The goose was in a state of panic, and the goose was in a state of panic.

"Hey, why are you still in a daze? Give it some wine!"

Yan Chujiu heard his aunt's urging, and hurriedly came to his senses and poured white wine into the goose's mouth, about one or two taels.

There are three benefits to pouring some white wine into the goose before repairing it: first, it can make its pores stand up, making it easier to pluck feathers; second, it can reduce the struggle during bleeding, making it less painful; third, it can remove the fishy smell and make the goose meat more delicious.

After pouring the wine, Yan Chujiu let the goose go.

After a while, the goose, which was drunk with alcohol, was shaking and couldn't stand steadily, making a hoarse sound.

You got me drunk, you chopped me into pieces, the pain was so severe that I couldn't take it back...

Yan Chujiu had tears of sympathy on his lips, he grabbed the wings and head of the goose with one hand, held the knife with the other, and cut its throat without blinking.

Then he held the goose's body tightly with both hands to prevent it from moving!

Su Yueqing put a bowl of water with a little salt under its neck to catch the goose's blood.

The murder scene was a bit cruel, but it was normal, the law of the jungle has always been the law of nature.

After bleeding, Yan Chujiu put it in hot water, soaked it for about a minute, and then took it out to pluck the feathers.

There are also rules and sequences for plucking feathers, east and west, you will feel that there are so many feathers on the goose, you can't pluck them all in this lifetime.

First the right wing, shoulder, then the left wing, back, abdomen, tail, neck...

The two worked together, and soon the goose was stripped white and clean!

After completing this crucial step, Su Yueqing no longer needed Yan Chujiu's help and rushed him to take a shower. The seafood smell on his body almost suffocated him.

Yan Chujiu didn't rush to take a shower, but first fixed the lock on the back door.

After the repair, it still felt unreliable, so he installed two more locks that could only be opened from the inside.

After the door was completely fixed, he went into the shower room and washed himself thoroughly inside and out.

When he came out, the goose stewed in the iron pot was almost ready.

The rich aroma of meat was overflowing and filled the whole kitchen, making Yan Chujiu almost cry.

The goose weighing more than ten pounds was not enough for two people to eat in three meals, so Su Yueqing didn't cook any other dishes, but just washed some lettuce and kept it aside.

The goose was not shoveled up and taken out, but was gently bubbling in the big pot.

The aunt and nephew each had a stool and sat by the stove to eat like a hot pot.

The goose raised at home is obviously much better than the ones bought outside.

The meat is firm, with fat and lean parts.

Each piece of meat fully absorbs the essence of the soup, and the skin looks golden.

The meat is tender and boneless, with a pure and juicy taste, smooth and chewy, and has an endless aftertaste!

Yan Chujiu couldn't stop eating.

Su Yueqing prefers chicken, but only likes roast goose for goose, and doesn't like goose stewed in an iron pot so much.

After eating a few pieces of meat in a row, she felt a little greasy, so she put some washed lettuce into the pot, and didn't blanch it for too long. She quickly took it out when the color turned dark green.

The green vegetables that absorbed the goose juice were fragrant and crispy, refreshing and delicious, and they were quite refreshing!

Su Yueqing originally thought that such a big goose would definitely not be finished by two people in one meal, but in the end she still underestimated her nephew who has now become a glutton.

Yan Chujiu showed off the whole pot of goose meat, and even the soup was gone, which he ate with rice.

Su Yueqing couldn't help shaking her head, "I can't afford it, I really can't afford it!"


Yan Chujiu, who was full and satisfied, smiled and wiped his mouth, loosened his belt, and then paid.

"Ding, 9,000 yuan has been deposited into Ji Fubao!"

Su Yueqing's eyes widened immediately, "This, so much?"

"The barnacles were sold for more than 7,000, plus Huang Zhihong's family lost 2,000."

Looking at the balance in the account, it was more than 20,000!

Even if he returned 5,000 to Huang Fugui in a few days, he would still have more than 10,000 left.

"Chujiu, I... am a little panicked!"

"What are you panicking about?"

Su Yueqing took a breath and said, "For so long, our family has never had so much surplus food!"

"Auntie, calm down, it's just the prelude."

Su Yueqing asked subconsciously, "What's next?"

Of course, the next step is to run to the sea, go farther and deeper, and earn more money!

However, going to sea is a taboo topic for the aunt and nephew, because Yan Chujiu's parents died in the sea, and the two have always been very secretive about it.

