After all, the two of us are still together.

Looking at Yan Chujiu's embarrassed expression, Li Meiqi felt that she understood.

Can I be your girlfriend?

Isn't that too much?

You just lost the game, and you want me to be your girlfriend?

We have only known each other for a few days!

Do you think I am a girl that can be picked up so easily?

I admit that it is very comfortable and relaxing to play with you, and it is also very fun to do big things!

But playing is playing, and making trouble is making trouble, and love is not a joke.

So many people are chasing me, some are more handsome than you, some are taller than you, and there are countless people whose family background is more than a hundred times better than yours.

I didn't pay attention to them, do you think I would agree to you?

But...if you really want to pursue me, and you let me go after you catch a big fish, and don't keep suppressing me again and again, and take me to more giants and more fun places immediately after catching a big fish, I can barely consider it.

But it's just consideration, I may not agree!

Thinking of this, Li Meiqi began to wait for his confession.

Who knew that this guy stuttered for a long time and still couldn't finish the sentence "Can you be my girlfriend?"

It seemed that the wi-fi was suddenly disconnected, and the words were stuck there.

"Ah, ah~~" Zhaomei called out twice in a row.

Li Meiqi felt that she understood what Zhaomei meant this time: You useless thing, say it!

"Can you what?"

Li Meiqi finally couldn't help but asked.

Yan Chujiu said hesitantly, "Can you... help me take in Zhaomei for a while!"



Hearing him say this, Li Meiqi and Zhaomei looked at each other, eyes meeting eyes.

After all this time, this is it?

Li Meiqi suspected that she had misheard, "Say it again?"

"I said you don't have to treat me to Western food, just help me take in Zhaomei for a while, don't let her starve or freeze, well, the most important thing is don't let her go out to fool around!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah~~"

Before Li Meiqi said anything, Zhaomei had been calling out non-stop.

Yan Chujiu gave it a slap on the head and scolded it unhappily, "Do you think I am willing? It's so hot outside now, how can you not go out to avoid the limelight?"

Originally, Yan Chujiu planned to give Zhaomei a full face.

Dye its gray and white dog hair black, and then hide it in the boudoir, so that it won't show up again.

However, Huang Liangkun's family is not stupid, and they have already started looking for the dog!

Although few people know that the mutated Zhaomei is his family's original dog, there is no impenetrable wall in the world!

As long as Zhaomei is found, she can be recognized even if her hair is dyed.

Yan Chujiu wanted to send it to her relatives in the countryside for shelter.

However, Dongwan Village is already in the countryside, and he has no relatives.

In the end, he can only trouble Li Meiqi.

The small secluded in the forest, the great secluded in the city!

Li Meiqi is obviously from the city, so it is safer for her to take Zhaomei away temporarily than to stay in Dongwan Village.

Zhaomei squeezed forward from the back row at this time, fell at Yan Chujiu's feet, and called out a series of "Ang Ang Ang Ang Ang~~"

The meaning is very clear: I won't leave, as long as you don't abandon me, no matter how you play me, scold me, and play with me in the future, I will not complain, please, don't chase me away!

Seeing its aggrieved look, Yan Chujiu felt bad too!

"Why are you sad? I'm not finding a new love and don't want you anymore. We're just separated for a while."

"Ah, ah~~"

"Be good, listen to me. I'll take you back when the storm is not so tight."


Looking at this scene of deep affection between man and dog, Li Meiqi was stunned!

After a few days of contact, she already knew that Zhaomei was very human, but she didn't expect it to be so smart.

For a moment, she actually felt like she was a bad person, breaking up a loving couple.

Oh, that's not right. Did I agree to take in Zhaomei?

"Xiang Aotu, what's going on? Why did you send Zhaomei away?"

Yan Chujiu sniffed, "Nothing, isn't it the summer solstice? We like eating dog meat here, Zhaomei doesn't have a dog license, nor has she been vaccinated, which means she is an illegal resident, and she will definitely die if she is found out..."

Li Meiqi interrupted with a smile, "It's not that difficult, you can just take her to get it done."

"You can help with it!"

"Me?" Li Meiqi pointed at herself, "Rely on


"You lost the game, I don't want the 5888 western food anymore, help me get a dog license for it and keep it for a while, isn't that too much?"

What he said made sense, Li Meiqi was speechless.

"It's a happy decision!" Yan Chujiu made the decision, looked at her and said, "Zhaomei is entrusted to you, you have to take good care of it!"

Li Meiqi didn't want to agree, she couldn't even take good care of herself, and she helped others raise a dog? Singles don't even consider it!

Just when she met Yan Chujiu's deep, clear and expectant eyes, she nodded for some reason, and even added, "Don't worry, I will take good care of it! "

After she said that, she wanted to slap herself in the face. What poison had poisoned her?

