The fisherman was so busy that he was not very happy.

"Handsome boy, wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Yan Chujiu finally stopped when he heard the handsome boy and turned to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Li Meiqi was coy and stammered, "I'm this, that..."

Yan Chujiu asked sympathetically, "Do you want to take pictures of the fish?"

Li Meiqi shook her head hurriedly, "No!"

"Then... do you want to make friends with me and let me teach you how to fish?"

Li Meiqi was stunned. Before she had a deep relationship with this guy, he was like a worm in her stomach, and he knew everything she was thinking?

She really wanted to take pictures and post them on WeChat Moments!

Such a large wild blue grouper is rare, and it is even more difficult to catch it!

Although she didn't catch it, she helped to catch it.

She really wanted Yan Chujiu to teach her how to fish. Someone who could catch such a big fish with a broken rod must be a master among masters!

As the saying goes, if you lose a horse, you will never see it again!

She really wanted to learn from this master and exchange ideas with him to improve her mediocre fishing skills.

But Yan Chujiu said it all before she opened her mouth, and she was embarrassed to admit it.

"No, no!"

Yan Chujiu was puzzled, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I, I want to... buy your blue grouper!" Maggie Li had an idea and found an excuse, "Yes, I want to buy it. I have guests coming to my house tonight."


Yan Chujiu refused decisively.

After so many years of fishing, it was the first time he caught such a big fish. He was going to take the fish back to the village and take it around three times to bring honor to his family.

"I'll give you a hundred yuan..."

"Am I the one who needs that hundred yuan?"

Yan Chujiu interrupted with disdain. He didn't need a hundred yuan, but more than two hundred thousand yuan.

Li Meiqi immediately raised the price, "One hundred and fifty yuan a pound!"

Yan Chujiu swallowed subconsciously. This price was higher than the purchase price of those seafood restaurants, but he still wanted to struggle.

"You're wrong. I'm interested in money... No, I'm not just interested in money!"

Li Meiqi followed his gaze to her mountain and was immediately shocked.

This fisherman is male and likes women. It's normal and completely understandable!

But do you think I, Li Meiqi, would sell myself for a fish?

I think you're just dreaming!

Li Meiqi was angry and ready to spit out sweet words.

"If you add the rod in your hand, I can sell the fish to you."

Before she got angry, Yan Chujiu added a sentence at the right time.

Li Meiqi was relieved immediately.

So she just wanted a fishing rod, that was fine.

The fishing rod wasn't hers anyway, it was all from her father.

"Deal!" Li Meiqi stuffed the fishing rod into his hand, "I'll estimate this fish to be 12 pounds, isn't that too much?"


Yan Chujiu was generous for once, and didn't haggle with her. He even gave her his sturdy stone dog as a buy-one-get-one-free gift.

After the transaction was completed, Li Meiqi waved to the woods behind her.

A man in a suit appeared... Yan Chujiu realized it was a woman when he got closer.

Although she had short hair and sunglasses, she had no Adam's apple, her chest was bigger than a grapefruit, and her hips were wider than her shoulders.

She was silent, low-key, and had a stylish aura. At first glance, she was a bodyguard assistant and driver.

When she got closer, there was a faint murderous aura... No, it seemed like blood!

Yan Chujiu rubbed his nose, which had become so sensitive at some point, and couldn't figure out whether the smell coming from the female assistant was murderous or bloody, but he understood another thing.

The female fishing friend didn't come alone, she also brought minions with her!

Fortunately, she didn't mess around just now, otherwise she would have been beaten to a pulp.

Li Meiqi saw that the female assistant had packed up her things, so she raised her phone, which had been added as a friend, and said, "So... Xiang Aotu, let's go fishing together when we are free?"

Yan Chujiu nodded perfunctorily, "Okay, see you, Youyuan!"

Others say that fishing can not only make you rich, but also make friends and marry a wife.

Yan Chujiu didn't believe it before, but when he saw Li Meiqi's slender back leaving, he finally believed it a little.

This time, he really made a fortune!

Although the blue grouper was not small, it was of ordinary species and not very valuable. If it was sold to a fishmonger, it would be at most fifty yuan per catty.

Sold to Maggie Q, the price tripled to 1,800 yuan.

In less than an afternoon, I made 1,800 yuan, which is equivalent to the salary I earned as a technician.

Half a month's income from repairing water pipes.

This was something I could only dream of before!

In addition to the money, I also got a fishing rod for free!

This fishing rod is even more expensive!

Three big blue spots are not worth this rod!

Yan Chujiu, who knows the goods, recognized that this was a product of a large imported factory (I won't tell you what brand it is, and I won't pay for the advertising fee). Anyway, it is a good rod recognized by fishermen.

If it were in the past, Yan Chujiu would not be so happy, because no matter how good the fishing rod is, it is at best a toy for entertainment, and it can't be eaten.

But now that I have the ability to see through the water, it's completely different!

Maybe this is a production tool for making a fortune!

A huge fortune, I went to your house the day before yesterday, and to his house yesterday, so it should be my turn today, right?


