoke, he never got tired of it.

Pulling and lifting relieved his worries, and releasing and collecting brought laughter.

Only when he was fishing could Yan Chujiu forget that he was a social animal with no money, no education, and no girlfriend.

After searching all over the messy tricycle, he finally found the rock fishing rod at the bottom.

I bought it on Pinxixi. The total price of the fishing rod, reel, and line set is 38 yuan, and the shipping is free.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to buy a good fishing rod, but his financial situation doesn’t allow it.

A good quality rock fishing rod costs at least several hundred yuan, and a better reel costs several hundred yuan, which adds up to thousands of yuan... I can’t afford it, and the fishing tackle shop doesn’t offer installment payments!

After checking, I found that the fishing rod is still usable, so I went back to the reef.

I was so busy having fun that I didn’t notice it, but now I look carefully and find that there is actually a fisherman hiding here.

A high-end sun protection suit covering from head to toe, an expensive rock fishing rod... Standing there without saying a word, it’s obvious that he is rich, and this outfit alone costs several thousand yuan.

Look behind this person, it’s incredible!

There is also an open fishing tackle bag, which contains a fishing rod, a rock fishing rod, etc.

Poor students have a lot of stationery, and scumbags have a lot of mouths!

This is definitely a rookie who has just entered the pit, and he is a krypton gold type, otherwise why would he carry so many expensive fishing rods that he can't use?

A rock fishing rod is enough for shore fishing!

But none of these are the main points, the key is that this fisherman doesn't have Jiji.

Yes, that's right!

This is a female angler!

There are many fishermen, but female anglers are not common, especially those who go out alone.

In addition to being skilled, you also need to be brave.

There may be accidents on deserted islands and reefs.

If you meet a man, it may be fatal.

Although this female fisherman is wrapped tightly and wearing sunglasses, you can't see what she looks like, but the protruding headlights are dazzling, and her legs are longer than the life of an experienced driver.

Yan Chujiu is not the kind of man who drools when he sees a woman!

It's just that this woman's figure is so amazing that he has saliva flowing out of his mouth from nowhere. In the end, he can only try to warn himself: women will only affect the speed of my fishing rod.

"Hey, how are the fish biting?"

Yan Chujiu took the initiative to chat, not because of her devilish figure, but just wanted to... get some bait.

I didn't think about fishing at all this time, so I didn't prepare at all.

Li Meiqi turned a deaf ear to him.

I finally found a deserted place to fish, but when I was fishing well, a reckless guy suddenly came and took off all his clothes.

Although there are many birds in the forest, Li Meiqi pretended to be used to it, but she was also very embarrassed.

Who knew that this guy jumped into the sea after taking off his clothes, and swam around.

With such a big noise, the nest must have been startled. Anyway, no fish has been caught since he appeared.

Li Meiqi was not unhappy, but just unhappy, so she ignored him.

Yan Chujiu was bold and didn't realize this, so he continued to chat, "Pretty girl, did you catch any fish?"

Li Meiqi still didn't say anything.

The fish box was placed at the back, and there was no lid. Couldn't she see if there was any fish?

Don't think I don't know what you're thinking?

You can't even think about it!

It's a sin to think about it!

Yan Chujiu was bored, and turned to look at her fish box, and found that this female angler should have had an IUD -- the aura of a novice!

She actually caught five or six fish, although they were all small mud snappers, small white bream, and stone dog males.

It was only after seeing these fish that Yan Chujiu suddenly realized that the female angler had been here for a long time!

I was probably disturbing her by floundering nearby just now.

If it was another fisherman, he would have thrown stones at her long ago.

I wanted to apologize, but I thought it was unnecessary.

I can only see through the water, but not through the rocks. Who knows that there is a fisherman hiding behind the reef!

She was dumb and silent, can you blame me?

Also, she had obviously seen me, and I was kind enough not to ask her to look back, and apologize?

But since there is such a premise, the idea of ​​trying to get the bait is unrealistic!

Yan Chujiu was sensible and didn't try to please her.

In fact,

I am a little embarrassed. I have never introduced Xiaojiu to anyone since he was a child.

It is too informal to appear in this way!

In addition, you don’t have to use commercial bait for fishing!

Sea centipedes, sandworms, hermit crabs... all can be used for fishing, but it is troublesome and time-consuming to catch them.

Yan Chujiu suppressed his nausea and caught a few sea cockroaches on the wet reef nearby!

Sea cockroaches are ugly but fragrant. Sea bass, black porgy, rock porgy... and so on all love to eat them, and grouper is no exception.

Maggie Q took a look at the fishing rod equipment he had set up and almost laughed out loud.

Is this guy a funny guy sent by the monkey?

The rod is rusty, the line loop is crooked, and the wheel is shaky, looking like it is about to fall apart.

Do you want to catch fish with this broken thing?

Also, how disgusting is that sea cockroach, are you sure you can eat the fish you catch?

Yan Chujiu only had a clairvoyant eye, not a mind reader. He didn't know that the person next to him had such a rich inner drama. He just felt lucky.

After such a long delay, the big grouper was still there, as if waiting for him.

Since you are so affectionate, I will never give up on you!

Hang the bait, raise the rod, and cast.

Silky smooth, done in one go!

The fishhook with the whole sea roach entered the water and slowly sank to the bottom, more than two meters away from the big grouper.

