The manor was completely surrounded by iron railings. The two of them walked around for a long time before finally finding the main gate. It was a black iron gate with a warning sign on the side: Private manor, no entry without permission, there are vicious dogs inside, and you will be at your own risk if you trespass. In addition, there is no contact information such as a phone number. It can be seen that the owner of the manor is very Buddhist, or to put it bluntly, he is very cool: I grow things, you can buy them or not, if you don’t want to buy them, forget it. In general, even if the owner of such a manor does not make a sign, he will leave a phone number in a conspicuous place. Along the way, they saw a lot of homemade billboards on the roadside, although they were all selling chickens, ducks, fish, shrimps, etc.

Since they found it, Yan Chujiu didn't say much nonsense and hurried up to knock on the iron gate, "Is there anyone? Is there anyone inside?"

After a while, there was movement inside.

Two vicious dogs that looked like calves, baring their teeth and barking, rushed towards them!

Almost in the blink of an eye, they rushed in front of them!

"Oh my God!"

Su Yueqing was frightened and screamed!

Yan Chujiu hurriedly pulled her behind him.

Fortunately, the iron gate was closed tightly, and the two vicious dogs, although ferocious, could not get out.

Despite this, Su Yueqing was also scared enough, and pulled Yan Chujiu and said, "Let's go, let's go quickly!"

Yan Chujiu was reluctant to leave. It was not easy to find Xiao Quejiao. How could he give up easily because of two animals!

"Hey!" Yan Chujiu tried to negotiate with the two dogs, "We are locals, give us some face, stop yelling, go call your mistress out, I have a business to discuss with her!"

The two vicious dogs didn't care whether you were local or foreign, they still barked and roared.

"Don't be like that, I have a Zhaomei at home, she looks similar to you, very beautiful, now she's on vacation, I'll introduce her to you later!"

The two vicious dogs were obviously not human, seeing that he dared to squeak and bark even more fiercely.

"You don't even give face to the locals? You are too bad at being dogs, sooner or later you will end up as dog meat stew!"

I don't know if the two vicious dogs understood or didn't understand, anyway, they became more ferocious!

One began to stand up, scratching the iron gate with its front two claws, and the other kept bumping and arching below.

Su Yueqing saw that they were about to break out of the door at any time, and her legs were so scared that they went limp.

"Chujiu, this isn't Zhaomei, she doesn't understand you, let's go! I'm so scared!"

Yan Chujiu turned around and saw that his aunt was so frightened that she couldn't even stand.

The two dogs couldn't communicate, so he had to take her away first.

At this time, Yan Chujiu missed Zhaomei very much, and felt that if she was here, she would wink at the two dogs, and everything would be fine.



"Brother Hong, let's stop arguing, I think I heard a dog barking!"

Huang Zhihong listened carefully, "It's not just seeming, there is really a dog barking, right where the aunt and nephew stopped."

"Could they have hidden the wolfhound here?"

"Damn!" Huang Zhihong cursed, "They hid the dog so far away. No wonder Huang Defa couldn't find it after searching the entire Dongwan Village!"

This place is really far away from Dongwan Village, almost 30 kilometers away.

"But it should be hidden farther away. If the dog is discovered, with solid evidence, given Huang Defa's sinister character, his nephew Yan Chujiu will probably have to work for Huang Liangkun for the rest of his life!"

"Hey, they're gone. Come on, let's go up and take a look!"

Huang Rishan saw that the tricycle had really disappeared, so he quickly started his motorcycle and drove forward.

Inside the iron gate, the two vicious dogs had returned to the doghouse that was invisible from the outside.

Huang Rishan and Huang Zhihong looked around furtively outside for a long time, but still didn't see the dogs.

"Where are the dogs?"

"I don't know. I just heard a dog barking here!"

"How about... let's climb in and take a look?"


The two climbed the iron gate and wanted to climb in to check!

They climbed halfway and hadn't turned over yet.

The two vicious dogs had heard the sound and came over, barking at them non-stop.

The two quickly got down from the iron gate.

They were not very skilled, but they were very courageous. Seeing that the two dogs were completely blocked by the iron gate and could not get out, they not only did not leave,

Instead, he came closer to take a closer look.

"Rishan, how can there be two?"

Huang Rishan was also at a loss, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

"Take a quick look at the photo, can you match it up!"

Huang Rishan quickly took out the surveillance screenshots Huang Defa gave him, and identified the two dogs.

They look very similar, but he can't be sure!

Although they are of the same species, they are both Czech wolfhounds!

The one in the screenshot seems to be thinner and more slender than these two.

But even so, Huang Rishan quickly took out his mobile phone and kept taking pictures of the two dogs, ready to take them back to Huang Defa for the task.

