The price of chili sauce is wrong.

(In the last chapter, a friend pointed out that the price of chili sauce was wrong. If it was only 10 yuan a bottle before, it is now 30 yuan a bottle, and it should make more than 20 yuan a bottle. Six thousand bottles should make at least more than 120,000 yuan. Forgive the math teacher who teaches physical education at the same time. I have corrected it. Thank you for the correction.)


"Fellow villager... No, Uncle Quan and Aunt Huang, open the door, I'm here to bring you chili sauce!"

Zhou Baoquan's house, which was originally lit, suddenly became dark when Yan Chujiu's voice sounded.

Yan Chujiu called for a long time outside, but there was no response from inside.

The couple huddled in bed, not daring to make a sound or even move.

"Looks like he's asleep! I'll come back tomorrow to see if his water pipe needs to be repaired."

The couple was terrified.

Until they heard the footsteps fade away and there was no movement outside, Zhou Baoquan said in a trembling voice, "I think that little rabbit is determined."

"Then, then... let him repair it?"

Zhou Baoquan's eyes widened, "Are you crazy?"

"But he keeps doing this, what should we do?"

"It's all your fault. You used to take advantage of him at every turn. Now, isn't it? He wants to take revenge on us completely."

"How could I know that an honest man could be so terrible when he gets bad? Don't talk about these things without waiting for food or drink. Think about what to do?"

"You should go back to your parents' home early tomorrow morning. Didn't you say that your corn hasn't been harvested yet? Go and help!"

Huang Xiang'er was reluctant. The sun was so strong now, and the field was stuffy and hot. She was afraid that she would really get tanned into a yellow-faced woman.

"You can avoid the first day, but not the ninth day! I think we should..."

Zhou Baoquan interrupted him, "Anyway, you go back first, I'll see how to apologize to him and make him feel better. Stop him from thinking about... repairing the water pipe."

Huang Xiang'er seemed to be very disappointed and sighed, "Okay!"


The luxurious villa of the village chief Huang Defa was still brightly lit at this time.

Huang Defa's family was having a barbecue party, which was a regular party held by his family every month!

The nine cousins ​​who came were close to him, and of course they were also the most prominent people among the Huangs in the village.

In the back yard, several people were sitting around a big table eating, drinking and chatting.

They were eating grilled oysters and drinking seahorse wine!

When you reach middle age, if you don't know how to make up, your wife will make things difficult for you.

But Huang Defa was not at the table. He was in a study room similar to an office.

The nine cousins ​​who came went in one by one to see him and talk about things.

Yes, eating and drinking is not the purpose, talking is.

This style is a bit like the emperor in the imperial study.

To put it in a more pretentious way, it is the taste of the leader summoning the leaders of each group.

Huang Baogui saw someone coming out, so he picked up a bag he brought with him and walked in.

"Brother Fa!"

After entering the door, he saw Huang Defa sitting on the mahogany sofa and brewing Kung Fu tea, so he took the initiative to greet him.

Huang Defa glanced at him, "Where is your brother?"

Huang Baogui is Huang Fugui's younger brother, and Huang Fugui is the creditor of Yan Chujiu's family.

In the past, Huang Fugui came to such gatherings, but since two years ago, he has come less and less, and this year he has not come at all, and sent his younger brother Huang Baogui to participate.

"My brother is in the city. He is going to attend a meeting organized by Deputy District Chief Chen tonight and can't make it back."

Huang Defa laughed instead of getting angry, "Oh, it seems that Fugui is getting better and better. It's not so easy for me to see him."

Huang Baogui said timidly, "Brother Fa, don't be angry. He really can't get away..."

"Why should I be angry? He has a promising future. I can't wait to be happy! Dragons swim and dive to attract shrimps. Only the rivers and seas can better show their strengths. Don't you think so?"

"...Yes, yes!"

Huang Defa pointed to the seat opposite him, "Sit down, why are you standing? You are not an outsider!"

Huang Baogui did not sit down, and hurriedly handed over the bag in his hand, "Brother Fa, this month's bonus!"