Yan Chujiu found that he didn't throw it in place, and hesitated whether to lift it up and cast it again.

A stone dog disguised as a stone showed its true form without warning and bit the sea roach.


Yan Chujiu didn't hesitate, and immediately raised the rod and flew it up directly.

Maggie Li didn't expect Yan Chujiu to catch a fish, and so quickly, and couldn't help but be stunned.

But seeing that he only caught a stone dog, she felt more balanced.


What's so great about it!

It's just a stone dog, as if I didn't catch it.

She looked back at her fish box and found that the one she caught was only a small kalami less than two fingers.

Yan Chujiu's fish was fat and strong, weighing half a catty.

For a fish species like stone dog that doesn't grow up, his fish is already a giant.

Maggie Li immediately felt jealous, and there was nothing else to say, so she could only silently wish him that other things would be as fast as catching fish!

Yan Chujiu didn't know what she was thinking, but she knew he would definitely say: You are a very nice person!


Wild stone dogs can be sold for 80 or 90 yuan per catty, and the meat is tender and very suitable for soup.

Fry it in a pan first, then add an egg and shredded radish, and the soup will be milky white and smooth, and the taste is unique.

However, this was not Yan Chujiu's target fish, so he took it off and threw it aside, re-hung the sea roach, and continued to cast.

This time he cast harder, and it went too far, more than a meter forward.

Yan Chujiu picked up the fishing rod and pulled the fishing line back, trying to drag it to the mouth of the big grouper.

Who knew that halfway through the drag, a black porgy suddenly appeared on the side, sniffed the sea roach, and sucked it in.

Chickens are not to be lost, fish will not come again.

Yan Chujiu made a prompt decision, and at the moment the float sank, he suddenly raised the rod and stabbed the fish.


The resistance from the rod was very obvious!

The whole fishing rod was bent into a bow shape.

Maggie Li was dumbfounded... Another, another fish?

He seriously suspected that this was a single dog, and there was enough evidence.


Yan Chujiu felt the weight on the fishing rod and did not fly the fish directly like before.

Slide slowly, steady as a mother!

This is the difference between a novice and an old hand!

Novices are often impatient, and they want to get the fish out of the water immediately after catching it. They are rude and violent, and don't know how to cherish the fish at all. But the more they do this, the easier it is to spoil the fish, and they will be gone in less than three seconds.

Experienced fishermen are different. After catching a fish, they will first control it steadily and patiently pull it back and forth until it floats to the surface.

Yan Chujiu behaved very professionally at this time, holding back and consuming it!

After three minutes, it finally slipped out of the water, and then grabbed the fishing line and pulled it up.

It's not that I don't want to use a landing net, but I don't have one.

The well-equipped female angler did have one, but in order to avoid being left out again, she didn't ask to borrow it.

Fortunately, the fish didn't get off the hook and was successfully pulled up.

A wild black bream weighing about three jin, even if one jin costs 70 yuan, I got 200 yuan, which is much better than risking my life to fix the water pipe for that woman.

The price of seafood often depends on three factors: one, region; two, freshness; three, size.

Special note, the price of seafood here is only the local price, which may vary from place to place, even a world of difference.

Although this black porgy is big, it is still not Yan Chujiu's target fish, so after catching it, he threw it away casually.

Continue to cast the bait.

He was just anxious, afraid that the big grouper could not wait to go home first.

Li Meiqi thought that his nonchalant attitude was intentional, showing off, and provocative.

Novices set up stalls, and experts use a rod!

Look at me, a broken thing, directly press you to the ground and rub you!

She was anxious and angry because of her inner drama, and she wanted to push Yan Chujiu into the sea.

Unwilling to be conquered like this, she began to throw Antarctic shrimp bricks one by one.

If you don't make a nest when fishing, you won't catch many!

This guy can only catch these two fish at most, and it's impossible to have more.

However, hope is full, but reality is completely the opposite.

Yan Chujiu then cast two more rods. Although it still didn't reach the right place, he caught two more fish in a row, both of which were yellow fins weighing 700 to 800 grams.

Today, his luck really exploded!

As an old air force, he has never caught so many fish in a row.

Not to mention the big grouper, the four fish caught now can be sold for three or four hundred yuan.

If I have such good luck every day, why would I repair water pipes? I don’t even need a bicycle!

When he cast for the fifth time, the sea roach finally landed where it should be, right in front of the big grouper’s mouth.

But the big grouper just glanced at it and didn’t open its mouth. It was obviously very vigilant and knew that pie in the sky is usually a trap.

Eat it!

Aren’t you waiting for me to feed you?

After you eat, I will take you home to take a hot bath!

Yan Chujiu kept shouting in his heart, but the big grouper said he wouldn’t eat it.

Okay, okay!

You want to play with me like this, right?

Yan Chujiu started to tease it.

Gently lifting the fishing rod, the sea roach slowly sank and fell underwater, like a beautiful woman dancing.

The big grouper was determined not to be fooled, but when he saw the sea cockroach making such a blatant provocation, he endured it again and again, and finally couldn't bear it anymore!

It rushed out and swallowed the sea cockroach in one mouth.

Right now, right now, right now.


Yan Chujiu raised the pole violently and pulled it hard.

A huge resistance came from the pole instantly, which made his body tremble...

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