It's not time to go to sea yet, because you need a boat to go to sea, and you need money to buy a boat!

At present,

, I made a little money, but it's not enough to pay off the debt.

I have to pay off the debt first, and then think about other things.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and walk one step at a time.

If you take too big a step, you may easily pull your balls or even fall.

As a person, Yan Chujiu thinks that you have to be down-to-earth to work harder!

"Hey!" Su Yueqing stretched out her hand and waved it in front of him, "I'm asking you a question! Why are you suddenly in a daze?"

Yan Chujiu came back to his senses and said, "Of course, you will eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks later, and you will be very happy. You will sleep until you wake up naturally every day, and count money until your hands cramp."

"I'm afraid of the opposite!"


"Count money until you wake up naturally, and sleep until your legs cramp!"

Yan Chujiu: "ヽ(‘⌒´メ)ノ"

Su Yueqing looked at his nephew who was now much taller than himself and getting stronger day by day, and remembered something.

"Chujiu, you handed over all the money, don't you keep some for yourself?"

"Why should I keep money?"

"What if you want to go out with that female fishing friend... ahem, have a meal or something?"

"Don't worry about that!"

"Have you already left money?"

"No!" Yan Chujiu shook her head, "She will pay."

Su Yueqing laughed and cried, "You are a grown man, how can you let a woman pay for a meal?"

"What's there to be embarrassed about? Only a truly capable man can make a woman willingly pay for a meal."

Su Yueqing shook her head slightly secretly, not agreeing with his point of view at all, but she was relieved, because with such a personality, he would definitely not be a licking dog, but would only let others lick him.

Seeing the pile of goose bones that Yan Chujiu had gnawed out, and it was obvious that it would be sold to Aunt Huang's dog next door, Su Yueqing couldn't help but say, "Chujiu, I miss Zhaomei a little bit."

Yan Chujiu looked heartless, "That stupid dog is eating better than you now, what's there to miss!"

"When will Zhaomei come back?"

Yan Chujiu was also troubled by this matter. It was not easy to send it away, but it was even more difficult to bring it back.

However, Zhaomei had to come back anyway, and the family had to be together.

The key is that it can dive now, and its sense of smell is as sensitive as a dog. If it is used well, it will be a super good helper for fishing in the sea, and it will make money faster.

"Let's wait a few days and see the situation first!"

Su Yueqing nodded. She was just talking, knowing that Zhaomei could never come back now.

If it comes back, it will not be as simple as turning into dog meat stew, the whole family will suffer.

Huang Defa is not Huang Ziming. He is almost like a local tyrant in Dongwan Village.

"By the way, your female fishing friend has helped us so much. When can we ask her to come to our house for a meal? Let's thank her properly?"

"No need. She lost the bet with me. She deserves to help me find Zhao Mei."

Su Yueqing smiled bitterly. This is really a straight man. Is it as simple as thanking him for coming to my house for a meal?

Well done, you don't have to draw a map on your pants in the future!

You can't talk about people during the day and ghosts at night.

If you talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao will call.

Li Meiqi sent a video call invitation to Yan Chujiu at this time.

As soon as the call was connected, Maggie Q said anxiously, "Xiang Aotu, it's bad, Zhaomei is going to die!"

Yan Chujiu was startled, "Calm down and explain clearly, what happened to Zhaomei?"

"It's sick!"

"What's the disease?"

"Cancer, late stage!"

"Huh!?" Yan Chujiu jumped up, "How do you know, did you take it to the hospital?"

"No, I guessed!"

Yan Chujiu was sweating, "You're not a doctor, what are you guessing, and how do you determine that it has cancer?"

"It's shedding hair all the time now, it's quite serious, my house is full of dog hair!"

Yan Chujiu was sweating, "Hair loss equals cancer? What kind of logic is that!"

"I saw cancer patients on TV, and they all ended up with bald hair..."

"Sister!" Yan Chujiu was defeated and said weakly, "Cancer doesn't cause hair loss, only chemotherapy and radiotherapy will."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm not well-educated, so I won't lie to you."

Li Meiqi asked in confusion, "Then why is it losing hair?"

"It could be a skin disease, or it could be physiological hair loss." Yan Chujiu urged, "Whatever it is, let me see it first."

Li Meiqi shook her head, "I can't see it, it's in the doghouse now and won't come out. No matter how I call it, it's useless."

"Your calling is useless, but it doesn't mean I'm calling it useless!"

Li Meiqi said angrily, "Okay, if you're that good, come on!"

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