The two vicious dogs saw that someone else had come, and this group of two people was more arrogant than before, and they completely treated them as transparent.

Not only did they want to get up, but they also patted them fearlessly, which made them even more irritable and fierce.

One of them was madly pushing at the iron gate, and after a while, it broke through the welded iron sheet and rushed out.

After that, without thinking twice, it bit Huang Zhihong's calf fiercely.


Huang Zhihong screamed in pain like a pig being slaughtered.

When the other vicious dog saw its companion get out, it also rushed out and pounced on Huang Rishan, who had already fled when he saw the situation was not good.

Huang Rishan quickly jumped on the motorcycle, and when he saw the vicious dog chasing and biting, he didn't care about Huang Zhihong at all, and hurriedly ran away.

After chasing for ten meters, the vicious dog saw that it couldn't catch up, so it immediately turned around and rushed towards the man who was entangled with its companion.

Now, Huang Zhihong was completely in trouble, being attacked from both sides by the two vicious dogs and bitten wildly.



Yan Chujiu rode the tricycle forward for a long time, and when he saw that the distance was safe enough, he stopped.

"Aunt, why don't you stay here and I'll go back and take a look."

Su Yueqing hurriedly grabbed him, "Why are you going back? Those two dogs are so fierce, it would be terrible if they were bitten!"

"But there are the chili peppers we are looking for, and there are a lot of them. If we can buy them, we can meet our needs for making chili sauce!"

Su Yueqing still shook her head, "Don't go back, there is no one there, didn't you see just now? There is a U-shaped lock under the iron door."

Yan Chujiu didn't notice this detail, but since it was locked, there was no one inside, and it was useless to go back.

Looking around, he found a two-and-a-half-story villa with a yard not far ahead.

"Aunt, I'll go there to find out who owns this plantation!"

"I'll go with you!"

The two walked forward and saw a doorbell on the side of the gate, so they rang it.

But after waiting for a long time, there was still silence inside.

Judging from the situation, most of them were not at home.

The aunt and nephew were very frustrated. It was not a good start!

At this time, a Land Rover drove up from behind, honked the horn lightly in front of the door, and then stopped.

The driver was a man who looked about 60 years old, maybe even older, anyway, he looked very energetic!

After getting out of the car, he asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Yan Chujiu asked hurriedly, "Uncle, is this your house?"

The uncle was old and had a bad temper, and immediately asked back in a bad mood, "It's not mine, is it yours?"

Yan Chujiu wanted to say something, but Su Yueqing had already pulled him behind him, then took off her hat and face towel, and smiled before she spoke.

"Uncle, excuse me, we want to find out who owns the manor in front!"

The uncle's hobby was very obvious. As soon as Su Yueqing came up, his face that looked like the whole world owed him money eased.

"Why are you asking about this?"

"We saw a lot of chili peppers in the manor, and we want to buy some to make chili sauce!"

The old man shook his head, "No need to ask, they are not for sale!"

Yan Chujiu couldn't help but interrupt and asked, "How do you know?"

"The manor is mine, how could I not know?"

It turned out that the old man in front of him was the owner of the manor, no wonder he was so arrogant.

Yan Chujiu said shamelessly, "Uncle, you grow so many chili peppers, you probably can't eat them all, sell some to us, if it's a question of price, we can discuss it!"

The old man glared at him strangely, "Do you think I'm short of money?"

With such a big manor and such a luxurious villa, and a big Land Rover with him, he is naturally not short of money.

This has a new saying: I'm not afraid of the old man's hardship, I'm afraid of the old man driving a Land Rover!

If the old man was a poor farmer who was short of money, this matter would probably be much easier to discuss.

"Uncle, we urgently need a batch of small chili peppers to make chili sauce. We have already searched for them in many villages..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The old man waved his hand impatiently, "If you don't want to sell it, then don't sell it. No matter how much money you pay, I need the pepper myself!"

The aunt and nephew were helpless and prepared to leave!

If they don't want to, you can't force them to buy or sell it!

At this moment, the window of the rear seat of the Land Rover was pressed down.

A girl with disheveled hair and sleepy eyes looked out, "Grandpa, what's wrong? What happened?"

"It's okay, my dear granddaughter, you're awake, and we're home too!" The old man smiled very kindly, and then shouted at the aunt and nephew with a stern face, "Hey, don't get in the way here, hurry up!"

This old man is obviously very sober.

Some people show their best side to strangers and leave their worst attitude to their family.

The old man is completely the opposite.

But so what, Yan Chujiu doesn't like him at all, let alone wish him a long life.

"Hey, is it you?"

When Yan Chujiu was pulling Su Yueqing to leave, the girl in the car screamed in surprise, then got out of the car in a hurry and came to Yan Chujiu.

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