Huang Defa took a look and saw that there were about three bundles of red banknotes in it. There was no expression on his face.

Huang Baogui saw that his face looked a little off, so he quickly said, "Brother Fa, it's a fishing ban period recently, and fishing boats can't go out to sea, so there's no income at all, so..."

Huang Defa waved his hand, "There's no need for us to have different opinions as family. How could I not know what's going on now? Just get through these few months!"

Huang Baogui was so

He breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the sofa opposite.

Huang Defa took a cigar from the table and threw it to him, "Try it, someone brought it back from Cuba!"

Huang Baogui took it and imitated what he saw on TV, using a tobacco cutter to cut it.

But he didn't cut it right. This kind of cigar with a round head and a round tail should be cut at both ends, but he only cut one end.

After lighting it, he took a puff, but there was no smoke, so he took two puffs, but there was still no smoke, so he realized that the other end also needed to be cut.

After cutting it again, he took a big puff, and as a result, he was choked and coughed continuously, almost coughing out his lungs.

Huang Defa smiled and shook his head, "You, you are really a wild boar that can't eat fine bran!"

Huang Baogui smiled, put out the cigar, took out his own cigarette and lit it.

Huang Defa pushed a cup of brewed Tieguanyin over and asked, "How is your brother now? The last time I saw him was when he came to pay me New Year's greetings!"

Huang Baogui hesitated for a moment before saying, "He is now focusing on the Dawan District. He wants to partner with others to build a large freight terminal. He usually doesn't come back to the village unless there is something special."

Huang Defa's brows finally frowned slightly, "What about his fleet and seafood trading business in the village? Have you handed it over to you completely?"

"Yes! Brother Fa, don't worry, although I have taken over this, it will still be the same as in the past. I will not pay less than a penny."

"Talking about money between brothers hurts feelings, you can do whatever you want!" Huang Defa waved his hand to stop the topic, and then changed the subject, "But there are some things you still need to pay attention to!"

"Brother Fa, You say, I remember. "

"First, during the fishing ban period, it is best not to let your boat go out to sea privately. If something happens, I can't stop you!"


"Second, you must not take the seafood from Xiaoshi to the trading company for resale. The food there is not edible now. If you are discovered, I can't stop you either!"

"I won't. How could I do such a thing against my conscience? Everyone knows that the pollution there is serious!"

"Third, the contract your brother signed with the village will expire in three months. Whether to renew it is not something I can decide alone. It must be discussed and approved by all members of the village committee. You two brothers had better make some preparations!"

Huang Baogui's face was bitter. He thought that he would not be beaten if he paid money during the fishing ban period, but he didn't expect that he would still be beaten.

This so-called preparation obviously meant that the two brothers should be sensible. To be more precise, it was two words: pay money!

"Okay, I know. I'll tell my brother later."

Huang Defa shook his head slightly, "Some businesses your brother can do, but you may not."

Huang Baogui asked hurriedly, "What business?"

Huang Defa did not answer, but just said, "Let's have tea!"

After chatting for a few more words, Huang Baogui was ready to leave, but after thinking about it, he pretended to be concerned and asked, "Brother Fa, how is Liangkun now?"

Huang Defa sighed, "Not very good, he is still paralyzed in the hospital!"

"What did the doctor say?"

"He said that he will most likely become a cripple in the future!"

Huang Baogui showed a surprised expression, "Is it so serious? Then Did the two dogs find it? "" One of the wolf dogs is a bit of a clue. You are all familiar. Finding this Tibetan mastiff should be easier than me. "" This ... "" Valuable! "Huang Defa's eyes suddenly looked at him," You shouldn't you even help this? " "Huang Huminggui finally understood it when he heard it. He did not discuss with you at all, but announced his decision. The party soon ended. The people who finished speaking did not stay and left one after another. After Huang Defa sent the man away, he called Huang Rishan.

Weirdly, Huang Rishan's phone was turned off.

In this age where people are always using their phones, why did Huang Rishan turn it off?

Huang Defa felt that something was wrong, so he called Huang Zhihong instead.

Damn it, although Huang Zhihong's phone was not turned off, he did not answer the call.

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