The more you laugh, the more you will be in trouble.

Li Meiqi took out her mobile phone and asked Baidu herself, and her face immediately turned red, "Xiang Aotu, you are very bad."

Yan Chujiu finally couldn't hold it anymore and laughed out loud.

Li Meiqi saw that he was laughing so hard that she wanted to kick him, but in the end, she couldn't help laughing.

There was no way, this guy would be fine if he didn't laugh, but once he laughed, he would infect people, like an infectious disease.

After eating and drinking, Li Meiqi looked at the heavy rain that was still falling outside, and felt a little sleepy.

"Xiang Aotu, if I can have a bed now, I will be completely satisfied."

Yan Chujiu glanced at her and said leisurely, "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was empty and chaotic, and the surface of the abyss was dark. You said it was a bit cold, so I made a fire for you. You said you were hungry, so I made food for you."

Li Meiqi was almost amused again. When she inquired about the details, she found that he was just a high school graduate!

When she really got in touch with him, she found that Yan Chujiu was more knowledgeable and humorous than those graduate students and sea turtles she had known before.

"What if I say I want a bed now?"

Yan Chujiu walked to the rock wall, used his hands and feet to dig a flat ground, and gathered some softer hay. After spreading it flat, the shape of a bed was roughly formed.

Then he cut a few large leaves from the banana tree on the side of the cave, shook off the water droplets on them, and spread them flat on the hay, and it was already a perfect bed.

He fiddled with it with his deft hands and even made a straw pillow.

Li Meiqi's eyes lit up again and again, "Xiang Aotu, you are really good, you are proficient in all kinds of martial arts. If you were asked to challenge wilderness survival, you would definitely be the champion!"

Yan Chujiu felt sorry for himself, "If it weren't for the poor family, who would be willing to get all the skills!"

"Ku Ku~~"

Li Meiqi was amused and laughed so hard that she fell backwards and the mountain trembled repeatedly.

"Xiang Aotu, you are really interesting! I will definitely make friends with you!"

Yan Chujiu didn't say anything, but in her heart she said, sister, you are stealing my lines!

Li Meiqi saw that he was just looking at her and didn't say anything. She looked down a little panicked and found that the clothes were dry and there was nothing exposed.

"You... don't you dislike me because I'm not very smart, I'm careless, and I can't fish, so you don't want to make friends with me?"

I don't know when it started, but Li Meiqi is no longer as arrogant as before when facing Yan Chujiu, and even lacks confidence.

Maybe she always thought she could do anything before, but she is useless in front of Yan Chujiu!

Yan Chujiu finally shook her head, "How could it be, just because you are so beautiful and have such a good figure, we must become friends like Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya!"

Li Meiqi has read a lot of books and knows that the friendship between Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya refers to the friendship between Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya in the Spring and Autumn Period, which describes the deep friendship and mutual trust between friends.

She became happy and said in a funny way, "Then from now on, you and I will become brothers of the opposite sex, I am the eldest brother, and you are the second brother!"

Yan Chujiu nodded, "Brothers during the day, and at night..."

Li Meiqi blushed, "Brothers at night!"

Yan Chujiu nodded again, brothers can also sleep together

Brother sleeping on top of me, you panting!

Those problems that once troubled me, no need to worry about them in the future.

Li Meiqi saw that the water on the banana leaf had dried up, and she felt a little tired, so she wanted to sit down and rest.

After sitting down, she felt soft and firm, quite comfortable, and wanted to lie down again.

But with a man around, isn't it not elegant to lie like this, and not in line with the image of a goddess?

Thinking seriously, Li Meiqi felt that she was hypocritical. Wasn't she more embarrassed when she was soaked by the rain just now?

In his eyes, I'm afraid she has no image to speak of.

Li Meiqi just lay down and fell asleep in a short while.

When she fell asleep, Yan Chujiu didn't stare at her.

It's not that she doesn't look good, on the contrary, she looks so good!

However, you can't eat it, and it will only make you more angry, so he diverted his attention and took out his mobile phone to learn foreign languages... No, wouldn't that make you more angry?