"I once dreamed of traveling the world with a sword. I will go home first when I catch a big fish!"

Yan Chujiu smiled like a fool, picking up the remaining fish and preparing to go home. As a result, he found something strange when he came to the tricycle.

The bag that originally contained the fish was empty.

Where is the body?

Was it taken away by seabirds?

Or was it dismembered by sand crabs?

It can't be that it came back to life and escaped back to the sea, right?

Yan Chujiu was puzzled, and when he was about to look around, his cell phone rang.

"Chujiu, where are you?"

The caller was Yan Chujiu's aunt Su Yueqing, his only relative in the world.

Since his parents went fishing five years ago and both had an accident, Su Yueqing, who was only a few years older than Yan Chujiu, resolutely took on the responsibility of the family and shouldered the responsibility that she should not bear.

Yan Chujiu sympathized with his aunt's hard work in raising him, so although he was admitted to a key university in the college entrance examination, in order to reduce her burden, he secretly tore up the college admission letter he received, lied that he had failed the exam, and then started working to earn money to support the family.

The two depended on each other for life, and their age difference was only five or six years, so their relationship was naturally very good.

Yan Chujiu made a lot of money today and couldn't wait to share it with her.

"Aunt, I have good news to tell you, today..."

Su Yueqing rushed to tell her the bad news, "Chujiu, you hurry back, Zhaomei is almost beaten to death!"

Yan Chujiu's face changed drastically when he heard it, and he didn't bother to ask more questions, and hurriedly rode the tricycle to rush home.

I don't know if it was because he was anxious or what happened, but his legs became unusually strong and powerful.

The tricycle was pedaling so hard that the chain was almost smoking.

The journey home, which usually takes more than half an hour, was shortened to ten minutes.

After entering the village, he saw that the courtyard wall of his one-story, undecorated house was full of people!

"... stinky cousin, I tell you, if you don't pay me today, I will demolish your broken house."

Yan Chujiu heard shouting and cursing from a distance.

Rushing into the courtyard, Su Yueqing was sitting in the courtyard holding the dying Zhaomei.

A big, strong, fat man was pointing at her and cursing her.

Yan Chujiu recognized this fat man, named Huang Liangkun. To put it nicely, he was the bully of the younger generation in the village, but to put it bluntly, he was a gangster and a scoundrel.

He usually ate, drank, gambled, stole, bullied the weak, and did all kinds of evil.

The villagers dared to be angry but dared not speak out against his actions, because his father was the village chief and he had many brothers and sisters.

In addition, one-third of the nearly 700 households in the village are surnamed Huang, and almost all of them are related to his family, and the clan power is extremely strong.

"Aunt, what happened?"

Su Yueqing hurriedly told the story.

It turned out that when she was watering the vegetables in the vegetable field at the back, she suddenly heard Zhaomei's call, so she walked to the front to check what was going on.

She found that Huang Liangkun had sneaked into her yard at some point and was reaching out to steal several large abalones that she had dried on the dustpan.

Huang Liangkun was caught in the act of stealing, but he was still shamelessly smiling.

"Sister Qing, your abalone is fat and big, and it looks delicious. I want to try it! You shouldn't be so stingy as to not give it to me, right?"

Su Yueqing saw that he was stealing things, and his mouth was dirty and his words were full of ulterior motives. She was so angry that she trembled all over, but she didn't dare to get angry.

This scumbag is not only a gangster, but also got a manager in the dock market through his father's relationship.

If she offended him, it would be difficult for her to make a living in the market in the future.

Good horses are often bullied, and good people are often taken advantage of.

Seeing that she did not dare to speak out, Huang Liangkun became even more aggressive, and he grabbed her hand and said, "Where is Chujiu? Not at home, that's great, I have a few words to talk to you."

"What are you doing?" Su Yueqing struggled to break free from the grip she was holding.

He grabbed her hand and shouted angrily, "Let go, let go quickly, or I'll call for help!"

Huang Liangkun looked around and found that not only Yan Chujiu was not at home, but there was no one around either. He became mad and started pushing Su Yueqing into the house.

What did he want to do by pushing her in?


Zhaomei, who was eager to protect her master, screamed and roared loudly.

Yes, Zhaomei is not a person, she is a dog.

Yan Chujiu often went out to work, and was not sure about her beautiful aunt being alone, so he bought a dog to accompany her!

He didn't want a male, so he chose a female and named her Zhaomei.

Huang Liangkun naturally didn't take a local dog seriously, and kicked it directly, sending it flying backwards.

Zhaomei got up and pounced on him again, biting his calf.

Huang Liangkun was completely enraged and kicked it to death.

With such a big noise, the neighbors "finally" heard it and ran to check.

Huang Liangkun saw someone coming, so he naturally wouldn't be so stupid as to push Su Yueqing into the house again, but he bit back.

He claimed that he was just passing by outside, and the dog suddenly jumped out and bit him, so Su Yueqing must pay for it.

In fact, everyone knew who was right and who was wrong, but no one dared to interfere because of his power.

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