The market was full of people, but the market was full of people.

Huang Liangkun did not come alone, he brought his lackey Huang Feipeng, and some big hats behind him, judging from their uniforms, they should be the strongest troops.

When he arrived at Su Yueqing's stall, Huang Liangkun did not smile as usual, but instead spoke in an official tone.

"The market is cooperating with the comprehensive law enforcement brigade to clean up and rectify. From today on, you are not allowed to display and sell goods randomly. You must put all these goods in the store and never display them again."

Su Yueqing's face turned pale when she heard this.

There was only a small space in her shop, and it was not very convenient for people to turn around after entering.

Goods can only be sold if they are displayed. If they cannot be displayed, there is no way to do business.

This is obviously to end her life!

Su Yueqing was so angry that she was trembling all over and argued, "When I signed the contract with the market before, it said that I could put the goods out."

Huang Liangkun sneered and asked, "Who told you that?"

"Who else could it be? The village, your father!"

"Is it written in the contract?"

Su Yueqing was asked. The shops in the market are not like those outside. It is a custom to put things in front of the store for sale. However, this is just a verbal agreement, so how could it be written into the contract?

"...But, but how can I do business if you do this?"

Huang Liangkun was very disdainful, "Whether you do business or not, what does it have to do with me?"

His loyal lackey Huang Feipeng also said, "Do you think we are retaliating? You guessed it right..."

"What nonsense!" Huang Liangkun kicked him immediately, "We are just working, cooperating with the comprehensive law enforcement brigade to carry out rectification!"

"Yes, yes, work!" Huang Feipeng nodded repeatedly, then pointed at the dry goods placed at the door and shouted at Su Yueqing, "Move the things in immediately, otherwise we will help you move them away."

Su Yueqing was unwilling to move, she knew very well that if she compromised, her livelihood would be cut off.

Huang Feipeng saw that she didn't move, and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, you don't want to move, right? Then we will!"

"No, no!" Su Yueqing immediately stepped forward emotionally, "You are not allowed to touch my things!"

Seeing that a conflict was about to happen, Huang Liangkun suddenly became a good guy and shouted at them, "What are you doing? Are you going to use violence? Who gave you the power? It's simply lawless!"

Huang Feipeng and others: "(Ꙭ)!"

"Go aside!" Huang Liangkun stepped forward, stretched out his hand to push Huang Feipeng and others away, and then hooked his finger to signal Su Yueqing to talk aside.

Seeing so many people, Su Yueqing was not afraid of him messing around, and followed him to the side.

"Sister Qing, you don't want your family to lose this livelihood!"


Of course Su Yueqing didn't want to. Yan Chujiu's income from decoration was extremely unstable. Sometimes he made four or five thousand a month, but sometimes he only made a little over a thousand.

The main income of the family still depends on her small shop that looks inconspicuous but can actually make some money.

"You don't want to be unable to pay off your family's debts because of this income, do you?"


"You don't want to be completely banned by my Huang family because of the previous conflict, and be left with nowhere to go, do you?"

Huang Liangkun's output made Su Yueqing retreat step by step.

"If you don't want to, then you can go to my house after closing the stall and discuss how to solve this matter, okay?"

Su Yueqing is not a three-year-old child. Naturally, she knows that after going to his house, it is not as simple as just sitting there. I'm afraid she will have to do something!

"No, I won't go!"

"Humph!" Seeing that she refused to accept the toast, Huang Liangkun turned his face faster than his hand speed and shouted at Huang Feipeng and others, "Go, confiscate her random things... cough~~"

Before he finished speaking, a not-so-strong arm suddenly crossed out and grabbed his throat!

Yan Chujiu who went to find a girl is back!

He has become a ruthless man who doesn't talk much. He can fight, but he won't talk!

Huang Liangkun was not only choked to the point of being speechless, but he couldn't even breathe. His face turned from white to red and then to purple.

Huang Feipeng and others wanted to rush forward, but they were afraid to face Yan Chujiu's venomous eyes.

This guy is completely inhumane when he goes crazy. They have experienced it.

Su Yueqing was afraid that Yan Chujiu would strangle people to death on the spot, so she hurried forward, "Chujiu, let go, let go quickly."

Although Yan Chujiu was reluctant, he still let go.

Huang Liangkun must die, but killing him like this is completely a cowardly act.


A person with real brains can kill him without hurting himself.

After Huang Liangkun took a deep breath, his face was full of anger and unwillingness, but he didn't dare to rush forward.

He knew how terrible Yan Chujiu's fists and feet were now, and Jiji still felt a dull pain!

"Fei Peng, you guys come on!"

Huang Feipeng and others looked at each other, and no one dared to go up.