Yan Chujiu touched Zhaomei's dog head and warned her repeatedly, "When you get to my house, you must be obedient and have a good eye. Do the work if there is work, and eat less if there is food. Don't be annoying, okay?"


Zhaomei was obviously crying. Although she didn't shed tears, it was obvious from her expression.

Li Meiqi was stunned again. Is this a dog? It's clearly a person!

People don't have the rich emotions of this dog.

Yan Chujiu felt very uncomfortable and opened the car door, "I'm leaving!"

Li Meiqi shouted hurriedly, "Hey, come back!"

Yan Chujiu asked, "Don't you want to regret it?"

Li Meiqi rolled her eyes, "This place is dozens of kilometers away from Dongwan Village. Are you going back on foot?"

"Don't worry about me, go! "

Looking at his somewhat lost look, Li Meiqi felt bad, "Let me take you home, it might rain outside."

Yan Chujiu shook his head and got out of the car.

He didn't want Zhaomei to go back to Dongwan Village, even if she had to stay in the car and not get out, to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Facts have proved that his caution was right.

When he got a ride back to the Dongwan Village dock, he found that someone was posting a wanted notice - a dog search notice.

The notice was looking for the Tibetan mastiff and Zhaomei, with screenshots of the two dogs, and a reward of 5,000 yuan.

No need to ask, this must be Huang Liangkun's family looking for a dog.

Finding the dog is not the goal, but finding the dog's owner is, and they want the dog's owner to be responsible for Huang Liangkun.

Yan Chujiu After looking at the missing dog notice, he walked across the pier to the market without stopping.

When Yan Chujiu left the pier, Huang Zhihong and Huang Rishan had just returned from fishing.

Their harvest today… was almost nothing.

In the morning when it was not raining, Huang Zhihong did catch a fish, but that was all.

Just as he was about to show off, the rain began to fall, and the wind blew.

The waves became extremely turbulent, and the water surface was like a boiling pot, making it impossible to fish.

They were drenched from head to toe, and returned to the village in a very embarrassed state.

As a result, they found that the villagers looked at them ’s eyes were full of strangeness.

Originally thought they were being laughed at for getting caught in the rain.

When they got home, they found out that someone in the village had seen the video of them crawling like a dog on the mountain road on their mobile phone.

Some people even downloaded the video and forwarded it to various “loving families” groups.

One person spread it to ten, ten spread it to a hundred, and a hundred spread it to a thousand.

Now almost everyone in Dongwan Village knows about their embarrassing incident.

Now they have brought shame home!

After the rain stopped in the afternoon, Huang Zhihong and Huang Rishan could no longer stay in the village, because anyone who saw them would ask how the video was taken. What happened.

The two of them fled out of the village and went fishing again.

The wind was still strong, and the waves in Huiwan were raging!

Before one wave subsided, another wave came and attacked. There was no place to cast the fishing rod in the vast sea.

In order to avoid criticism, they did not go back to the village and spent time there until this time before returning.

It was exciting to catch fish, but it was naturally disappointing to catch fish without fishing!

The two of them felt ashamed to see people, and they were even more dejected after catching fish without fishing.

After entering the dock, they also saw the notice for finding a dog.

Huang Zhihong took a look at the notice and left, but after a few steps, he found Huang Rishan still standing there.

"Hey, why don't you leave?"

"Brother Hong, I think I have seen this dog!"

Huang Zhihong hurried back, "What?"

Huang Rishan pointed to the wolfhound above and said, "Isn't this the dog that Yan Chujiu and the female angler brought yesterday?"

Huang Zhihong was a little confused, "Is it? Why didn't I see it? "

"You were only focused on the long legs of the female angler, how could you see anything else?"

Huang Zhihong recalled carefully and felt that there seemed to be such a dog, but he was not sure!

As Huang Rishan said, his mind was indeed on the female angler at that time. Her legs were really long,

I was not in the mood to pay attention to other things.

After losing the game, I lost face and was so confused that I could not pay attention to anything else.

"Rishan, are you sure Yan Chujiu and the others really brought this wolfhound?"

"I am sure. I was very puzzled at the time. They clearly brought a dog at the beginning, but why did it disappear later? But I wished they would lose the dog, so I didn't say anything."

Huang Zhihong looked at the 5,000 yuan reward marked on the notice and laughed immediately, "You bastard, you made us so embarrassed, now you are finished. Come on, Rishan, let's go get the reward!"

Huang Rishan pointed to the phone number on it, "Don't you want to call first?"

"Why call? Can't you see it? This is the village chief's mobile phone number."

"Oh, let's go to the village chief's house!"

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