At this time, the phone rang. It was his aunt Su Yueqing calling.

Yan Chujiu walked aside and answered the phone quietly, "Hello, aunt, I'm at the beach now. It's raining heavily here. I'm trapped here and can't go back for the time being. I can't send you food.

, buy something for lunch yourself!"

"I'm an adult now, you don't need to worry about me, take care of yourself and be sure to pay attention to safety."

"I will, but remember to eat, I see you're so thin!"

Su Yueqing, who was on the phone, couldn't help but look down, thinking, are you blind?

"Aunt, how is the market rectification going?"

Su Yueqing told him, "We stall owners went to the village committee to negotiate in the morning, and they agreed to put this matter on hold, so my dry goods will continue to be put out, and the business has not been affected.

Yan Chujiu was relieved to hear this, he knew that Huang Liangkun had deliberately made this matter in order to avenge himself and his aunt.

Now that Huang Liangkun was in the hospital, naturally no one was willing to continue.

But before he could relax, Su Yueqing told him another piece of bad news, "But the people from the village committee came again just now, and they brought the police with them."

"Are they going to continue the rectification?"

"No, they took a screenshot of the surveillance camera at the entrance of the market and asked the stall owners door to door whether they knew whose two dogs they were. One of them looked like our Zhaomei."

Yan Chujiu was shocked, "Then did you say it was yours?"

"Of course not!"

Su Yueqing already knew that the reason why Huang Liangkun fell half to death was because of the chase between the two dogs, so she would not be stupid enough to admit it.

Other shop owners also said they didn't know, not because they deliberately helped Su Yueqing conceal it, but because they really didn't know.

In their impression, Su Yueqing did have a dog, and often accompanied her to open and close the stall, but it was just a short local dog, not at all like the tall wolfhound in the photo.

In addition, Yan Chujiu didn't bring Zhaomei with him when he entered the market.

When Zhaomei and the Tibetan mastiff appeared later, everyone was only focused on watching Huang Liangkun's performance over there, and no one noticed Yan Chujiu's communication with Zhaomei.

In the end, Yan Chujiu left the market alone.

Therefore, no one associated the wolfhound in the photo with Su Yueqing's native dog.

But even so, Su Yueqing was very anxious, because the truth could not be hidden, and Zhaomei was still kept at home, and this matter would be known sooner or later.

If they found Zhaomei, her family would be in big trouble.

Huang Liangkun's affairs would probably be blamed on her and Yan Chujiu.

Yan Chujiu comforted Su Yueqing on the phone, telling her not to worry, and that she would find a way to deal with the matter.

After hanging up the phone, seeing Zhaomei still chewing crab legs like a dog, Yan Chujiu deliberately frightened it.

"Zhaomei, are you still in the mood to eat?"

Zhaomei looked at him in confusion, "Ah~"

"I tell you, you are in big trouble. Now you are a wanted criminal. People are looking for you everywhere!"

Zhaomei shouted, "Ah, Ah~"

"I know, I made you like this, of course I will take responsibility!"

"Ah, Ah~"

"You are my dog ​​in life and my meat in death? Oh, this is a good idea. Once you are in my stomach, they will never find you again!"

"Ah, Ah~"

"You will not show up in public in the future? Just stay at home? This is indeed a way, but it is not a long-term solution Ah, you can hide on the first day, but you can't hide on the fifteenth! They will find you sooner or later!"

"Ah, Ah~~"

"What should I do? I can't sell you to others. I have never sold dog meat. I don't know how much is the right price per pound!"

"Ah, Ah~~~"

"You still dare to blame me for being useless? If you can turn into stone like Shigougong, so that others can't recognize you, then there will be nothing to worry about, right?"

"Ah, Ah, Ah~~~"

"Okay, don't make a fuss first, come here and let me touch you, I'll think of a way!"

Zhaomei stopped calling, hesitated for a long time, and then came over and gave him her tail.

"Hey!" Yan Chujiu had a black line on his face, "What posture! Head, I want to touch the head!"

Zhaomei turned around and put her head on his thigh.

Yan Chujiu touched its head while thinking.

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