Huang Liangkun knew how powerful Yan Chujiu was, but didn't they know?

"Brother Kun, I think we should stop it. Didn't you say that we should manage in a civilized manner and not use violence! Your father... No, the village chief often educates us like this."

Seeing their timid appearance, Huang Liangkun couldn't help but scold, "You rubbish!"

You are so good, go ahead... Huang Feipeng and others dare not say fuck!

In fact, Huang Liangkun also knew that Yan Chujiu had appeared, and it was obviously impossible to force him today!

But it doesn't matter. If it doesn't work today, then come tomorrow. If it doesn't work tomorrow, come the day after tomorrow...

Anyway, he will torment Su Yueqing until she has a mental breakdown and has no strength to resist, and accepts his brother obediently.

"Su Yueqing, today is the first day of the market rectification. For the sake of fellow villagers, I can give you some extra time to clean up. Starting tomorrow, you can't sell things randomly like this, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do it, and I can only urge you every day!"

Huang Liangkun said and waved his hand, "Let's go to the next one!"

Yan Chujiu is not like a human when he is crazy. He is afraid that if he walks slower, this guy will pounce on him again and take his life.

When he was strangled just now, he felt very close to death.

One sting makes one wiser.

Huang Liangkun was psychologically traumatized by Yan Chujiu's beating, so he shouldn't dare to provoke their family again.

It's just that personality is hard to change, just like a dog can never stop eating shit.

(Zhao Mei: Bah, I never eat it!)

The reason why Huang Liangkun was so obsessed with this family was that he couldn't get over the beating he received from Yan Chujiu, the loser; and secondly, Su Yueqing was so beautiful that he had been craving her body for so long.

Huang Liangkun, who bullies the weak and fears the strong, didn't have so many concerns about other shops in the market!

The shelves were directly dismantled.

The temporary fish pond was knocked down on the spot.

The sunshades that were sticking out were all overturned by moving ladders.

Huang Liangkun, who was holding the chicken feathers as his command, was serious about the rectification of the market.

Such a large market was messed up by them, and there were complaints everywhere.

Su Yueqing sat on a small bench with a bitter face, worried, and didn't know what to do.

Yan Chujiu was just gloomy. He was busy fishing to make money these two days and had no time to deal with Huang Liangkun. He let him take a breath and he showed up again to commit suicide!

Well, let's put aside other things and kill this scum first.

But... how can I do it without anyone noticing and avoid being punished?

"Ha, ha!"

Just at this time, Zhao Mei, who he had been looking for but couldn't find, appeared.

Zhao Mei didn't come back alone, she brought another dog with her.

A very large Tibetan mastiff with a collar around its neck and a long dog leash dragging on the ground.

"Where have you been? You even kidnapped a dog..."

The depressed Yan Chujiu immediately cursed, but when he saw the Tibetan mastiff with a dog leash, his expression brightened.

"Good turn, wonderful turn, Zhaomei, such a handsome and majestic dog, should it be your new boyfriend?"

Zhaomei raised her head and chest, and answered very proudly, "Ah~~"

Yan Chujiu squatted down, touched its dog's head with one hand, and pointed to Huang Liangkun who climbed up the ladder in the distance and was lifting someone else's awning, "Do you recognize that guy?"

Zhaomei looked over, and when she saw Huang Liangkun, her eyes sank, and she began to grin, revealing a fierce and ferocious face.

The memory of a fish may only be seven seconds, but the memory of a dog is more than seven years.

Zhaomei recognized it at once. This is the beast that kicked her to death two days ago!

The next second, it was about to run over.

Yan Chujiu grabbed its dog's head, "Don't be impulsive, you do this first... and then go home directly, okay?"


Zhaomei agreed, and then ran out quickly.

The Tibetan mastiff next to him didn't have such a high IQ and had no idea what was going on. When he saw the girl he had just picked up suddenly ran away, he immediately ran after her.

The two dogs chased each other fiercely in the market.

They were both big and fast, just like mad dogs.

Passersby avoided them one after another. If they were bitten, it would be terrible.

But Zhaomei didn't bite anyone, she just ran forward.

When it passed Huang Liangkun standing on the high ladder, it wanted to stop and retaliate, but remembered

Yan Chujiu's order had no choice but to stop.

The Tibetan mastiff behind didn't have so many bad intentions. It just wanted to catch up with the plump and tall Zhao Mei and have a deep exchange, that's all!

Huang Feipeng, who was holding the ladder, was frightened when he saw the two dogs chasing each other crazily and quickly let go and dodged to the side.


When the Tibetan mastiff ran past, the dog leash dragged on the ground and tripped the ladder...

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